he's Ann Coulter's favorite Republican because of his stance on immigration, now the GOP is dreading possible Kris Kobach nomination for Kansas Senate


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Trump should put him in charge of DHS if he loses!

Who did rino Kevin McLaughlin support for president in 2016?
Trump should put him in charge of DHS if he loses!

Democratic superpacs are running ads for him, republican ones are running ads against.

If he gets the nomination the seat is as good as flipped.
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Kris Kobach, Ann Coulter and Peter Thiel

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"Kansans: Please say no to the swamp today and vote for Kris Kobach." - Coulter
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Fuck the weak Kansas Republicans who are looking at this primary as a "victory." No matter what you're electing a member of the monoparty in November who hates you and will continue to sell you out to our globalist elites. Enjoy your state's continued degradation.
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"Name me one GOP Senate nominee this year that you are really excited about and shares you values in a meaningful way on crime, immigration, values, corona fascism, or any of the hot button issues?" - Acerbic Ann Coutler
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"It wasn’t the Left that rigged it against Kobach it was the RINO Right. The Left was actually buying millions of dollars in ads for Kobach thinking he’d lose, but any senate “R” will win in Kansas.

The GOP machine went up against Kobach. They did it to me once. It is evil. " - Crazy Christine O'Donnell
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Kansas had a chance to vote for a honest qualified conservative and blew it. They will rue the day they voted for another Mitch Rino
Ditch Mitch.
Trump should put him in charge of DHS if he loses!

Kobach already lost the primary
Trump should put him in charge of DHS if he loses!

Democratic superpacs are running ads for him, republican ones are running ads against.

If he gets the nomination the seat is as good as flipped.

In Kansas? You're just masturbating now

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