Hilarious! Obama tries to Blame Republicans for Sanctuary City Killer


There's nothing "hilarious" about this tragedy. You're disgusting.

And yes, its true the Repubs have refused to change those laws.
The laws on the books would have delt with that killer BEFORE he could murder. Liberals in California ignored the law. Liberals are responsible for her death
If the laws on the books had been followed, the filthy illegal would not have been in the country in the first place. There is no question that this murder is on the hands of the liberals.
build an electric fence and place rifle towers along it.
Believe it or not this kind of propaganda used to work back when Cronkite was the "most trusted" news anchor and the liberal media was the only source of information. That's why the radical left wants to shut down Fox and fair and balanced information. The liberal media would have downplayed the horrendous murder by an illegal alien and blamed republicans if they were forced to cover it.
Believe it or not this kind of propaganda used to work back when Cronkite was the "most trusted" news anchor and the liberal media was the only source of information. That's why the radical left wants to shut down Fox and fair and balanced information. The liberal media would have downplayed the horrendous murder by an illegal alien and blamed republicans if they were forced to cover it.

That ploy still works.

The election of Obama twice, proves that.
Sure..... The laws ARE there already....well, most of them....


INS is not FUNDED by Congress Appropriations, enough to follow these laws on deportations....at the rate Congress funds them now it would take 27 years to deport just the existing illegals we have now, or something like that.... thus the NEED for INS to prioritize with their deportations...simply...the lack of funding...the O admin says.

The problem with the fence which has been expanded greatly since the beginning of the Bush administration, is that it is making it much harder for Mexicans to return back home, they are trapped here, in the USA now.....

Also, if they leave and make it back home.... it is much harder and much more expensive to pay a Coyote for their rougher return, so the UNINTENDED consequences of this so called border fence/security is now trapping so to say, the illegals here.

Without a fence across the ENTIRE border, this fence mission is fruitless, and there is not enough money to do it right in my opinion.

Soooo, where do we go from here?
Sure..... The laws ARE there already....well, most of them....


INS is not FUNDED by Congress Appropriations, enough to follow these laws on deportations....at the rate Congress funds them now it would take 27 years to deport just the existing illegals we have now, or something like that.... thus the NEED for INS to prioritize with their deportations...simply...the lack of funding...the O admin says.

The problem with the fence which has been expanded greatly since the beginning of the Bush administration, is that it is making it much harder for Mexicans to return back home, they are trapped here, in the USA now.....

Also, if they leave and make it back home.... it is much harder and much more expensive to pay a Coyote for their rougher return, so the UNINTENDED consequences of this so called border fence/security is now trapping so to say, the illegals here.

Without a fence across the ENTIRE border, this fence mission is fruitless, and there is not enough money to do it right in my opinion.

Soooo, where do we go from here?

That's like saying if I lock my doors, it's much harder for home invaders to leave. Not a good argument!

Regardless of how INCONVENIENCED illegals will be to leave the country, we still need a fence to stop MORE from coming.

Bottom line.
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They got trapped here because they came her illegally.

Build the damned fence, increase Border Patrol. Hell, put the national guard on the border.
Most right wingers are truly morons...and the O/P proves it.

What the WH was saying to republicans in congress is PASS A COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION BILL, you weak-spined blamers who would rather sling mud than getting off your arses and pass a bill that (admittedly) would piss off most Hispanics/Latinos and cost you the WH...again (just ask, Romney.)

There's nothing "hilarious" about this tragedy. You're disgusting.

And yes, its true the Repubs have refused to change those laws.

No no you stupid tool.

What IS hilarious is the depraved effort of the ever-dishonest Obumbler Administration to try to put blame for the murder by an illegal alien on the GOP and its opposition to the mindless Administration desire for immigration amnesty. That's so fucking spectacularly dishonest and baseless as to become hilarious.

Of course the criminal action by the murderer is tragic, you nit wit. Even a shithead like you can see that much.

But the dishonest Obumbler Administration's efforts to play politics with that tragedy and to do so in such a transparently fraudulent fashion is hilarious. They are clueless, dishonest, pathetic and witless.
Most right wingers are truly morons...and the O/P proves it.

What the WH was saying to republicans in congress is PASS A COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION BILL, you weak-spined blamers who would rather sling mud than getting off your arses and pass a bill that (admittedly) would piss off most Hispanics/Latinos and cost you the WH...again (just ask, Romney.)

We understand the excuse Obama is making JUST FINE.

We also understand IT'S A LAME EXCUSE!

That immigration bill is not going to increase security. It's just another Federal ploy to pass amnesty and promise security, LATER. And LATER, never happens!

Who's the moron?

That would be YOU for buying that crap!
Sure..... The laws ARE there already....well, most of them....


