Hillary Clinton exhibits all of the symptoms of kuru: a disease resulting from cannibalism


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie
Clinton Kuru Disease Diagnosis and Involvement in Spirit Cooking (Video)

CRITICAL INFORMATION: Kuru disease is known as the “laughing sickness” due to the pathological bursts of laughter which are a symptom of the disease.

Let’s analyze this video of Hillary Clinton.

What are the symptoms of kuru?

  • - difficulty walking
  • - poor coordination
  • - difficulty swallowing
  • - slurred speech
  • - moodiness and behavioral changes
  • - dementia
  • - muscle twitching and tremors
  • - inability to grasp objects
  • - random, compulsive laughing or crying
What are the causes of kuru?

Kuru belongs to a class of diseases called transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), also called prion diseases. It primarily affects the cerebellum — the part of your brain responsible for coordination and balance. Unlike most infections or infectious agents, kuru is not caused by a bacteria, virus, or fungus. Infectious, abnormal proteins known as prions cause kuru. Prions are not living organisms and do not reproduce. They are inanimate, misshapen proteins that multiply in the brain and form clumps, hindering normal brain processes.You can contract the disease by eating an infected brain...

Also, let's not forget Hillary's mysterious, green balls:

And, of course, there's Reza Aslan's video of eating human brain matter:

Wtf is wrong with liberals?
Crooked Hillary seems to suffer from Parkinson's Disease. Poor thing. Should have been institutionalized 10 years ago.

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