Hillary Clinton Blasts Obama's 'Don't Do Stupid Stuff' Foreign Policy


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
So 'Her Thighness Clinton' has passed the all you can eat Michelle buffet long enough to throw Obama under the bus. Got to start getting separation from all that 'transparency' going on. :lol:


While Hillary explains that Obama is “thoughtful” and “incredibly smart,” the unannounced 2016 Presidential candidate had a few less than supportive words for the current Iraq-bomber-in-chief. In an interview in The Atlantic magazine, Bloomberg reports Clinton warns Obama lacks a specific doctrine, adding "great nations need organizing principles, and "don't do stupid stuff" is not an organizing principle."

http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-08-10/hillary-clinton-faults-obama-for-stupid-stuff-policy.html , Hillary Clinton is taking on President Barack Obama with the same issue he used against her in the 2008 Democratic primary: foreign policy vision.

Obama lacks a specific doctrine, according to an Atlantic magazine interview with Clinton... “Great nations need organizing principles, and ‘don’t do stupid stuff’ is not an organizing principle,” Clinton told the Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg, also a Bloomberg View columnist, in reference to the way Obama and his aides describe his approach to foreign policy.

That’s a “political message” and “not his world view,” she said.

As Obama's approval ratings crater, http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-...t-rest-obamas-approval-rating-hits-record-low it will become increasingly important for Hillary to draw contrasts with the current admninistration's policies... and yet still pander to the base...

Hillary Clinton Blasts Obama's 'Don't Do Stupid Stuff' Foreign Policy | Zero Hedge
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obama lacks. Anything can come after that. Especially this useless haphazard bombing campaign that admittedly has done nothing to slow ISIS down.
The Clintons and the Obamas loathe each other (...and who could blame either?)

For a long time, their mutual interests bound them together...but Obama's sinking polls is one reason that is all over now.

And may the fur fly.
The fur sure is flying. The OBUMa just told Hillary she was full of horse shit. A democrat war against the backdrop of world and national war is just what the November elections need.

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