Hillary Between Two Ferns Interview

Yes.it was funny and someone in the Hillary camp will pay for that interview to be scheduled. We might notice that the Obama interview is not easy to find.

Both should have kept their sense of humor. I thought Obama handled (what we saw of it) was handled better.
It looks like she is trying to be "hip" for the young people. She looks so out of place.
It looks like she is trying to be "hip" for the young people. She looks so out of place.
I didn't get that impression. I saw a failing feminist, who desperately wants stamp out humour from the world for the patriarchal device of oppression that it is.
Too bad old Zachie refuses to allow Donald Trump on.. I thought this was about comedy Zachie?
He did? Well..... I think its pretty well established that Zach appears to be a fun- loving Libral :afro:
Too bad old Zachie refuses to allow Donald Trump on.. I thought this was about comedy Zachie?
Hopefully Trump would be smart enough not to go on that show. I really don't see it helping Hillary. In fact, much of the show with Hillary could be replayed as a Trump campaign advertisement.
The very end was the funniest, you've got mail

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Yes.it was funny and someone in the Hillary camp will pay for that interview to be scheduled. We might notice that the Obama interview is not easy to find.

Both should have kept their sense of humor. I thought Obama handled (what we saw of it) was handled better.

Amen. Someone or more in the Hillary camp caught the full onslaught of the Hildebeast for setting that debacle up. It's her Dukakis-in-the-tank-with-the-too-big-helmet moment of making a complete fool of herself. What an embarrassment for the fatso blob with the chipmunk cheeks.

If SNL had any balls it'd be the show opener this week.

Yes.it was funny and someone in the Hillary camp will pay for that interview to be scheduled. We might notice that the Obama interview is not easy to find.

Both should have kept their sense of humor. I thought Obama handled (what we saw of it) was handled better.

Amen. Someone or more in the Hillary camp caught the full onslaught of the Hildebeast for setting that debacle up. It's her Dukakis-in-the-tank-with-the-too-big-helmet moment of making a complete fool of herself. What an embarrassment for the fatso blob with the chipmunk cheeks.

If SNL had any balls it'd be the show opener this week.

it went- off just as planned. Yourself & Jackson are partisan idiots. NEWSFLASH!!! They prolly did 5+ takes to get it right and hiLIARy's staff had to OK the script


Yes.it was funny and someone in the Hillary camp will pay for that interview to be scheduled. We might notice that the Obama interview is not easy to find.

Both should have kept their sense of humor. I thought Obama handled (what we saw of it) was handled better.

Amen. Someone or more in the Hillary camp caught the full onslaught of the Hildebeast for setting that debacle up. It's her Dukakis-in-the-tank-with-the-too-big-helmet moment of making a complete fool of herself. What an embarrassment for the fatso blob with the chipmunk cheeks.

If SNL had any balls it'd be the show opener this week.

it went- off just as planned. Yourself & Jackson are partisan idiots. NEWSFLASH!!! They prolly did 5+ takes to get it right and hiLIARy's staff had to OK the script


Would a "partisan hack" say Obama handled himself well? who's the one not dealing with reality here.
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