Hey Hey, Ho Ho, the Broadway Musical and Disney show "Hamilton," must go....slavery ya'll....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep........the left wing, democrat party musical extravaganza...."Hamilton," must now be stricken from the record books, taken off Broadway, taken off Disney +, the cast should likely be rounded up for the re-educaiton camp and Lin Manuel Miranda should be placed under house arrest and sent to the nearest gulag....

"Hamilton," must go........

That’s the way a number of black scholars viewed the show from the beginning. Soon after the musical opened, Harvard historian Annette Gordon Reed listed its sins. Hamilton was no man of the people, she argued; he was an elitist and crypto-monarchist. Nor was he innocent of racism; he bought and sold slaves for his in-laws and, though a founder of the Manumission Society, had, at best, a tepid interest in abolition. Moreover, the musical is silent about the fact that George Washington owned slaves, an omission that even third-graders will have no trouble spotting these days.

The playwright and fellow MacArthur grant recipient Ishmael Reed has dedicated the past few years to de-platforming the musical, which he compares with the Confederate-nostalgic Gone with the Wind. He believes that the show’s multiracial cast is a con to distract audiences from the brutal reality of American racism. Last year, he staged a play called The Haunting of Lin-Manuel Miranda, in which the ghosts of slaves and Native Americans come back to correct the lies of the bewildered Hamilton creator. “I think the corrective would be to close the show,” he has concluded.

As a conservative....I don't believe in collective guilt, I don't believe in silencing speech, censorship or destroying lives because someone thinks differently....

But the left wing democrat believe in all of that evil shit.....and the smarmy, woke, Lin-manuel Miranda.......needs to experience the full extent of the belief system he supports and has given strength........

The three rules of engagement as defined by Kurt Schlichter.....

As I have pointed out before, there are three scenarios in descending order of preferability.

Option 1: We all live freely and say what we wish and no one gets canceled.

Option 2: Conservatives get canceled, but liberals get canceled too.

Option 3: Conservatives get canceled, but liberals never get canceled.

I opt for #1......sadly....the left wing democrats demand #3.....

So.....I now support option #2

Option 2: Conservatives get canceled, but liberals get canceled too.

Until the left wing democrats are defeated and the United States can return to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.....I say F**K the left wing democrats who have created these terrorists and plan to use violence and blood shed to destroy the country.........

And if they can get people fired from their jobs, then that needs to happen to Lin-Manuel Miranda, and all of the rest of them....

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the only black lives matter movement looks a lot like Mao’s Cultural Revolution

Not that anyone in the cult would understand what that means
I sit here in wonder.....

Lin Manuel Miranda......I see his musical "Hamilton," and all the hard work he put into that show......the writing, the songs, the costumes the acting.......it is an amazing piece of art...

It was an amazing success too......... barak and michelle went to see it on "date night."

And now........it is all going to be burned down by the very people Lin Manuel Miranda votes for, supports, and loves.....they are going to take his dream, his hard work and his life's work.....and crush it....for fake racism used to try to get Trump out of office....

And to that....


When he is sitting there in the ruins of his life.....for doing nothing more than putting on a "show," do you think he gets it now? Do you think he understands that Trump is trying to save us from this? Do you think that he is still going to vote for the democrats after they burn his life to the ground?

Yeah, he is likely to be really stupid and do a show confession, and then he will be marched to the SJW guillotine...

Oh........I know obama is an actual racist....but does going to see "Hamilton," on date night make him and michelle extra special racists?
Andrew Klavan on his daily wire podcast played a clip from the Tony's...where barak and michelle obama introduced "Hamilton," to the audience and lavished praise on the show and Lin Manuel Miranda....

Do you think he feels their love now?

Should they be canceled for praising a white supremacist musical?

Andrew Klavan pointed out that "Hamilton," is the anti- 1619 project.....it refutes the lies told by the 1619 project about this country.....and that is one major reason they want to destroy it now....

His comments on "Hamilton," start at the 33 minute mark on the video.

Andrew Klavan....novelist, screen writer, pod caster....defends "Hamilton."

“Hamilton” is spectacularly good. I hate hip-hop music, but Miranda is a superb lyricist with a real understanding of the American musical stage. The show is historically accurate (for a musical). It has brilliantly etched characterizations. And it includes two numbers — Helpless and Unimaginable — which are as good as anything I’ve seen onstage, and I’ve seen everything.

“Hamilton” is also the anti-1619. It not only portrays the founding fathers as people of color singing songs in traditionally black genres like hip-hop and R & B, it shows them as young, scrappy black men ready to seize the historical moment and take their shot at greatness.

In other words, Miranda, of Puerto Rican descent, is saying that U.S. history is his history too. When you become an American, you inherit it.

I know how he feels. A Jewish kid growing up in the sixties, I was twelve before I realized I wasn’t descended from Ben Franklin and George Washington. My teachers called them our forefathers, so I figured I was part of the family.

That’s called assimilation: you adopt a grand history of ideas as a dominant over-structure to the history of your particular tribe. As an American, you become the idea-descendant of the Founding Fathers.

“Hamilton,” then, is the opposite of 1619. 1619 says America is inherently, unchangeably antithetical to people of color. “Hamilton” says, no, we can join in the greatness too. The Left hates this. They tell us that assimilation is a racist code word. Why should we adopt the ideas of dead white males, they ask, even as they are turning on a light bulb or driving a car or using a computer, which are also the ideas of dead white males.

The democrat party = The AMERICAN TALIBAN
Most democrats are not going to plant the roadside bombs

but they will go along with whatever the radicals decide to do
That is the same position the moderate muslims take around the world. They dont plant the bombs, but they are ok with it if other people want to plant them.
That is the same position the moderate muslims took. They didnt plant the bombs, but they were ok with it if other people wanted to plant them.
In both cases the moderates were afraid if what the radicals would to them for speaking out

In the deep blue cities moderates would be verbally and physically attacked by the democrat mob

and with no police to assist them they would be helpless

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