Hey America Haters


Senior Member
Jun 25, 2004
USS Abraham Lincoln
since in your eyes the president is an imperialist and america is building a new empire, how come we just let afghanistan go free and have elections last weekend? what's gonna happen to your imperial theory in january or so when the iraqis have their succcessful elections? just sorta wondering here, because if bush is an emperor he's about the worst i've ever seen, but for an american president he's doing pretty good.

It's obviously part of the plot. We get one country to hold free elections and the next thing you know, they all will want to. Of course, every nation that becomes a democracy will naturally be a puppet of the US and more importantly be forever indebted to George Bush personally.

Sarcasm, folks.
CSM said:
It's obviously part of the plot. We get one country to hold free elections and the next thing you know, they all will want to. Of course, every nation that becomes a democracy will naturally be a puppet of the US and more importantly be forever indebted to George Bush personally.

Sarcasm, folks.

yep he'll be the dark emperor in no time with those kinds of life debts


or so michael moore thinks
First, I don't hate USA.
I only don't like Bush.

So, I will critisize him, not USA :

since in your eyes the president is an imperialist and america is building a new empire, how come we just let afghanistan go free and have elections last weekend? what's gonna happen to your imperial theory in january or so when the iraqis have their succcessful elections? just sorta wondering here, because if bush is an emperor he's about the worst i've ever seen, but for an american president he's doing pretty good

Bush gave democracy to the two countries, Iraq and Afghanistan.
Afghanistan : fraud in the lections.
But this is not a good argument.
SO, I will go on

THe situation in Aghanistan is less bad than in Iraqs, but- it is not the paradize. The Talibans are still here, hidden, sometimes not hidden.

IN Iarq : what the hell !!!! Bush give the chaos here, the destruction, the death, the sadness ! the US amry who is here because GW B wanted it - he or his administration - .
What the fuck for a democracy ?! How can you call it a democracy ? This is not France, UK, Germany....this is Iraq, a destroyed land, a devastation place, with an occupation army, who kill and bomb civilians.
With terrorists, with the group of Al Zarkaoui, who fight US. thie fight put chaos more and more further.

So, this is not a democracy.

As emperor, Bush is bad bad bad. Alexander, August, Trojan or Napoléon I and III, they were good, excellent, on the military side, but also, like Napoléon I and III, on the interior side. As president, Bush put the hell outside, and also inside sometimes.....what for a good president !!! (sarcasm)
When america fought for our freedom against the british supporters of britian plagued the first colinists, and freedom fighters. The British killed many innocent women and children. So don't think for a second we just sort got our freedom with ease. We had to fight for it. Which whether or not you would like to belive it that is what we are helping others do as the french helped us in our revolution. Now to say we went into Iraq for hte wrong reasons. HA!! What about the killing fields of Saddam Hussien where he killed over 300,000 kurds, and for what? Beliving in thier religion. Where do we draw the line when it becomes millions? To say people are dying, is stating the past, present and the future. Do you belive the killin wouldn't be happening if we hadn't gone there?

I do apoligize for all the hardships of all the people over there, and I pray for your saftey and a progresive and hopeful future.
wolvie20m said:
When america fought for our freedom against the british supporters of britian plagued the first colinists, and freedom fighters. The British killed many innocent women and children. So don't think for a second we just sort got our freedom with ease. We had to fight for it. Which whether or not you would like to belive it that is what we are helping others do as the french helped us in our revolution. Now to say we went into Iraq for hte wrong reasons. HA!! What about the killing fields of Saddam Hussien where he killed over 300,000 kurds, and for what? Beliving in thier religion. Where do we draw the line when it becomes millions? To say people are dying, is stating the past, present and the future. Do you belive the killin wouldn't be happening if we hadn't gone there?

I do apoligize for all the hardships of all the people over there, and I pray for your saftey and a progresive and hopeful future.

We have the Liberals who opposed the British rule for our young fragile democracy......if the conservatives had won we would have been just another British colony. Brave liberal souls fought and died for your freedom.
sagegirl said:
We have the Liberals who opposed the British rule for our young fragile democracy......if the conservatives had won we would have been just another British colony. Brave liberal souls fought and died for your freedom.

I agree totally. The conservatives back then were for the King. Thank god the liberals won that ideological battle.

first of all, fuck you padisha for that sickening anti-american diatribe, you better get off your ass and stop wishing for america to fail in iraq, because if it collapses, that's more terrorists at your doorstep

and fuck the posters who started this liberal/conservative american revolution shit, WTF is that? afghanistan/iraq were not conservative/liberal wars... they were necessary wars after 9/11 and the new world reality we're facing. liberals and conservatives alike both opposed and supported the war.

jesus christ, must everything in history be seen through idealogical eyes? you sound like a bunch of jockriders at a sports bar...

