
Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
I've Waited Long Enough!

President Barack Obama will outline a plan on Thursday to relax U.S. immigration policy for as many as 5 million people, bypassing Congress and angering Republicans.

U.S. Representative Paul Ryan, the leading Republican voice on fiscal policy and a potential 2016 presidential candidate, called the plan a "partisan bomb" while a spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner branded the president “Emperor Obama” for acting unilaterally.

The White House said Obama will deliver a televised speech at 8 p.m. ET on Thursday (0100 GMT Friday) laying out the plan followed by a trip to Las Vegas on Friday. Nevada is home to the highest proportion of undocumented immigrants.

Frustrated by years of congressional inaction on what most in Washington agree is a broken immigration system, Obama said he is now prepared to use his executive authority.

Obama's directives are expected to remove the threat of deportation for as many as 5 million of the estimated 11 million people living illegally in the United States.

I don't think he will be angering only Republicans, I think he will be angering Americans!
I've Waited Long Enough!

President Barack Obama will outline a plan on Thursday to relax U.S. immigration policy for as many as 5 million people, bypassing Congress and angering Republicans.

U.S. Representative Paul Ryan, the leading Republican voice on fiscal policy and a potential 2016 presidential candidate, called the plan a "partisan bomb" while a spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner branded the president “Emperor Obama” for acting unilaterally.

The White House said Obama will deliver a televised speech at 8 p.m. ET on Thursday (0100 GMT Friday) laying out the plan followed by a trip to Las Vegas on Friday. Nevada is home to the highest proportion of undocumented immigrants.

Frustrated by years of congressional inaction on what most in Washington agree is a broken immigration system, Obama said he is now prepared to use his executive authority.

Obama's directives are expected to remove the threat of deportation for as many as 5 million of the estimated 11 million people living illegally in the United States.

I don't think he will be angering only Republicans, I think he will be angering Americans!

He's throwing the Blacks under the bus again.
I read that more than 70% of Americans are in favor of a pathway to citizenship.

This is like ACA v. ObamaCare.

When people are asked about ACA, they're in favor of it. Thanks to the lies from the right, when they hear about ObamaCare, they're 'agin' it.

Its just RW ignorance.
I've Waited Long Enough!

President Barack Obama will outline a plan on Thursday to relax U.S. immigration policy for as many as 5 million people, bypassing Congress and angering Republicans.

U.S. Representative Paul Ryan, the leading Republican voice on fiscal policy and a potential 2016 presidential candidate, called the plan a "partisan bomb" while a spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner branded the president “Emperor Obama” for acting unilaterally.

The White House said Obama will deliver a televised speech at 8 p.m. ET on Thursday (0100 GMT Friday) laying out the plan followed by a trip to Las Vegas on Friday. Nevada is home to the highest proportion of undocumented immigrants.

Frustrated by years of congressional inaction on what most in Washington agree is a broken immigration system, Obama said he is now prepared to use his executive authority.

Obama's directives are expected to remove the threat of deportation for as many as 5 million of the estimated 11 million people living illegally in the United States.

I don't think he will be angering only Republicans, I think he will be angering Americans!


The far left/DNC needs a new voter base since certain groups they tried to enslave have now turned on them..
I read that more than 70% of Americans are in favor of a pathway to citizenship.

This is like ACA v. ObamaCare.

When people are asked about ACA, they're in favor of it. Thanks to the lies from the right, when they hear about ObamaCare, they're 'agin' it.

Its just RW ignorance.

Another irony impaired far left drone..

So the far left supports the president to by pass Congress with unconstitutional EO's to push their religion on the masses..
I read that more than 70% of Americans are in favor of a pathway to citizenship.

This is like ACA v. ObamaCare.

When people are asked about ACA, they're in favor of it. Thanks to the lies from the right, when they hear about ObamaCare, they're 'agin' it.

Its just RW ignorance.

Well, you read wrong. The poll is 48% against Obama taking action, 38% for his taking action, and 14% are too stupid to have an opinion. The majority polled continue to oppose Obamacare. You really do need to at least attempt to be honest. There are folks on here that can check anything said on here.
I read that more than 70% of Americans are in favor of a pathway to citizenship.

This is like ACA v. ObamaCare.

When people are asked about ACA, they're in favor of it. Thanks to the lies from the right, when they hear about ObamaCare, they're 'agin' it.

Its just RW ignorance.

