Sorry bout that,
1. West has no reason to expect, anyone in their right mind would cast a vote for him as President.
2. And he is playing dirty tricks by bringing a subversive guest of his to President Trumps house.
3. Ye just lost more than half of all he had when he wrongfully spoke out about the Jews.
4. Then the *jackwagon* brings a, *Jew Hater*, to President Trumps, house.
5. Stirring up the media over something he had no idea of Ye's guests.
6. Is Ye, unstable in the head like many globally presume?
7. Are you wondering if I can continue sliding?
8. My text less and less words?
9. Until only one?
10 Word?
you don't reproof house guests of your guest, and the media claims otherwise.
1. West has no reason to expect, anyone in their right mind would cast a vote for him as President.
2. And he is playing dirty tricks by bringing a subversive guest of his to President Trumps house.
3. Ye just lost more than half of all he had when he wrongfully spoke out about the Jews.
4. Then the *jackwagon* brings a, *Jew Hater*, to President Trumps, house.
5. Stirring up the media over something he had no idea of Ye's guests.
6. Is Ye, unstable in the head like many globally presume?
7. Are you wondering if I can continue sliding?
8. My text less and less words?
9. Until only one?
10 Word?
Donald Trump âshied away from criticising Nick Fuentesâ
Advisers wanted ex-president to distance himself from white supremacist with whom he dined but Trump feared alienating supporters – insiders
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