INS is not FUNDED by Congress Appropriations, enough to follow these laws on deportations....at the rate Congress funds them now it would take 27 years to deport just the existing illegals we have now, or something like that.... thus the NEED for INS to prioritize with their deportations...simply...the lack of funding...the O admin says.

The problem with the fence which has been expanded greatly since the beginning of the Bush administration, is that it is making it much harder for Mexicans to return back home, they are trapped here, in the USA now.....

Also, if they leave and make it back home.... it is much harder and much more expensive to pay a Coyote for their rougher return, so the UNINTENDED consequences of this so called border fence/security is now trapping so to say, the illegals here.

Without a fence across the ENTIRE border, this fence mission is fruitless, and there is not enough money to do it right in my opinion.

Soooo, where do we go from here?

That's like saying if I lock my doors, it's much harder for home invaders to leave. Not a good argument!

Regardless of how INCONVENIENCED illegals will be to leave the country, we still need to fence to stop MORE from coming.

Bottom line.
I agree, the fence/border security is making it harder and more expensive for them right now, but from what I have read, it is trapping the illegals here in the USA that are here, and forcing them to save up to bring their family in Mexico, here.....

Everything is done half assed when it comes to immigration....all knee jerk, with no thinking things through, and this has got to stop.....we need REAL, HONEST, ABOVE BOARD immigration reform, that is thoroughly thought through.
Most right wingers are truly morons...and the O/P proves it.

What the WH was saying to republicans in congress is PASS A COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION BILL, you weak-spined blamers who would rather sling mud than getting off your arses and pass a bill that (admittedly) would piss off most Hispanics/Latinos and cost you the WH...again (just ask, Romney.)

Why doesn't the White House just follow the laws already on the books, and send the illegal aliens back across the border?
Sure..... The laws ARE there already....well, most of them....


INS is not FUNDED by Congress Appropriations, enough to follow these laws on deportations....at the rate Congress funds them now it would take 27 years to deport just the existing illegals we have now, or something like that.... thus the NEED for INS to prioritize with their deportations...simply...the lack of funding...the O admin says.

The problem with the fence which has been expanded greatly since the beginning of the Bush administration, is that it is making it much harder for Mexicans to return back home, they are trapped here, in the USA now.....

Also, if they leave and make it back home.... it is much harder and much more expensive to pay a Coyote for their rougher return, so the UNINTENDED consequences of this so called border fence/security is now trapping so to say, the illegals here.

Without a fence across the ENTIRE border, this fence mission is fruitless, and there is not enough money to do it right in my opinion.

Soooo, where do we go from here?

That's like saying if I lock my doors, it's much harder for home invaders to leave. Not a good argument!

Regardless of how INCONVENIENCED illegals will be to leave the country, we still need to fence to stop MORE from coming.

Bottom line.
I agree, the fence/border security is making it harder and more expensive for them right now, but from what I have read, it is trapping the illegals here in the USA that are here, and forcing them to save up to bring their family in Mexico, here.....

Everything is done half assed when it comes to immigration....all knee jerk, with no thinking things through, and this has got to stop.....we need REAL, HONEST, ABOVE BOARD immigration reform, that is thoroughly thought through.

Well what you are reading is a bunch of crap from liberals trying to prevent the fence from being built.

There is nothing preventing them from going home.

In fact, they talked about a fast exodus of them doing just that.

More Mexicans returning home fewer immigrating to U.S. USATODAY.com

Why Immigrants Boomerang to Mexico - NationalJournal.com

Bottom line is nothing is stopping them from going home.

The problem is, nothing is stopping them from coming into the country, either.
never seen anything like Obama, the man is an absolute pathological liar
I think the entire WORLD knows Barry is the biggest damn liar America has ever seen, and that INCLUDES anyone that works for him...

Most right wingers are truly morons...and the O/P proves it.

What the WH was saying to republicans in congress is PASS A COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION BILL, you weak-spined blamers who would rather sling mud than getting off your arses and pass a bill that (admittedly) would piss off most Hispanics/Latinos and cost you the WH...again (just ask, Romney.)

Why doesn't the White House just follow the laws already on the books, and send the illegal aliens back across the border?
Sure..... The laws ARE there already....well, most of them....


INS is not FUNDED by Congress Appropriations, enough to follow these laws on deportations....at the rate Congress funds them now it would take 27 years to deport just the existing illegals we have now, or something like that.... thus the NEED for INS to prioritize with their deportations...simply...the lack of funding...the O admin says.

The problem with the fence which has been expanded greatly since the beginning of the Bush administration, is that it is making it much harder for Mexicans to return back home, they are trapped here, in the USA now.....

Also, if they leave and make it back home.... it is much harder and much more expensive to pay a Coyote for their rougher return, so the UNINTENDED consequences of this so called border fence/security is now trapping so to say, the illegals here.

