Here is the REAL DEAL about the freekin birth certificate


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2007
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That's right...Here is the deal for all you, fall in line, believe what your told, don't think for your self, believe the government, believe the main stream media, brainwashed, fluoride koolaid drinkers!
So...will you please either get on board with lets really get to the bottom of this and lets see the "BIRTH CERTIFICATE" and not the fraudulent Certificate of live birth, or just shut up and get out of the way so real people who have a grip on reality can get the work done that needs to get done.

YouTube - TheAlexJonesChannel's Channel
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yeah thats pretty much the way they are on ANY government conspiracy around here.No matter how much evidence you present to them that their lying,they live in denial about it.they only see what they WANT to see.
You're a government plant that points out silly conspiracies to detract us from seeing the REAL conspiracies. You ain't fooling me ! :lol:
You're a government plant that points out silly conspiracies to detract us from seeing the REAL conspiracies. You ain't fooling me ! :lol:
Actually I am not a government plant, I am a conspiracy looking for government plants which are much different than regular plants. Normal plants have roots and start from seed, have leaves and bear fruit or flowers...The plants I am looking for have no roots and no identification, They never start from anything they just seem to grow on their own out of nothing and they never leave either with bear, fruit or flowers. Though they do sometimes send flowers to fruits with bears who write silly shit. What's your address, I'll send you some flowers.
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Alex Jones huh?

I never got the logic that the so called "powers at be" would allow this blowhard to go around running his mouth, blowing the lid off their operations and therefore ruining their plans. If they truly so powerful, wouldn't of they had taken him out of commission a long time ago? :eusa_eh:

This is the same idiot who was the Executive Producer on the "final cut" of Loose Change. Honestly, you'd figure the first whatever number of cuts when they get their asses handed to them were enough. They bring ridicule to any sort of movement, and this guy helps them. Gee, I wonder how much he's made off this "NWO" stuff?

He's a failed political candidate who tried to run for office in 2000, and pulled out because he knew he wasn't going to win.
Alex Jones huh?

I never got the logic that the so called "powers at be" would allow this blowhard to go around running his mouth, blowing the lid off their operations and therefore ruining their plans. If they truly so powerful, wouldn't of they had taken him out of commission a long time ago? :eusa_eh:

This is the same idiot who was the Executive Producer on the "final cut" of Loose Change. Honestly, you'd figure the first whatever number of cuts when they get their asses handed to them were enough. They bring ridicule to any sort of movement, and this guy helps them. Gee, I wonder how much he's made off this "NWO" stuff?

He's a failed political candidate who tried to run for office in 2000, and pulled out because he knew he wasn't going to win.
Again with the whining and sniveling I want to shoot the messenger bullshit. Rather than debate the topic and the intricate parts there of, would rather cry about who is presenting them. Probably didn't even watch the clip and lets get real...You are jealous of Alex jones because he has balls and is a real man and you either wish it was you with his job or you wish you had his balls, either way it makes you a whinny, sniveling, snot nosed looser who can't wrap your fluoridated koolaid drinking non gray matter around the topic at hand because you are blinded by the greatness and sheer awe of the great Alex Jones.
Even if you really hated him, at least have enough brains to debate the topic and don't just be a 6 year old crying about the boogy man in the closet...JEEEEEZ!

Oh yeah...I will answer your question because you can't think for your self...They haven't taken him out because they thought he would just fade away and it would all go away under the table...A controlled or non controlled burn...But he got too big too quick and they can't take him out now because it would start a landslide they can't control.
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