Hillary Clinton Blasts Trump’s ‘Streak of Racism,’ ‘Whole Package of Bigotry

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Hillary Clinton accused President Donald Trump of having a long “streak of racism” and “the whole package of bigotry” in an interview with The Guardian.

Read more at breitbart.com ...

She should talk about a long streak of bigotry!



1) fake news.

2) doctored photo.

what else is new?

Did Hillary Clinton Wear Blackface at a Costume Party?

FACT CHECK: Did Hillary Clinton Wear Blackface at a Costume Party?

Trump surrogate apologizes for Clinton blackface tweet


08/30/2016 08:31 AM EDT

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Pastor Mark Burns, a prominent surrogate of Donald Trump, apologized on Tuesday after retweeting a digitally manipulated image of Hillary Clinton in blackface, only the latest in a series of tweets shared from his account accusing the Democratic nominee of pandering to black voters.
Trump surrogate apologizes for Clinton blackface tweet
1) fake news.

2) doctored photo.

what else is new?

Did Hillary Clinton Wear Blackface at a Costume Party?

FACT CHECK: Did Hillary Clinton Wear Blackface at a Costume Party?

Trump surrogate apologizes for Clinton blackface tweet


08/30/2016 08:31 AM EDT

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Pastor Mark Burns, a prominent surrogate of Donald Trump, apologized on Tuesday after retweeting a digitally manipulated image of Hillary Clinton in blackface, only the latest in a series of tweets shared from his account accusing the Democratic nominee of pandering to black voters.
Trump surrogate apologizes for Clinton blackface tweet
let's JUST IGNORE THE FACTS AND PICTURES... They are not considered facts... Damn... Where is that BleachBit when you need it?
1) fake news.

2) doctored photo.

what else is new?

Did Hillary Clinton Wear Blackface at a Costume Party?

FACT CHECK: Did Hillary Clinton Wear Blackface at a Costume Party?

Trump surrogate apologizes for Clinton blackface tweet


08/30/2016 08:31 AM EDT

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Pastor Mark Burns, a prominent surrogate of Donald Trump, apologized on Tuesday after retweeting a digitally manipulated image of Hillary Clinton in blackface, only the latest in a series of tweets shared from his account accusing the Democratic nominee of pandering to black voters.
Trump surrogate apologizes for Clinton blackface tweet
Hillary is a well-known racist. And when she shows it....there is no arguing it.
But she knows what side her bread is buttered on.


Top Ten Examples Of Hillary Clinton’s Racism The Media Chooses To Ignore

June 11, 2016| by Brian Anderson

The liberal media, democrats, and even some Republicans are going crazy over Donald Trump’s “racism.” For the record, the GOP nominee has made comments against illegal alien criminals and Islamic terrorists, but has never attacked or spoken ill of anyone’s race. Hillary Clinton on the other hand has a long and sordid history of making racist remarks, but somehow gets a free pass.

If the media wants to focus on the racism of the presidential candidates, why are they ignoring these 10 prime examples:


#1 – In 1974, after Bill Clinton lost his bid for a Senate seat, Hillary lashed out at campaign manager Paul Fray calling him a, “f*cking Jew bastard!” This outburst was witnessed and confirmed by 3 people, so it definitely happened.

#2 – As First Lady, Hillary called young black men “super-predators” indicating that she thought all young black males were violent criminals. She also said, “We have to bring them to heel,” like young blacks are the same as dogs. Despite thinking this was incredibly racist, blacks still support Hillary.

#3 – While serving in the US Senate, Hillary tried to make a joke that disparaged a civil rights icon and demeaned all people from India. “I love this quote. It’s from Mahatma Gandhi. He ran a gas station down in St. Louis for a couple of years. Mr. Gandhi, do you still go to the gas station?” asked Clinton.

#4 – In 2005 Hillary said, “I am adamantly against illegal immigrants.” She also, as a Senator, voted to construct a wall between the US and Mexico. Considering the main “proof” of Trump’s racism is that he opposes illegal immigration and wants to build a wall, isn’t it odd that Hillary gets off for having said the same thing?