Well, you read wrong. The poll is 48% against Obama taking action, 38% for his taking action, and 14% are too stupid to have an opinion. The majority polled continue to oppose Obamacare. You really do need to at least attempt to be honest. There are folks on here that can check anything said on here.
He probably read it on a bathroom stall wall.
Obama says he's waited long enough and he's not gonna fuckin wait no more.
He's gonna do what 38% of the country wants him to do.
I was pretty pissed off about it until I heard that it will interrupt the Winter Finale of Grey's Anatomy only....Scandal and How to Get Away with Murder will be seen in their entirety. Hopefully at their regular time.
Illegals break our laws, murder, rape, injure out citizens, commit identify theft, tax fraud, they do not meet the requirements for immigrating here legally...and the President sides with them over us wtf?
I was pretty pissed off about it until I heard that it will interrupt the Winter Finale of Grey's Anatomy only....Scandal and How to Get Away with Murder will be seen in their entirety. Hopefully at their regular time.

Another far left drone blazes in to show their support for Obama violating the Constitution..
I read that more than 70% of Americans are in favor of a pathway to citizenship.

This is like ACA v. ObamaCare.

When people are asked about ACA, they're in favor of it. Thanks to the lies from the right, when they hear about ObamaCare, they're 'agin' it.

Its just RW ignorance.
You read wrong. The newest poll shows 76% against it.
Illegals break our laws, murder, rape, injure out citizens, commit identify theft, tax fraud, they do not meet the requirements for immigrating here legally...and the President sides with them over us wtf?
Because our president is an idiot.
I read that more than 70% of Americans are in favor of a pathway to citizenship.

This is like ACA v. ObamaCare.

When people are asked about ACA, they're in favor of it. Thanks to the lies from the right, when they hear about ObamaCare, they're 'agin' it.

Its just RW ignorance.
You read wrong. The newest poll shows 76% against it.

He must be one of that guy Guber or whatever his name is that is spilling the beans about Obamacare.
I read that more than 70% of Americans are in favor of a pathway to citizenship.

This is like ACA v. ObamaCare.

When people are asked about ACA, they're in favor of it. Thanks to the lies from the right, when they hear about ObamaCare, they're 'agin' it.

Its just RW ignorance.

Another irony impaired far left drone..

So the far left supports the president to by pass Congress with unconstitutional EO's to push their religion on the masses..

you're an idiot

an EO falls under Executive Powers as described in the Constitution. Said description gives the POTUS the ability to bypass congress. An EO carries the same weight as a Law passed by Congress and signed by the POTUS. On that I'll bet.

I'll also bet how stupid you are ..

study up idiot ..
executive power: an overview
In its first three articles, the U.S. Constitution outlines the branches of the U.S. Government, the powers that they contain and the limitations to which they must adhere. Article II outlines the duties of the Executive Branch.
The President of the United States is elected to a four-year term by electors from every state and the District of Columbia. The electors make up the Electoral College, which is comprised of 538 electors, equal to the number of Representatives and Senators that currently make up Congress. The citizens of each state vote for slates of electors who then vote for the president on the prescribed day, selected by Congress.
In order to become president, a person must be a natural born citizen of the United States. Naturalized citizens are ineligible, as are persons under the age of 35. In the case that the president should be unable to perform his duties, be it by death or illness, the vice-president becomes the president. Amendment XXII placed a two-term limit on the presidential office.
The president:
  • is the Commander in Chief of the armed forces. He or she has the power to call into service the state units of the National Guard, and in times of emergency may be given the power by Congress to manage national security or the economy.
  • has the power make treaties with Senate approval. He or she can also receive ambassadors and work with leaders of other nations.
  • is responsible for nominating the heads of governmental departments, which the Senate must then approve. In addition, the president nominates judges to federal courts and justices to the United States Supreme Court.
  • can issue executive orders, which have the force of law but do not have to be approved by congress.
  • can issue pardons for federal offenses.
  • can convene Congress for special sessions.
  • can veto legislation approved by Congress. However, the veto is limited. It is not a line-item veto, meaning that he or she cannot veto only specific parts of legislation, and it can be overridden by a two-thirds vote by Congress.
  • delivers a State of the Union address annually to a joint session of Congress.
for the record I oppose an EO on immigration ... an EO does nothing to stop the flow if illegals into the country.
You know what really amazes me...there is no mention about police records. Illegals can have felony records as long as your arm and they will be welcomed here! No deportation for them! No sirreee.. bring us your robbers, murderers and sex offenders we welcome them all.
Should US citizen children be forced to leave the country with their illegal parents? Can this even be done within the Constitution? I don't think we can kick American citizen children out?

So if this is the case, should they be separated from their parents? Should the parents be deported and they all be put in orphanages or foster homes?

What's your realistic plan on how to handle this, within the law?
Should US citizen children be forced to leave the country with their illegal parents? Can this even be done within the Constitution? I don't think we can kick American citizen children out?

So if this is the case, should they be separated from their parents? Should the parents be deported and they all be put in orphanages or foster homes?

What's your realistic plan on how to handle this, within the law?

The parents go.

If the kids want to go...they can go.....

If they want to stay.....they can stay....kiss mommy and daddy good-bye. Those rules were in place long before the kids were ever born and it's high time we enforced them.

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