Here Is The Simplest Takedown Of The Republican Healthcare Scheme To Take Away Care For Millions


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
How bad is this Republican wealthcare bill? It is nothing short of vicious. This is a longer thread, but if you are one of the 130 million Americans with a pre-existing condition, if you’ve ever been pregnant or plan to have a family, if you or a loved one survives on Medicaid, or if you are age 46 or older, this is an absolute must-read. Senator Bob Casey breaks down this AHCA wealthcare bill, starting by noting the essential health benefits requirement of the Affordable Care Act would be revoked.

Page 41. They revoke the essential health benefits requirement.

— Senator Bob Casey (@SenBobCasey) June 22, 2017 " style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width: 520px;">
Senator Bob Casey

✔ @SenBobCasey

This scheme sells out the middle class, seniors and individuals with disabilities to pay for a tax cut for the wealthy. That's obscene.

Senator Bob Casey


Page 41. They revoke the essential health benefits requirement.

11:48 AM - 22 Jun 2017

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Here's the simplest takedown of the Republican scheme to take away health care from millions
How bad is this Republican wealthcare bill? It is nothing short of vicious. This is a longer thread, but if you are one of the 130 million Americans with a pre-existing condition, if you’ve ever been pregnant or plan to have a family, if you or a loved one survives on Medicaid, or if you are age 46 or older, this is an absolute must-read. Senator Bob Casey breaks down this AHCA wealthcare bill, starting by noting the essential health benefits requirement of the Affordable Care Act would be revoked.

Page 41. They revoke the essential health benefits requirement.

— Senator Bob Casey (@SenBobCasey) June 22, 2017 " style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width: 520px;">
Senator Bob Casey

✔ @SenBobCasey

This scheme sells out the middle class, seniors and individuals with disabilities to pay for a tax cut for the wealthy. That's obscene.

Senator Bob Casey


Page 41. They revoke the essential health benefits requirement.

11:48 AM - 22 Jun 2017

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Here's the simplest takedown of the Republican scheme to take away health care from millions

Yo, Bob Casey? He is a Obama yes Boy, I for one, will not care what he has to say, liar, as all Socialist Democrats are, simple!!!! They should completely repeal Obama-Care, and let Americans go and buy their own insurance, forget about the Free-Loaders, we will help the needy, but not the Free-Loaders, simple!!!MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!

How bad is this Republican wealthcare bill? It is nothing short of vicious. This is a longer thread, but if you are one of the 130 million Americans with a pre-existing condition, if you’ve ever been pregnant or plan to have a family, if you or a loved one survives on Medicaid, or if you are age 46 or older, this is an absolute must-read. Senator Bob Casey breaks down this AHCA wealthcare bill, starting by noting the essential health benefits requirement of the Affordable Care Act would be revoked.

Page 41. They revoke the essential health benefits requirement.

— Senator Bob Casey (@SenBobCasey) June 22, 2017 " style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width: 520px;">
Senator Bob Casey

✔ @SenBobCasey

This scheme sells out the middle class, seniors and individuals with disabilities to pay for a tax cut for the wealthy. That's obscene.

Senator Bob Casey


Page 41. They revoke the essential health benefits requirement.

11:48 AM - 22 Jun 2017

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Here's the simplest takedown of the Republican scheme to take away health care from millions

Yo, Bob Casey? He is a Obama yes Boy, I for one, will not care what he has to say, liar, as all Socialist Democrats are, simple!!!! They should completely repeal Obama-Care, and let Americans go and buy their own insurance, forget about the Free-Loaders, we will help the needy, but not the Free-Loaders, simple!!!MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!

View attachment 134893
You'll be one who gets screwed by this bill.
How bad is this Republican wealthcare bill? It is nothing short of vicious. This is a longer thread, but if you are one of the 130 million Americans with a pre-existing condition, if you’ve ever been pregnant or plan to have a family, if you or a loved one survives on Medicaid, or if you are age 46 or older, this is an absolute must-read. Senator Bob Casey breaks down this AHCA wealthcare bill, starting by noting the essential health benefits requirement of the Affordable Care Act would be revoked.

Page 41. They revoke the essential health benefits requirement.

— Senator Bob Casey (@SenBobCasey) June 22, 2017 " style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width: 520px;">
Senator Bob Casey

✔ @SenBobCasey

This scheme sells out the middle class, seniors and individuals with disabilities to pay for a tax cut for the wealthy. That's obscene.

Senator Bob Casey


Page 41. They revoke the essential health benefits requirement.

