Hiel One


Sep 23, 2010
BERLIN (Reuters) - A medical document shows that Adolf Hitler only had one testicle, German media said on Saturday, suggesting there is some truth after all to a popular British song that says the dictator had "only got one ball".​

Medical record shows Hitler only had one testicle: media
December 19, 2015

Medical record shows Hitler only had one testicle: media

In the interest of historical accuracy the Nazi salute should have been:



Accompanied by a hearty Hiel One!
Why is it historically relevant? One nut will still get you where you want to go. That's why God gave us two. Rapper Tupac had one and Napoleon is alleged to have one.
Why is it historically relevant? One nut will still get you where you want to go.
To whitehall: Are you asking or commenting?
In the interest of historical accuracy
One or two is irrelevant.

This might be relevant. Hitler holds more fascination for the young than Mussolini, Tojo, FDR, Churchill, and Stalin combined?

That's why God gave us two. Rapper Tupac had one and Napoleon is alleged to have one.
To whitehall: Then there was the unluckiest guy in the world who couldn’t win a bet.

One day his doctor told him he had three testicles. The longer he thought about it the more he was certain he could turn a lifelong losing streak into a winning bet; so he went to his favorite bartender who had won bet after bet over the years. Soon after he settled down on his favorite bar stool he offered his mimesis a proposition:

Pointing to a stranger two stools away he said “I’ll bet that between the three of us we have seven balls.”

The bartender thought about it for a minute and agreed to the bet. After the unluckiest guy in the world wagered everything he had in the world, the innkeeper said “I have two.”

Before three balls could announce his good luck, the stranger shook his head sadly and said “You better have four because I only have one.”
Interesting point about medical records. You could almost understand the Nazi propaganda machine needing to keep Hitler's non-Arian physical problems secret but why did FDR's medical records go missing from a locked safe the day he died and never to be seen again and why wasn't the liberal media ever curious about it? Did Woodie Wilson suffer from a debilitating stroke and did his wife run the country while democrats kept it a secret?

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