"well my idealogy did this"
"yea, well your idealogy was wrong and mine was right"

blazhy blah blazhy blah, a bunch of babbling bullshit

thank you for hijacking my thread
The founding fathers who started the revolution, while they were considered liberals back then, would probly be refered to as jack-booted nazis by todays crop of libs.
NATO AIR said:

and fuck the posters who started this liberal/conservative american revolution shit, WTF is that? afghanistan/iraq were not conservative/liberal wars... they were necessary wars after 9/11 and the new world reality we're facing. liberals and conservatives alike both opposed and supported the war.

jesus christ, must everything in history be seen through idealogical eyes? you sound like a bunch of jockriders at a sports bar...

"well my idealogy did this"
"yea, well your idealogy was wrong and mine was right"

blazhy blah blazhy blah, a bunch of babbling bullshit

thank you for hijacking my thread
You have been able to express in words what I have been feeling for sometime now.
It is extremely difficult to have an intelligent debate about issues, when it just gets bogged down along party lines. I have the feeling this has been going on for some time on this board and it is becoming contagious to the new comers, myself included.
Anyone know of any other boards to post on that are free from petty bickering?

As far as the topic, I would just like to add, better the U.S. occupy Iraq, then Russia or China.

Life will get better, it just takes time.
sagegirl said:
We have the Liberals who opposed the British rule for our young fragile democracy......if the conservatives had won we would have been just another British colony. Brave liberal souls fought and died for your freedom.

Aint wrong.

Those freedom figthers and todays modern liberals are so far apart its sickening. Liberal today means appeaser. There were appeasers back then that wished the British to win. They didnt want to stir the pot or make them mad. They felt we should just talk to them to settle our differences. Those that wanted to end the tyrranny were willing to fight for it.

So don't try to flatter yourselves by saying that "Liberals" fought the British. The modern Liberals are appeasers and would, as many have stated, run away to canada then to go and fight in any war for this country.
Hmm..it's just a sign here how parties are even tearing our past apart maybe only in this forum but damn these parties to say the least suck.
White knight said:
You have been able to express in words what I have been feeling for sometime now.
It is extremely difficult to have an intelligent debate about issues, when it just gets bogged down along party lines. I have the feeling this has been going on for some time on this board and it is becoming contagious to the new comers, myself included.
Anyone know of any other boards to post on that are free from petty bickering?

As far as the topic, I would just like to add, better the U.S. occupy Iraq, then Russia or China.

Life will get better, it just takes time.

We just don't buy your fake conservative crap. If groupthink is what you want, yah, you'd better just leave.
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If you looked at the fact the founders werent liberal at all. They were trying to preserve and restore the representative self government that the British had been taking away from them for over a decade before the revolution. Liberals work to eliminate the rule of law, the founders fought to preserve the rule of law. Liberals fight to eliminate the checks and balances keeping us free. our founders bled to establish those checks. The Founders felt that religion was important in public life, thus protected religious belief with the free exercise clause. liberals fight religion. The founders believed that men should have the right to bear arms. Liberals think the founders were idiots for protecting that God given right. Founders thought men had the right to free speech. Liberals try to restrict speech through PC BS and by threatening law suits or just by blantantly trying to shut down people like Rush or Hannity.
The Founders believed that all men were entitlted to private property. Liberals disagree and with the help of the ACLU have been trying to weakn property rights for the past 50 years.

No the Founders were nothing like liberals. The Founders fought for everything liberals hate.
who here thinks the world would like us any better if we became isolationists? We could stay out of all the wars and stop sending all of our foreign aid.

It's a good thing we did get envolved in world politices or Britain, France, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Spain and others would all be speaking German.

Now does anyone really think we need to keep to ourselves?
Trigg said:
who here thinks the world would like us any better if we became isolationists? We could stay out of all the wars and stop sending all of our foreign aid.

It's a good thing we did get envolved in world politices or Britain, France, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Spain and others would all be speaking German.

Now does anyone really think we need to keep to ourselves?

Is it true that congress, early in its history, had a vote to determine if America's first language should be German or English?
(honest question)
8236 said:
Is it true that congress, early in its history, had a vote to determine if America's first language should be German or English?
(honest question)

Not really sure but we do have a great German heritage living here!
27% of the Nation (USA) claims German Heritage and that number is low. During WWII many families changed and Americanized their last names and began telling others and young family members a different history. Often the heritage is lost until found by somebody into family trees. This makes Americans of German descent the largest group in the US if seperated by Heritage, and the number is estimated to be low.

The first of the bilingual schools in the US were in German in Pennsylvania.

My Grandfather was the first of my Father's side to be born in the US in Sterling, CO in 1917 has a birth certificate written entirely in German. There was a large population of Volga German families living there at that time, they also had bilingual education.

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