Hi, I am Relative Ethics.

Conservatives want to be left alone in their pursuit of happiness and dont want some nanny state looking down their throats everyday, enacting this regulation or tax. Are you confusing Conservatives with Establishment Republicans?

This is where I agree with 2021 Conservatives and 1970 Liberals -- we want Freedom. I oppose Censorship and Cancel Culture.

I disagree with Conservatives on guns -- they are a tool of suicide and murder. I support Welfare state.

. . back in my college days I felt the same on guns. I did not understand that they were an integral part of a free society. They are part of the "lynch pin," to all the other classical liberal values. All of the tyrants and totalitarians first seek to do away with the right of a citizen's self-defense from the government, before they strip away all the other civil rights and civil liberties. This has been the pattern, over and over and over again.

Listen to the left-wing Jewish Girl.

Do you have any idea why the 2nd Amendment was put into the Bill of Rights?

Because Society in 1791 was very very different then in 2021. Thus no one could foresee modern Society and the use of guns for over 30,000 murders and suicides per year.
So you would confiscate guns from law abiding people leaving them defenseless against criminals with guns?

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