#5 – During the 2008 democratic primaries Hillary Clinton’s campaign started the “birther” rumors, questioning Obama’s US citizenship. They even circulated the now famous picture of Obama in full Muslim garb. Somehow Trump’s campaign to get Obama to release his birth certificate is racist, but Hillary’s role in starting the birther movement is not.

#6 – Also during the 2008 presidential race, Hillary’s husband Bill said this of Obama: “A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.” Hillary didn’t say this one but her husband did and she certainly never disavowed it.

#7 – Shortly after announcing her candidacy, Hillary said “all lives matter” in a black church. I don’t think this one is racist, but lefties, black activists, and Hillary herself all do, so it makes the list. Plus as is the case with most of this stuff, if Trump had said it liberals would freak the hell out.

#8 – In November of 2015, Hillary called people in this country illegally “illegal aliens.” Trump is a racist when he says “illegal aliens,” why isn’t Hillary?

#9 – In April of this year, Hillary joined NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio on stage at a democratic fundraiser for a scripted joke about how lazy black people are. The two liberals made reference to “colored people’s time” which is a super-racist way of saying black people are chronically tardy and lethargic.

#10 – April was a great month for Hillary’s racism, as she also made a comment disparaging Native Americans. She said she had experience dealing with wild men when they “get off the reservation.” In essence she said Native Americans are savages who must be segregated from the rest of society.

As a bonus:

#11 – On a black radio show, Hillary pandered to black voters by claiming she always carries hot sauce in her purse. It was racist when Donald Trump pandered Hispanics by eating a taco bowl, but not racist when Hillary pandered blacks. How does that work?

To recap: Trump has said that some illegal aliens are criminals, suggested a judge with ties to a radical racist Mexican group may be biased, and offered the opinion that we do more to keep radical Islamic Terrorists from getting into the country. These things that have nothing to do with race are why the media constantly tells us Trump is a racist. Top Ten Examples Of Hillary Clinton’s Racism The Media Chooses To Ignore

The real Hillary was killed long ago these are Russian clones doubles the Soviets replaced all of the Rockefellers people back in the day the collusion and the Cold War has never ended if you want proof you need to research dr. Peter beter clones on Google
Hillary Clinton accused President Donald Trump of having a long “streak of racism” and “the whole package of bigotry” in an interview with The Guardian.

Read more at breitbart.com ...

She should talk about a long streak of bigotry!




these dumb fuckers are so out of touch

that they do not even know

how easy it is to look at their past

Every example of Trump's presumed racism is contrived, slanted, falsified, or grossly exaggerated. He has hired, promoted, or otherwise supported literally thousands of Blacks, women, gays, jews...you name it.

He has been a bit of a horn-dog with respect to women, but generally left them better off than he found them - in sharp contrast to Slick Willie.

His "racism" is nothing more than yet another manifestation of TDS.
While the "Bill" kinda looks like Bill, he really doesn't look like Bill. By the shape of the face you can tell in a second that the woman in the picture isn't Hillary Clinton.
Even responding to anything Ma Barker Clinton says is giving her credence she simply doesn't deserve.
She is human dumpster fire of a person.
When are certain people going to learn that everyone having a preference does not make everyone racist/prejudice/bias?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. In my opinion, a complete and total ruckus shouldn't be made until a person is no longer here because of another person's feelings.

Wow, I just assumed the pic was real. But after it's pointed out that Hillary's eyes are blue and clearly, that is not Bill Clinton. The face is wrong, Bill is much taller than Hillary, and in the same pic that is not cropped as much, Bill never had muscular arms the way this guy does.

Just shows how low the right wing will go.

Hillary Clinton accused President Donald Trump of having a long “streak of racism” and “the whole package of bigotry” in an interview with The Guardian.

Read more at breitbart.com ...

She should talk about a long streak of bigotry!




Hilary, Pelosi, and The other idiot need to go away. Far away. Like Antarctica

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Wow, I just assumed the pic was real. But after it's pointed out that Hillary's eyes are blue and clearly, that is not Bill Clinton. The face is wrong, Bill is much taller than Hillary, and in the same pic that is not cropped as much, Bill never had muscular arms the way this guy does.

Just shows how low the right wing will go.

You were saying.....


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