Hey Left Wingers...how about you pay YOUR fair share?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
You all avoid this like the plague. But it's pure fact. Rich people pay more $$$'s into the federal tax system than you do. Period. There is no debating that, unless you are the CEO of Obama's favorite company GE, whose CEO is on Obama's board and paid $0.00 in taxes last year.

But aside from Obama's friends, the rich pay their fair share and more.

So what if we raise taxes on the 50% of people who pay no income tax? I say we just send a bill for, say, $1,000 to every person in that category. Lets see....150,000,000 X 1,000, means $150,000,000,000. 150 billion. Not bad. Do that for 10 years, thats 1.5 trillion dollars, a good little chunk of the debt.

So I say......how about YOU pay YOUR fair share, to all you in the 50% of our citizenry that pays ZERO federal income taxes, I suggest we pass legislation immediately that makes every American who pays no fed income tax to be sent a bill for $1,000.

Yep. It's only FAIR, right? FAIR to make EVERYONE pay their FAIR SHARE. If a billionaire pays MILLIONS in taxes, why can't little ole you pay a measly $1,000, which would cut 1.5 trillion in 10 years.

$1,000, to the bottom 50% who currently pay $0.

Whats not fair about that?? I expect you'll all support my idea that EVERYONE pays their FAIR SHARE.
I find it funny that you seem to believe the left is consisted of the 50% of people who don't pay income taxes.
The answer for today isn't 'higher taxes' any more than the answer in 2003 was 'lower taxes'.

The elusive answer remains 'fair taxes'.

Simple taxes = Fair taxes.

Fair taxes, a budget balanced by law, and then build a government your children can be proud of.

Google Search: Complexity of US Tax Law :eek: Good (insert your preferred Deity here), we must look stupid from space!
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Simple taxes:

7% general sales tax + 7% income tax.

Every 'legal entity' pays a 7% income tax and a 7% sales tax on every consumption purchase.

Simple. Fair. Reasonable. Predictable.

You want to add a jobs incentive? Allow ALL 'legal entities' to deduct non-executive payroll from their income before taxing it.
"This disposition to admire, and almost to worship , the rich and powerful, and to despise, or, at least neglect persons of poor and mean conditions...is...the great and most universal cause of the corruption of our moral sentiments." Adam Smith

Jeez, rich people are like rock stars or sport's stars for the right wing. The people who complain about taxes are the big money conservatives who want more than money, they want the power and the freedom to destroy the earth and control government. Money wants power, it already has money as anyone who knows the wealthy will attest. And money is not made in a vacuum, no wealthy person creates money, none even create jobs, why should they, they have money. The worship by conservatives of money is so un-American, you see it even in religion today. Gawd was replaced by Money and the poor today should not be feed as Jesus said, but taxed. The loss of faith hope and charity is an interesting change in modern America.

"For the mature Orwell, Christianity was no more than a "lie, a semi-conscious device for keeping the rich rich and the poor poor. The poor were to be contented with their poverty, because it would all be made up to them in the world beyond the grave, usually pictured as something mid-way between Kew Gardens and a jeweller's shop. Ten thousand a year for me, two pounds a week for you, but we are all the children of God."" George Orwell
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You all avoid this like the plague. But it's pure fact. Rich people pay more $$$'s into the federal tax system than you do. Period. There is no debating that, unless you are the CEO of Obama's favorite company GE, whose CEO is on Obama's board and paid $0.00 in taxes last year.

But aside from Obama's friends, the rich pay their fair share and more.

So what if we raise taxes on the 50% of people who pay no income tax? I say we just send a bill for, say, $1,000 to every person in that category. Lets see....150,000,000 X 1,000, means $150,000,000,000. 150 billion. Not bad. Do that for 10 years, thats 1.5 trillion dollars, a good little chunk of the debt.

So I say......how about YOU pay YOUR fair share, to all you in the 50% of our citizenry that pays ZERO federal income taxes, I suggest we pass legislation immediately that makes every American who pays no fed income tax to be sent a bill for $1,000.

Yep. It's only FAIR, right? FAIR to make EVERYONE pay their FAIR SHARE. If a billionaire pays MILLIONS in taxes, why can't little ole you pay a measly $1,000, which would cut 1.5 trillion in 10 years.

$1,000, to the bottom 50% who currently pay $0.

Whats not fair about that?? I expect you'll all support my idea that EVERYONE pays their FAIR SHARE.

Fully in favor of a flat percentage of income being taxed; no loopholes, deductions, etc...
Everybody pays the same percentage of their income. Nothing could be more fair than that.
You all avoid this like the plague. But it's pure fact. Rich people pay more $$$'s into the federal tax system than you do. Period. There is no debating that, unless you are the CEO of Obama's favorite company GE, whose CEO is on Obama's board and paid $0.00 in taxes last year.

But aside from Obama's friends, the rich pay their fair share and more.

So what if we raise taxes on the 50% of people who pay no income tax? I say we just send a bill for, say, $1,000 to every person in that category. Lets see....150,000,000 X 1,000, means $150,000,000,000. 150 billion. Not bad. Do that for 10 years, thats 1.5 trillion dollars, a good little chunk of the debt.

