High School Accounting Program Doesn't Allow "White" Students

not really since it is a private funding of students for the classes.

The “Career Opportunities in the Accounting Profession” program — sponsored by the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants and the Moynihan Scholarship Fund — will introduce 250 “promising underrepresented high school students” to the accounting profession.

SUNY Oswego Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Scott Furlong told Campus Reform that “the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants sets the policy to provide the Career Opportunities in the Accounting Profession (COAP) program exclusively to high school students of color.”
I guess that the right of private entities is now the accepted norm.

Anyway, the 14th Amendment doesn't apply as it applies only to states and their political subdivisions. This means businesses can serve or not serve who they want. Saying that, I hope this is challenged in the courts to get some answers.
You anti white skin idiots had better watch it...the last thing you want is a white population that feels discriminated against....believe me....you don't want that kind of problem....
I mostly feel sorry for them wanting to be public accountants.

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