Here come the mandates.

All I know I yesterday I went to get tested for antibodies which I did several times before.

I had covid for a month and it was a giant nothing burger for me. I am diabetic too.

Anyway, for some odd reason I am not allowed to get a test for antibodies anymore.

Now, you connect the dots. Here, let me show the dots.

If you have antibodies there is no need for a vaccination. If I do not need to get the vaccination I will not get it and if the millions of people that have survived 99% of those that caught covid do not get the vaccination cause they have antibodies, what does that do about the command and control satanic world movement?

The fact that the demonic minions are pushing this and giggling and laughing further shows the right of this.
People are not getting vaccinated on their own

That's simply a lie...

Time to start applying pressure and making it inconvenient to get vaccinated.

Employers need to say… are a danger to our customers and fellow employees
Public venues need to be denied to those who are not vaccinated
Schools need to deny access to unvaccinated students over 12

I employ a good number of people. Many have been vaccinated. Many have not.

I have no plans on terminating anyone who doesn't get vaccinated. My people are smart enough to stay home if they feel ill, and smart enough to get tested if they think there's even a remote chance they've been exposed.

The idea that this should be made "inconvenient" is stupid...

The days of vaccine lotteries are waning. Here come the mandates.​

Joel Shannon, USA TODAY
Sat, July 24, 2021, 6:00 AM
Getting a COVID-19 vaccine in summer 2021 could have given you a shot at a million dollars. Soon, not getting one could cost you your job.
Health officials and politicians have tried to stay positive in recent months as vaccination rates plummet, turning to ad campaigns touting giveaways and lottery drawings. And then the ultra-contagious delta variant arrived.
Now health officials say the nation's lagging vaccine rates are creating a spiraling public health crisis as the unvaccinated rapidly get sick and the protective power of vaccines is given a "stress test." A growing chorus of voices say people who resist vaccinations should face pressure — and consequences.

Yeah, it was only matter of time before the China flu purpose would truly be revealed.


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It shouldn't have taken this long.

I mean, it was fine when the vaccine first came out to limit it, as we had a limited supply of it.

Now it's the idiots who refuse to get vaccinated that are the problem.

The vax has only been out for a few months, Joe.

What's the rush?

Is Biden trying to hide something? Does he have stock in Pfizer? Is Moderna giving his boy a no-show job?

I don't think many people are "refusing" anything, they are just taking their time, researching themselves the pros and cons of the various vaccines, etc. Being good consumers, yet Sleepy Joe has a problem?
Monday's post in Stay Informed. . . .

Will France Submit to COVID Tyranny? - #NewWorldNextWeek​


Story #1: NATO Says Attack In Space Could Trigger Article 5 Mutual Defense Clause

Story #2: France Mandates Vaccine Passports for “Non-Essential” Services

Story #3: Is Your Cash Becoming Outdated for Digital Currency? At the Ballpark, Yes!

It would appear that Black-Bloc (Antifa) is marching with the Yellow Vests. . or, those Hesitant of the Gene Manipulation Tech.

. . . it may finally be happening? The oligarchs are uniting the left and right populists behind a single issue?


It shouldn't have taken this long.

I mean, it was fine when the vaccine first came out to limit it, as we had a limited supply of it.

Now it's the idiots who refuse to get vaccinated that are the problem.
And u will exterminate people. Thinking you are so right. It is the law enforcement on so many levels that will force the issue. And they have seen the Progressive Socialists shit on them and will back them. Because they will get their salaries, benefits and pensions for their fiefdoms.
They might be trying to push this through very, very fast, before most Americans realize that the vaccines are at best ineffective and at worst, detrimental. As I have posted in many places, Israel and the UK, which are ahead of us both in vax rates and in Delta spread, are seeing this in spades.

page 19, compare hospitalizations and deaths between vaxxed and unvaxxed:

From the Jerusalem Post:

Fifteen of the 20 people who died this month were fully vaccinated.

20 deaths? Out of some 40,000 cases in the last month?

The vaccine is working.

The days of vaccine lotteries are waning. Here come the mandates.​

Joel Shannon, USA TODAY
Sat, July 24, 2021, 6:00 AM
Getting a COVID-19 vaccine in summer 2021 could have given you a shot at a million dollars. Soon, not getting one could cost you your job.
Health officials and politicians have tried to stay positive in recent months as vaccination rates plummet, turning to ad campaigns touting giveaways and lottery drawings. And then the ultra-contagious delta variant arrived.
Now health officials say the nation's lagging vaccine rates are creating a spiraling public health crisis as the unvaccinated rapidly get sick and the protective power of vaccines is given a "stress test." A growing chorus of voices say people who resist vaccinations should face pressure — and consequences.

Yeah, it was only matter of time before the China flu purpose would truly be revealed.
Employers can legally require vaccines as a condition of employment.
Employers can legally require vaccines as a condition of employment.

They can also have employees go on workman's comp and/or sue if you are vaccine injured.

Which I will be happy to tell my employer if they insist. Right after I show them that their employees can still transmit the virus and will need boosters every 6 mos (increasing the chance for injuries) so really.....
They can also have employees go on workman's comp and/or sue if you are vaccine injured.

Which I will be happy to tell my employer if they insist. Right after I show them that their employees can still transmit the virus and will need boosters every 6 mos (increasing the chance for injuries) so really.....
The so called vaccine injury thing is overblown.

less than 1 in a million people have a severe vaccine reaction.

That's less than .0001%

Your odds of dying from falling out of bed are about 1 in 2 million so tell me do you sleep on the floor?
People are not getting vaccinated on their own

Time to start applying pressure and making it inconvenient to not get vaccinated.

Employers need to say… are a danger to our customers and fellow employees
Public venues need to be denied to those who are not vaccinated
Schools need to deny access to unvaccinated students over 12
People who advocate this kind of coercion against others should be shunned in public.
People who threaten other's jobs to force compliance with medical experiments should lose their livelihoods.
People who try to force people to comply with their wishes, by fucking with their children and their children's education, need to have their asses beat, in public, as often as it takes for them to learn the error of their ways.
People who who think it's okay to do any of the shit you advocate should be spit on, and have all the teeth slapped out of their mouths, until they learn not to show their fucked up selves in public.

You are, plain and simple, a sorry-assed excuse for a person. I don't tolerate people like you around me, so I sometimes forget you're all out there spewing your shit in other places where folks let you get away with it.
One day, you'll run into someone like me, and you won't feel like talking shit for a long time afterwards.

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