Here's the "racist" Democraps are hollering about.

Yup, seems like Sessions actually desegregated schools, and as prosecutor got the death penalty for the head of the KKK. But let's not let the facts get in the way, anybody associated with Trump HAS to be a racist. I guess Democraps will never learn.

In Alabama, Jeff Sessions Desegregated Schools and Got the Death Penalty for KKK Head

"Sessions's actual track record certainly doesn't suggest he's a racist. Quite the opposite, in fact. As a U.S. Attorney he filed several cases to desegregate schools in Alabama. And he also prosecuted the head of the state Klan, Henry Francis Hays, for abducting and killing Michael Donald, a black teenager selected at random. Sessions insisted on the death penalty for Hays. When he was later elected the state Attorney General, Sessions followed through and made sure Hays was executed. The successful prosecution of Hays also led to a $7 million civil judgment against the Klan, effectively breaking the back of the KKK in Alabama."

Yeahhhh but he's white and got a good ol boy southern accent. He's gotta be racist
If there is a white lash happening, then the blacks who cried wolf to many times are the cause of it. I have confidence that the whites are smart enough people still, that they recognize that the fear mongering going on is just that (fear mongering), and it is being orchestrated by the idiotic left over being butt hurt bad, and who are extremely mad that their agenda is at risk. The forcing of Immoralism that is being found in cultures upon the American people against it's will is at an end, and thank God for it.
Whites voted for Obama and Obama stabbed them and fellow blacks in the back. And Hillary made a fatal mistake in her campaign by glueing herself to Obama. She didn't have to.
. Yep, and her race hustling was disgusting and so obvious that it was unbelievable how low that woman actually was... Good riddance to Hillary and her ilk.
But but but Mochelle kept telling us that they're going high? LOL
Well one day the dimocrats might wake up and realize playing the race card hasn't gotten them anywhere. It fires up the nitwits in their choir but that's it. They keep losing representation in state after state after state and thus far haven't been able to solve the complex equation 2 plus 2 equals...?

It's quite amazing and old Forrest Gump nailed it perfectly with, Stupid is as...

Oh, well. It's good entertainment and it's free.
The program is to call everyone Trump appoints a racist. So far democrats have followed that program.

They are becoming a barking chihuahua. It's just the little dog barking again, deliver the mail and pass by.
now is the time to root out evil liberalizm wherever it has metastasized

whether it be in the media or the schools or the unions
Bill Clinton raped and sexually assaulted women and Democrats let him slide.

But they want to blackball Jeff Sessions because he once made a joke about the KKK smoking dope.

It's so insane it defies explanation, except that Democrats are so butthurt that they don't care how stupid they look.

Actually, it doesn't defy explanation......they are democrats...left wing totalitarians....nuff said....

Rob Schneider ‏@RobSchneider 9h9 hours ago
I haven't seen the Democrats this mad since we freed the slaves!

watch tucker carlson take out Jonathan Allen over his leftard article against sessions

Tucker Carlson has a really good show.....I really like the way he takes these people apart....he isn't abrasive or annoying the way O'reilly is, and I like his style more than Hannity's.....he is pretty talented at debate...
At this point, regardless of who Trump selects for his cabinet, the left/progressives will find fault and their media lap dogs will hound any illegitimate allegations to the bitter end. I surely hope that the Trump administration has the intestinal fortitude to tell them to "f**k off".

Trump beat 15 other establishment republicans, he defeated the democrat controlled press......and the clinton machine coordinating it all.......

They have no idea what is about to happen to them.....

Rob Schneider ‏@RobSchneider 9h9 hours ago
I haven't seen the Democrats this mad since we freed the slaves!

watch tucker carlson take out Jonathan Allen over his leftard article against sessions

Tucker Carlson has a really good show.....I really like the way he takes these people apart....he isn't abrasive or annoying the way O'reilly is, and I like his style more than Hannity's.....he is pretty talented at debate...

yup he might save fox news

the rest of the line up is shit

i turned it back on to watch tucker
Bill Clinton raped and sexually assaulted women and Democrats let him slide.

But they want to blackball Jeff Sessions because he once made a joke about the KKK smoking dope.

It's so insane it defies explanation, except that Democrats are so butthurt that they don't care how stupid they look.
Pu$$y grabbing is only playful "fun". No big deal. Even your sons can do it. And your daughters should like it.
Bill Clinton raped and sexually assaulted women and Democrats let him slide.

But they want to blackball Jeff Sessions because he once made a joke about the KKK smoking dope.

It's so insane it defies explanation, except that Democrats are so butthurt that they don't care how stupid they look.
Pu$$y grabbing is only playful "fun". No big deal. Even your sons can do it. And your daughters should like it.
. Something the left endorses and teaches, but when a Republican candidate was caught up in the leftist world years and years ago, and then it was replayed once he decided to run for prez, they try to use it against him ?? The left is ok with just about anything until what they thought was a member switched sides, then they get all butt hurt because they know that the person will know every trick in the book that they use, even the one that tricked Trumpster into being a leftist, and if only for a time period in which the Trumpster probably said wow these people are insane in which at this time he found himself going back to the light.

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