Without a fence across the ENTIRE border, this fence mission is fruitless, and there is not enough money to do it right in my opinion.

Soooo, where do we go from here?

That's like saying if I lock my doors, it's much harder for home invaders to leave. Not a good argument!

Regardless of how INCONVENIENCED illegals will be to leave the country, we still need to fence to stop MORE from coming.

Bottom line.
I agree, the fence/border security is making it harder and more expensive for them right now, but from what I have read, it is trapping the illegals here in the USA that are here, and forcing them to save up to bring their family in Mexico, here.....

Everything is done half assed when it comes to immigration....all knee jerk, with no thinking things through, and this has got to stop.....we need REAL, HONEST, ABOVE BOARD immigration reform, that is thoroughly thought through.

Well what you are reading is a bunch of crap from liberals trying to prevent the fence from being built.

There is nothing preventing them from going home.

In fact, they talked about a fast exodus of them doing just that.

More Mexicans returning home fewer immigrating to U.S. USATODAY.com

Why Immigrants Boomerang to Mexico - NationalJournal.com

Bottom line is nothing is stopping them from going home.

The problem is, nothing is stopping them from coming into the country, either.
Well, maybe it is bs? It was a yearly summary of the numbers tracked on illegals comparing the last 10 years put out by the gvt.
Sure..... The laws ARE there already....well, most of them....


INS is not FUNDED by Congress Appropriations, enough to follow these laws on deportations....at the rate Congress funds them now it would take 27 years to deport just the existing illegals we have now, or something like that.... thus the NEED for INS to prioritize with their deportations...simply...the lack of funding...the O admin says.

The problem with the fence which has been expanded greatly since the beginning of the Bush administration, is that it is making it much harder for Mexicans to return back home, they are trapped here, in the USA now.....

Also, if they leave and make it back home.... it is much harder and much more expensive to pay a Coyote for their rougher return, so the UNINTENDED consequences of this so called border fence/security is now trapping so to say, the illegals here.

Without a fence across the ENTIRE border, this fence mission is fruitless, and there is not enough money to do it right in my opinion.

Soooo, where do we go from here?

That's like saying if I lock my doors, it's much harder for home invaders to leave. Not a good argument!

Regardless of how INCONVENIENCED illegals will be to leave the country, we still need to fence to stop MORE from coming.

Bottom line.
I agree, the fence/border security is making it harder and more expensive for them right now, but from what I have read, it is trapping the illegals here in the USA that are here, and forcing them to save up to bring their family in Mexico, here.....

Everything is done half assed when it comes to immigration....all knee jerk, with no thinking things through, and this has got to stop.....we need REAL, HONEST, ABOVE BOARD immigration reform, that is thoroughly thought through.

Well what you are reading is a bunch of crap from liberals trying to prevent the fence from being built.

There is nothing preventing them from going home.

In fact, they talked about a fast exodus of them doing just that.

More Mexicans returning home fewer immigrating to U.S. USATODAY.com

Why Immigrants Boomerang to Mexico - NationalJournal.com

Bottom line is nothing is stopping them from going home.

The problem is, nothing is stopping them from coming into the country, either.
Well, maybe it is bs? It was a yearly summary of the numbers tracked on illegals comparing the last 10 years put out by the gvt.

And that's where you know it was BS! It was put out by the government. ;)
Sure..... The laws ARE there already....well, most of them....


INS is not FUNDED by Congress Appropriations, enough to follow these laws on deportations....at the rate Congress funds them now it would take 27 years to deport just the existing illegals we have now, or something like that.... thus the NEED for INS to prioritize with their deportations...simply...the lack of funding...the O admin says.

The problem with the fence which has been expanded greatly since the beginning of the Bush administration, is that it is making it much harder for Mexicans to return back home, they are trapped here, in the USA now.....

Also, if they leave and make it back home.... it is much harder and much more expensive to pay a Coyote for their rougher return, so the UNINTENDED consequences of this so called border fence/security is now trapping so to say, the illegals here.

Without a fence across the ENTIRE border, this fence mission is fruitless, and there is not enough money to do it right in my opinion.

Soooo, where do we go from here?

That's like saying if I lock my doors, it's much harder for home invaders to leave. Not a good argument!

Regardless of how INCONVENIENCED illegals will be to leave the country, we still need to fence to stop MORE from coming.

Bottom line.
I agree, the fence/border security is making it harder and more expensive for them right now, but from what I have read, it is trapping the illegals here in the USA that are here, and forcing them to save up to bring their family in Mexico, here.....

Everything is done half assed when it comes to immigration....all knee jerk, with no thinking things through, and this has got to stop.....we need REAL, HONEST, ABOVE BOARD immigration reform, that is thoroughly thought through.

Is this keeping people in, or out?

White House fence gets new sharper spikes

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