Hey Gunny

You wanna add up the number of 'Bama bashing threads against Bush bashing threads? You might be able to count the number of Bush threads, you might not have enough fingers and toes for the 'Bama's...

And when Bush was President, the threads you all created about him were any less in quantity? Nope!

I didn't start Bush threads...nice try though!

That would be a collective "you" - as if you didn't know that. :eusa_eh:

I didn't start any Obama threads..

That would be a collective "you" - as if you didn't know that. :eusa_eh:

I didn't start any Obama threads..

I'm not that big a supporter of Obama. I think he is Ok at best, it's just that Bush was soooooooooooo bad, it makes even Barry look ok. If your president from 2001-2009 had been somebody in the vein of Eisenhower, or even Nixon pre Watergate, I believe the repubs would have won the WH again, or if Obama had won, he would look incompetent. However, Bush set the bar so low in terms of intelligence etc, that even an deaf, dumb, blind amoeba with a speech impediment looked good.
wassamatter libtards??? not enough boooooooooooooosh bashing for your tastes??? ya can dish it but ya can't take it what a bunch of whiners!

You wanna add up the number of 'Bama bashing threads against Bush bashing threads? You might be able to count the number of Bush threads, you might not have enough fingers and toes for the 'Bama's...

you count em,, I live here in the US of KKKA,, we endured 8 years of non stop boooooooooooooooooooosh bashing and are well into our ninth.. when you have that to complain about I'll listen.. gump.

That would be a collective "you" - as if you didn't know that. :eusa_eh:

I didn't start any Obama threads..

I'm not that big a supporter of Obama. I think he is Ok at best, it's just that Bush was soooooooooooo bad, it makes even Barry look ok. If your president from 2001-2009 had been somebody in the vein of Eisenhower, or even Nixon pre Watergate, I believe the repubs would have won the WH again, or if Obama had won, he would look incompetent. However, Bush set the bar so low in terms of intelligence etc, that even an deaf, dumb, blind amoeba with a speech impediment looked good.

Here's the fun part. No matter who wins, someone's going to have something to bitch about...
I'd move this, but we don't have a "Piss-n-Moan Zone".

Manifold and Echo Zulu have topic pages named after them. Why not one just for you? It could be called Dude's Piss 'n Shit. We'd all know what to expect.
wassamatter libtards??? not enough boooooooooooooosh bashing for your tastes??? ya can dish it but ya can't take it what a bunch of whiners!

You wanna add up the number of 'Bama bashing threads against Bush bashing threads? You might be able to count the number of Bush threads, you might not have enough fingers and toes for the 'Bama's...

It really doesn't bother me. I especially like the piss 'n moan comments where, when asked to give another solution, suddenly the whole thread dies.
wassamatter libtards??? not enough boooooooooooooosh bashing for your tastes??? ya can dish it but ya can't take it what a bunch of whiners!

You wanna add up the number of 'Bama bashing threads against Bush bashing threads? You might be able to count the number of Bush threads, you might not have enough fingers and toes for the 'Bama's...

you count em,, I live here in the US of KKKA,, we endured 8 years of non stop boooooooooooooooooooosh bashing and are well into our ninth.. when you have that to complain about I'll listen.. gump.

In other words, gotcha politics trumps the real issues. Gotcha.
Well, you could always start a bitch or praise thread about John Key....But nobody here, probably including you, would give a flying fuck.

I'm sure there's a point in there somewhere...

Dud likes to show what a learned scholar he is, but John Key has me stumped. Maybe he means a key to the john?
You could not look sillier, his comment was spot on.

John Key is PM of New zealand, which also happens to be where grump is.
It isn't just message boards and blog sites where the bashing is never ending. We take our cues from those guys whose faces appear on our TV screens 24/7. This wrap-up of the mood of the country is by one of the editors of THE WEEK magazine's current (1/29/10) issue:

"A year ago, he was The One, and millions wept at his inauguration. Today, disappointment and doubt are stirring among even Barack Obama's most fervent supporters, while his opponents feel a rising sense of glee. The gifted politician they feared might dominate national politics for eight years is mortal after all. But whatever you might think of Obama, it was inevitable that the realities of the presidency would strip him of his halo. In this era, the bipartisanship he hoped to forge was never within his reach, or anyone's.

"National politics always a rough game, has devolved into something meaner, more personal--a blood feud. The primary agenda now is to score points, and to damage the other party whenever possible. It may be good political theater, but the end result is that the United States--like California and several other large states--is becoming ungovernable..."

William Falk

I'm sure there's a point in there somewhere...

Dud likes to show what a learned scholar he is, but John Key has me stumped. Maybe he means a key to the john?
You could not look sillier, his comment was spot on.

John Key is PM of New zealand, which also happens to be where grump is.

Thanks for the information. I don't follow NZ much and suppose I should have googled the name. My bad.

Does my confession make your day? :lol:
it's so funny to watch people with Obama Derangement Syndrome.


Almost as funny as it was to watch you guys bitch about President Bush.

The difference is I gave Bush a chance. And the 90% approval rating he had after 9/11 proved it.

Obama could walk on water and you all would complain. *shrug*
That simply is not true. Obama had a 70%+ approval rating when he took office. He has only himself to blame for his decline to mediocrity. Maybe if he stopped using the teleprompter so much and actually spoke to the people (as opposed to an "audience") he'd climb back up? Maybe some humility would be good?? Sadly, I don't see that happening, he has too large an ego to admit that he wasted his first year.
Almost as funny as it was to watch you guys bitch about President Bush.

The difference is I gave Bush a chance. And the 90% approval rating he had after 9/11 proved it.

Obama could walk on water and you all would complain. *shrug*
That simply is not true. Obama had a 70%+ approval rating when he took office. He has only himself to blame for his decline to mediocrity. Maybe if he stopped using the teleprompter so much and actually spoke to the people (as opposed to an "audience") he'd climb back up? Maybe some humility would be good?? Sadly, I don't see that happening, he has too large an ego to admit that he wasted his first year.

What does using a teleprompter when giving a speech have to do with anything? He wasn't using a teleprompter yesterday at a town meeting in Florida, doesn't use one in personal interviews, nor use it during press conferences except for an opening statement. You people get all hung up on the small stuff, which is another reason you're not deemed credible.

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