Here is the Ivermectin dosage chart for HUMANS.

The vax pushers desperately cling to their "horse paste" narrative despite knowing full well Ivermectin is and always was an effective treatment AFTER contracting Covid. When we can't even acknowledge obvious facts, then debate and discussion is out the window. I suppose that's exactly what the Democratic Party wants the end of debate and discussion.

For anyone who still believes Ivermectin is de-wormer medicine only for horses, here is a handy dosage chart for the "many" human ailments Ivermectin is effective. And please spare me the "YABUT not for Covid!" response this is to PROVE Ivermectin is for humans as well as horses.

I see you duck the issue of how much to give our Horsey Horse when he has one of his attacks .
Or does he merit the The Donald recovery treatment -- Hydoxychloroquine ?
The men who discovered ivermectin won the Nobel Prize in Medicine. You don't win a Nobel Prize in Medicine for drugs to treat animals.
because it is alkaline

we , as hosts, can survive ph levels that a virus can not

one could achieve this by simply dietary means, which makes it a holistic cure for a multitude of diseases

Juxtaposed to the pharmaceutical industry's expensive if not economically hobbling mainstream medicines

Now you know the real reason horse paste was demonized

because it is alkaline

we , as hosts, can survive ph levels that a virus can not

one could achieve this by simply dietary means, which makes it a holistic cure for a multitude of diseases

Juxtaposed to the pharmaceutical industry's expensive if not economically hobbling mainstream medicines

Now you know the real reason horse paste was demonized


Same for HCQ, it was off patent for decades and thus cheap.
For anyone who still believes Ivermectin is de-wormer medicine only for horses, here is a handy dosage chart for the "many" human ailments Ivermectin is effective. And please spare me the "YABUT not for Covid!" response this is to PROVE Ivermectin is for humans as well as horses.

Given the side effects

rapid heart rate, swelling of face, swelling of feet, low blood pressure, dizziness, diarrhea, nausea, decreased white blood cell counts, and hepatitis.

And that doesn't mention the possible long term liver and intestinal damage

Only an idiot would prescribe or take this off label for a condition for which there are alternative treatments.

In other words

MAGATS don't trust masks or vaccines but will take horse medicines and crap their pants the rest of their lives to own the libs.

The left are not only stupid but the teller of lies over and over again.

The men who discovered ivermectin won the Nobel Prize in Medicine. You don't win a Nobel Prize in Medicine for drugs to treat animals.
The nobel prize was created by the guy who invented TNT.

So i'm guessing in MAAGADUMIA shoving a stick of dynamite up your ass is also a goo covid treatment.
As I expected, the Vax Pushers have showed up to continue mocking the valid uses of Ivermectin for humans and of course me for presenting the information. SSDD
Not in humans, off label for something that has many alternative treatment that don't produce the side effects Ivermectin does at required dosages for COVID.

Is your argument so weak it can only be defended with lies?

Given the side effects

rapid heart rate, swelling of face, swelling of feet, low blood pressure, dizziness, diarrhea, nausea, decreased white blood cell counts, and hepatitis.

And that doesn't mention the possible long term liver and intestinal damage

Only an idiot would prescribe or take this off label for a condition for which there are alternative treatments.

In other words

MAGATS don't trust masks or vaccines but will take horse medicines and crap their pants the rest of their lives to own the libs.

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Wasn't the NIH one of the organizations that the pharmaceutical's greatest apologist, Fauci, had control of? In my opinion, Fauci and some pharmaceuticals actually killed people for money, and this is just one of the bullshit articles they used to justify their actions. It's starting to look like the COVID scam continues.
Wasn't the NIH one of the organizations that the pharmaceutical's greatest apologist, Fauci, had control of? In my opinion, Fauci and some pharmaceuticals actually killed people for money, and this is just one of the bullshit articles they used to justify their actions. It's starting to look like the COVID scam continues.
Fauci was a government employee.
TRUMP was in charge of recommending you shove a lightbulb up your ass and drink a pint of clorox.
This is what happens when you become emotionally attached to a belief. You deny obvious facts and attack anyone who points out the facts to you. It's like a wife who continues to defend her abusive husband.
Wasn't the NIH one of the organizations that the pharmaceutical's greatest apologist, Fauci, had control of? In my opinion, Fauci and some pharmaceuticals actually killed people for money, and this is just one of the bullshit articles they used to justify their actions. It's starting to look like the COVID scam continues.
The NIH and the FDA were absolutely complicit in the coordinated smear campaigns against both Ivermectin and HCQ. That campaign caused the needless suffering AND deaths of many thousands of people. Hospitals DENIED the use of these drugs and instead forced them onto ventilators where many died in misery.
This is what happens when you become emotionally attached to a belief. You deny obvious facts and attack anyone who points out the facts to you. It's like a wife who continues to defend her abusive husband.

Can you show us in your link where it says that Ivermectin is and always was an effective treatment AFTER contracting Covid.

For anyone who still believes Ivermectin is de-wormer medicine only for horses, here is a handy dosage chart for the "many" human ailments Ivermectin is effective. And please spare me the "YABUT not for Covid!" response this is to PROVE Ivermectin is for humans as well as horses.

This is not a dosing guide for anything related to covid. Ivermectin is not effective against covid.
The NIH and the FDA were absolutely complicit in the coordinated smear campaigns against both Ivermectin and HCQ.
Good. Neither is effective against covid. Some people actually need those meds, and we can't have idiot plague rats causing shortages.
This is not a dosing guide for anything related to covid. Ivermectin is not effective against covid.
As my explanation obviously went over your head, I will simplify. Posting the dosage chart PROVES that Ivermectin HAS ALWAYS BEEN A SAFE DRUG FOR HUMANS. You and all the rest of the Covid Vax Clan have been pushing the narrative for years that Ivermectin is for LIVESTOCK and HORSES only.

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