Henry Cuellar D - TX carjacked

Imagine the odds that a member of congress, out of 300+ million Americans would be carjacked. These THUG filth who should be locked up instead are allowed to run amok preying on citizens, now carjacking a member of congress it's incredible.

It used to be Dems were soft on crime, now they willingly allow thugs to prey on citizens without consequence. Just release them, no bond required, turn them loose to go carjack the next victim.
Just living here, I know all the hoods, and people in them, even. Good People. Sometimes the area isn't so nice.

Same here. I did Meals On Wheels for a long time, and volunteered for the Hood since a lot of women were terrified to go in; lots of elderly people locked in their fortified houses, and still getting murdered by the feral hood rats allowed to run loose. Other times drivers wanted other people with them, didn't want to go to some areas alone. My hat's off to a lot of those black church people out in the streets every day fighting against the heavy odds in those neighborhoods; you know it's bad when the pastors and deacons all carry shotguns and church ladies all carry pistols.

WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, was carjacked Monday night by three armed attackers, his office said.

Cuellar’s chief of staff Jacob Hochberg released a statement saying: “As Congressman Cuellar was parking his car this evening, 3 armed assailants approached the Congressman and stole his vehicle. Luckily, he was not harmed and is working with local law enforcement.”

Could not have happened to a nicer guy and from a political party that has ruined a once civil society.

I am a Washington DC native and have lived in the area my entire life. I remember back in the 90s an attempted carjacking resulted in the death of the carjacker because the driver was an off duty Federal police officer. All hell broke loose because the carjacker was Black and the driver was White.
It was in the Washington Navy Yard area.....Supposedly considered "up-scale" in DC.....Rent runs around 2.1K a month where he was jacked.
This was once - and to a certain extent remains - a dicey area.

I hope they catch these scumbags.

And immediately release them of course. :)

WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, was carjacked Monday night by three armed attackers, his office said.

Cuellar’s chief of staff Jacob Hochberg released a statement saying: “As Congressman Cuellar was parking his car this evening, 3 armed assailants approached the Congressman and stole his vehicle. Luckily, he was not harmed and is working with local law enforcement.”

Could not have happened to a nicer guy and from a political party that has ruined a once civil society.

Society has never been civil the presence of prisons proves that.
I went to DC last August. Went to St Johns church and the park where the 5/29 insurrectin happened.

5 blocks north of the White House there are homeless people and tent cities in parks everywhere. It is kind of shocking to see with your own eyes.
Reminds you od the Depression Era.
Baldamore used to be kinda fun to visit certain parts…now the entire place is a shithole.

There is something so odd about tent cities less than a mile from rhe WHITE HOUSE.
Badamore is OK if you get a nice hotel right across from Harbor Place, and then stick around there. Do NOT walk even a few blocks away.

I stay away from DC entirely, unless it’s to ride the Metro right to the Smithsonian stop, emerge there, stick to the museums, and ride home. My evening events and seminars I used to take are now out of the question.

Such is the state of Dem cities.
Badamore is OK if you get a nice hotel right across from Harbor Place, and then stick around there. Do NOT walk even a few blocks away.

I stay away from DC entirely, unless it’s to ride the Metro right to the Smithsonian stop, emerge there, stick to the museums, and ride home. My evening events and seminars I used to take are now out of the question.

Such is the state of Dem cities.
Go to Miami or OKC and find out it is run by GOPs and it is no different.
I live in a solid red county of a solid red state and shit happens to people out here in the country also....

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