Hey PROGS, take a peak into former Biden's debate skills when he was a more capable man


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
That's odd, Biden was on offense. You know, similar Trump, only Trump has PROG-sponsored debates and moderators to contend with.

I still can't locate any Biden accomplishments, young or old. At least he was a successful politician, blah!
Biden has always been a nasty person and that debate performance shows it. Funny thing, the MSM and yes, publication slike the National Review and the WSJ had little problem with it. Today, those RINO"s are moaning. :auiqs.jpg:

Which means Trump easily won the debate.
This is how you KNOW that Trump lost and lost badly when you have these absolutely PATHETIC bootlicker threads popping up every 5 minutes.


Ever notice PROGS are unable to stick to content and context. but instead toot stuff they think sounds cool? I can't tell if it's because they can't think on their own, they're cowardly, it's attention deficit disorder or perhaps a combination of.

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