So I say......how about YOU pay YOUR fair share, to all you in the 50% of our citizenry that pays ZERO federal income taxes, I suggest we pass legislation immediately that makes every American who pays no fed income tax to be sent a bill for $1,000.

Yep. It's only FAIR, right? FAIR to make EVERYONE pay their FAIR SHARE. If a billionaire pays MILLIONS in taxes, why can't little ole you pay a measly $1,000, which would cut 1.5 trillion in 10 years.

$1,000, to the bottom 50% who currently pay $0.

Whats not fair about that?? I expect you'll all support my idea that EVERYONE pays their FAIR SHARE.

And I would up this with demanding that if you don't pay taxes? You don't vote. As it is? Those that do vote and are on the dole? Keep voting themselves people in that allow them to plunder the treasury.

You all avoid this like the plague. But it's pure fact. Rich people pay more $$$'s into the federal tax system than you do. Period. There is no debating that, unless you are the CEO of Obama's favorite company GE, whose CEO is on Obama's board and paid $0.00 in taxes last year.

But aside from Obama's friends, the rich pay their fair share and more.

So what if we raise taxes on the 50% of people who pay no income tax? I say we just send a bill for, say, $1,000 to every person in that category. Lets see....150,000,000 X 1,000, means $150,000,000,000. 150 billion. Not bad. Do that for 10 years, thats 1.5 trillion dollars, a good little chunk of the debt.

So I say......how about YOU pay YOUR fair share, to all you in the 50% of our citizenry that pays ZERO federal income taxes, I suggest we pass legislation immediately that makes every American who pays no fed income tax to be sent a bill for $1,000.

Yep. It's only FAIR, right? FAIR to make EVERYONE pay their FAIR SHARE. If a billionaire pays MILLIONS in taxes, why can't little ole you pay a measly $1,000, which would cut 1.5 trillion in 10 years.

$1,000, to the bottom 50% who currently pay $0.

Whats not fair about that?? I expect you'll all support my idea that EVERYONE pays their FAIR SHARE.

Fully in favor of a flat percentage of income being taxed; no loopholes, deductions, etc...
Everybody pays the same percentage of their income. Nothing could be more fair than that.

Because an income tax tends to be unfair in favor of the poor and a consumption tax tends to be unfair in favor of the wealthy, a blend would be more fair than a flat income tax.

7% income tax + 7% general sales tax - then fairly raising or lowering taxes as is required by the legitimate business of The People simply means picking a new number like 8 or 6.

No matter what the tax attorneys and lobbyists tell you, tax policy is NOT rocket science.
What makes you think that "we" don't. Up until June I had a six figure salary (and it looks like I will again soon), I still have a Cooperative in Manhattan, which I own and rent out and last year I paid out plenty in taxes. I live in New York City where we are taxed by local, city, state and federal taxes. From what I understand some folks around the nation actually get money from the Federal government..like Alaskans.

Now where exactly does that money come from?
Look at Blue States and Red States, it's pretty obvious who is paying what.
WAH WAH WAH!, the poor billionaires are getting screwed!

Seriously kid.

You're going to wear out the knees on your pants groveling.
What is so hard with the concept that if the ultra wealthy control the majority of the wealth that they will somehow pay the majority of the taxes?

How about we tax capital gains the same as any other income?

Why does someone who makes $30,000 working in a sewer pay more taxes than someone who made $30,000 in a stock deal?
You all avoid this like the plague. But it's pure fact. Rich people pay more $$$'s into the federal tax system than you do. Period. There is no debating that, unless you are the CEO of Obama's favorite company GE, whose CEO is on Obama's board and paid $0.00 in taxes last year.

But aside from Obama's friends, the rich pay their fair share and more.

So what if we raise taxes on the 50% of people who pay no income tax? I say we just send a bill for, say, $1,000 to every person in that category. Lets see....150,000,000 X 1,000, means $150,000,000,000. 150 billion. Not bad. Do that for 10 years, thats 1.5 trillion dollars, a good little chunk of the debt.

So I say......how about YOU pay YOUR fair share, to all you in the 50% of our citizenry that pays ZERO federal income taxes, I suggest we pass legislation immediately that makes every American who pays no fed income tax to be sent a bill for $1,000.

Yep. It's only FAIR, right? FAIR to make EVERYONE pay their FAIR SHARE. If a billionaire pays MILLIONS in taxes, why can't little ole you pay a measly $1,000, which would cut 1.5 trillion in 10 years.

$1,000, to the bottom 50% who currently pay $0.

Whats not fair about that?? I expect you'll all support my idea that EVERYONE pays their FAIR SHARE.
I am a Democrat because I believe in helping those in need. All of us, you and I, have an obligation to those less fortunate. You go first, okay? I'm a little short this week.
Blue States should suck, i means secede. Please.

I wish we could.

Imagine, suddenly state budgets would be balanced. We would have to build fences to keep out all those illegal emigrant Republicans trying to sneak over the border just to take a job they probably aren't qualified for anyway.
I'll help you build the fence, but you have to keep all the blacks and Hispanics in there with you.
I'll help you build the fence, but you have to keep all the blacks and Hispanics in there with you.


Help build the fence? When was the last time a Republican picked up a hand tool? Look at what they did in Georgia. Just cost the state a billion dollars.
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