Hey Feds when ya gonna investigate Eric Swalwell as one of the leaks


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Democrat Representative Eric Swalwell
on the intelligence committee seems to be leaking classified info and false charges on his web site clearly intent on using and politicizing these false Russian allegations,
so when is he gonna go under investigation for leaking or ties to leaking the classified info? Is he part of this shadow gov't to oust or discredit Trump aka an illegal treasonous coup?
Shouldn't he be removed from any investigation as conflicting? He should recuse himself in the same way Sessions and Tillerson did.
Clean the Swamp this consistent missinformation & array of contradictions is embarassing.
Tucker ripped into Eric Swalwell in his interview tonight.
After seeing a number of CALIFORNIA politicians speak and involved in this suspicious investigation it comes to mind that they are highly invested in this coup, because of their disagreement with the President on imigration and the sanctuary cities that affect their State and has caused tensions with this administration that won't allow California break our federal laws.
Eric Swalwell BEING on the intelligence committee should recuse himself as a conflict of interest. Nobody asking him to stay away from this and silence him on the topic is proof this is a complete ruse that is this politicized and tainted investigation.
They are scratching and hawing about cleabing the swamp, hence my pointing out the Eddie Murphey Movie where the Non Politician was a threat to the scams and pay to play congress games and special interest pocket lining is at risk.

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