He's Through: Ron Paul Makes Political Blunder. Condemns Killing Of Al Qaeda's Awlaki


May 29, 2010
This should drive a stake in the heart of Ron Paul and his campaign. For him to condemn the killing of a terrorist who even thought was born in the U.S., it is wrong and immoral and it proves that Ron Paul has the Neville Chamberlain pacifist in him. As a president Ron Paul would not defend this nation nor would he go on any offensive if America was attacked by a rogue state or terrorists. This is a fact and it is a fact that I question Ron Pauls patriotism or now lack of patriotism due to him condemning the killing of a major terrorist hell bent on bringing jihad to American citizens. This should be the end of his campaign and I hope his patriotism is questioned at the next debate.

Ron Paul Condemns U.S.-Backed Killing of al Qaeda Figure and U.S. Cititizen Anwar al-Awlaki - Washington Wire - WSJ

Snippet from article:

GOFFSTOWN, N.H.–Republican presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul condemned the U.S.-backed killing of al Qaeda figure and U.S. citizen Anwar al-Awlaki.

“If the American people accept this blindly and casually…I think that’s sad.”
Ironically (the key word here)

Ron Paul supporters are so enamored of him, in a cult like way, that unpleasant facts cannot penetrate their minds.

He also came out the other day admitting essentially that Social Security and Medicare were untouchable,

in the sense of ever getting rid of them or drastically changing them.
Ironically (the key word here)

Ron Paul supporters are so enamored of him, in a cult like way, that unpleasant facts cannot penetrate their minds.

He also came out the other day admitting essentially that Social Security and Medicare were untouchable,

in the sense of ever getting rid of them or drastically changing them.

Yeah, Paul supporters are just like Obama supporters.
Who would you want to take his place in the Repub Primaries USAR? :eusa_whistle:

Hold on, I think we'll have the answer in a moment:

Interesting questions on the whole matter. We had the extra legal murder of an american citizen overseas. I am not arguing the guy didn't earn his murder. Karma is a bitch. But....
how far this path of assassination and murder do we want to go? What limits are put on this behavior? It wasn't that long ago that the Chilean government blew up a guy they didn't like in his home in Washington DC.
Are we giving Obama a no bag limit hunting licence?
Isn't what separates us from terrorists the Rule of Law?

I agree with Dr. Paul and don't think it is in the spirit of America to act as a terrorist state.

It’s the same reason individuals are still behind bars for the first World Trade Center bombing, American justice instead of vigilantism.

American Justice is an oxymoron these days I'm afraid.
Why couldn't we bring him back to the US and then shoot him like a common criminal?

Was that too expensive??
Why couldn't we bring him back to the US and then shoot him like a common criminal?

Was that too expensive??

If we were to capture any of these scum they would have to go to GITMO and Obama would have even more egg on his face.
Paul also condemned Bin Laden's death too.

Interesting questions on the whole matter. We had the extra legal murder of an american citizen overseas. I am not arguing the guy didn't earn his murder. Karma is a bitch. But....
how far this path of assassination and murder do we want to go? What limits are put on this behavior? It wasn't that long ago that the Chilean government blew up a guy they didn't like in his home in Washington DC.
Are we giving Obama a no bag limit hunting licence?

True. Technically, assassination is not in the U.S.'s "state-craft" tool-kit unlike say Israel who openly uses assassination as a foreign policy tool. The fact that these individuals are enemy combatants mitigates the murky legal-issues though. This isn't a typical war against people who identify themselves en masse, wearing uniforms. Dr. Paul just wants the law/Constitution followed.
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Interesting questions on the whole matter. We had the extra legal murder of an american citizen overseas. I am not arguing the guy didn't earn his murder. Karma is a bitch. But....
how far this path of assassination and murder do we want to go? What limits are put on this behavior? It wasn't that long ago that the Chilean government blew up a guy they didn't like in his home in Washington DC.
Are we giving Obama a no bag limit hunting licence?

A great question. If POTUS. I would have given the green light to kill Osama and Awlaki. But the "no bag limit" is a germane point. How far?
Fortunately we are better at this assassination business than we were in the 60's The assassination of Trujillio seems on balance to have worked out ok. But it was pretty hairy there for a bit. The assassination of Diem in Viet Nam worked out very badly. The failure to get Castro made the US Government look like something out of the Three Stooges. It was because of the failures in Viet Nam and Cuba that Ford did the executive order banning the practice in the first place. We wound up looking both evil and ridiculous.

It looks like Obama is at the top of a steep slope. And I fear what will find at the bottom
Why couldn't we bring him back to the US and then shoot him like a common criminal?

Was that too expensive??

You really think he would just let himself be extradited to the US for trial? this is a terrorist here in Yemen, not a drunk driver from Boston.:cuckoo:

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