High time to address Russia's collapse


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

I don't agree with some of these oredictiions ..but it brings about a frightening scenario that need's to be addressed decisively.

I don't agree with some of these oredictiions ..but it brings about a frightening scenario that need's to be addressed decisively.
It is also propaganda. Russia is nowhere near collapse,
I often sit with a plate of Oreo's on the table and breathlessly wait for them to give me some orediictions about my non-existent stock profile.


Oh! That what that word means... I thought it might have something to do with some gal under the table while I'm attempting to play a card game with other guys.



I don't agree with some of these oredictiions ..but it brings about a frightening scenario that need's to be addressed decisively.
frightening ? why ?

one for sure, Moscow empire is getting closer and closer to 1917N2

There is a rich history of state collapse following wars, revolutions, system breakdowns, economic crises, and other epochal events. Napoleon’s empire collapsed after his disastrous march on Moscow and subsequent defeat at the Battle of Leipzig. In 1918, the Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian, German, and Russian empires all collapsed in military defeat. Of course, people, decisions, and policies played a role, but ultimately it was war and the attendant economic and social crises that pushed these states over the edge into political chaos and often violence...

e, would a likely Moscow collapse be destabilizing and violent, perhaps including civil war? Historian Marlene Laruelle, the director of the Institute for European, Moscow, and Eurasian studies at George Washington University, thinks so. “A collapse would generate several civil wars,” she said, as “new statelets would fight with one another over borders and economic assets.” Meanwhile, Moscow elites “would react with violence to any secessionism.”
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frightening ? why ?

one for sure, Moscow empire is getting closer and closer to 1917N2

There is a rich history of state collapse following wars, revolutions, system breakdowns, economic crises, and other epochal events. Napoleon’s empire collapsed after his disastrous march on Moscow and subsequent defeat at the Battle of Leipzig. In 1918, the Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian, German, and Russian empires all collapsed in military defeat. Of course, people, decisions, and policies played a role, but ultimately it was war and the attendant economic and social crises that pushed these states over the edge into political chaos and often violence...

e, would a likely Moscow collapse be destabilizing and violent, perhaps including civil war? Historian Marlene Laruelle, the director of the Institute for European, Moscow, and Eurasian studies at George Washington University, thinks so. “A collapse would generate several civil wars,” she said, as “new statelets would fight with one another over borders and economic assets.” Meanwhile, Moscow elites “would react with violence to any secessionism.”
There is more damage if Russia collapses than if poootin stays in power. They have a huge nuclear stock pile.

The only real solution is if the war is ended by negotiation.
Russia is an oil producing nation so you are right.

Poootin took a country that was on the way to Democracy and turned into a Dictatorship.
no, Moscow barbaric imperialism has very little to do with pootler

"Let us begin with this evident fact: Muscovy does not belong at all to Europe, but to Asia. It follows that judging Muscovy and the Muscovites by our European standards is a mistake to be avoided."—gonzague de reynold, 19501 In methodological terms, one should de-Europeanise any analysis of Muscovy policy.— thomas gomart, 20062 "


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