11:48 AM - 22 Jun 2017

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Here's the simplest takedown of the Republican scheme to take away health care from millions

Yo, Bob Casey? He is a Obama yes Boy, I for one, will not care what he has to say, liar, as all Socialist Democrats are, simple!!!! They should completely repeal Obama-Care, and let Americans go and buy their own insurance, forget about the Free-Loaders, we will help the needy, but not the Free-Loaders, simple!!!MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!

View attachment 134893
You'll be one who gets screwed by this bill.

Yo, this is America, you pay your own way, and that my friend, is what Rambo does, weather women, or drinking, etc.!!!

Just repeal the damn bill.

That's what the electorate has argued about for 7 years.

We don't need it replaced

The hell we don't. Commie Care was written for Democrat constituents at the cost to likely Republican voters.

If you make french fries or deliver pizzas for a living, Commie Care offers you great prices. If you make anywhere near an average wage, you get screwed to the walls.

I've had health insurance my entire life until Commie Care came along, and then I lost my insurance. Nobody on the left gave a shit about millions like me, so I'm not giving a shit about who loses their healthcare now.
Just repeal the damn bill.

That's what the electorate has argued about for 7 years.

We don't need it replaced

The hell we don't. Commie Care was written for Democrat constituents at the cost to likely Republican voters.

If you make french fries or deliver pizzas for a living, Commie Care offers you great prices. If you make anywhere near an average wage, you get screwed to the walls.

I've had health insurance my entire life until Commie Care came along, and then I lost my insurance. Nobody on the left gave a shit about millions like me, so I'm not giving a shit about who loses their healthcare now.
Trust me, this isn't going to give you coverage.
Do nothing. Oblammycare will collapse on its own and no one will have health insurance. Maybe companies will offer private coverage.
How bad is this Republican wealthcare bill? It is nothing short of vicious. This is a longer thread, but if you are one of the 130 million Americans with a pre-existing condition, if you’ve ever been pregnant or plan to have a family, if you or a loved one survives on Medicaid, or if you are age 46 or older, this is an absolute must-read. Senator Bob Casey breaks down this AHCA wealthcare bill, starting by noting the essential health benefits requirement of the Affordable Care Act would be revoked.

Page 41. They revoke the essential health benefits requirement.

— Senator Bob Casey (@SenBobCasey) June 22, 2017 " style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width: 520px;">
Senator Bob Casey

✔ @SenBobCasey

This scheme sells out the middle class, seniors and individuals with disabilities to pay for a tax cut for the wealthy. That's obscene.

Senator Bob Casey


Page 41. They revoke the essential health benefits requirement.

11:48 AM - 22 Jun 2017

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Here's the simplest takedown of the Republican scheme to take away health care from millions

Everyone wants all the healthcare coverage they can get with someone else paying for it, period.
Here we go with the liberals and their assigned robin hood script.

Then when ask them to explain how it all works.....
:crybaby: the mean GOP is taking away my free shit :crybaby: I need my free shit paid for by people working jobs :crybaby: gimme free shit or I'll whine and cry like a baby :crybaby:
Just repeal the damn bill.

That's what the electorate has argued about for 7 years.

We don't need it replaced

The hell we don't. Commie Care was written for Democrat constituents at the cost to likely Republican voters.

If you make french fries or deliver pizzas for a living, Commie Care offers you great prices. If you make anywhere near an average wage, you get screwed to the walls.

I've had health insurance my entire life until Commie Care came along, and then I lost my insurance. Nobody on the left gave a shit about millions like me, so I'm not giving a shit about who loses their healthcare now.
Trust me, this isn't going to give you coverage.

Well I have nothing to lose, do I? Might as well take a chance at a different idea.
replace....but don't touch Medicare...goes against a pro life nation. Medicaid should be untouched d Trump himself stayed many times.
Do nothing. Oblammycare will collapse on its own and no one will have health insurance. Maybe companies will offer private coverage.

It won't do any good, the libs and media will still blame Republicans.

Who do they blame for the housing bubble in 2008?

Regardless of the democrat controlled congress ignoring all of Bush's warnings (18.)

Regardless of clinton signing Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which exempted credit-default swaps from regulation.

Clinton also rewrote the Community Reinvestment Act, which put added pressure on banks to lend in low-income neighborhoods.

Clinton also repealed Glass Steagall Act.

Clinton also signed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs.

There really is not one particular policy liberals can point to passed by republicans which led to it.

Yet republicans get ALL of the blame.

When healthcare finally fails and it will, republicans will get ALL of the blame. Then, like obama coming on his white horse in 2009, democrats will "save the day" with the single payer, which is what obamacare was created to be. A single payer Trojan horse.

That is what it is. Once millions of people got something for free, it has become politically impossible to take it away.

This is what we are seeing. The libs go right to their robin hood script, pushed by the media...

And here we are. Just as I said when this thing passed originally.

Hate being right all the time.

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