Healthy Males - Sudden Death Syndrome linked to Vaccines


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
And another one...

Air Force Football Player Dies After Collapsing on Way to Class (

A healthy young adult, forced to get the vaccine, dies of sudden cardiac death.

Recent reports show a positive link to mRNA vaccines in males. They cause cardiac inflammation (myocardidts) and even small events can trigger a fatal dysrhythmia. While the one above is still pending investigation the surrounding available information is like a recurring nightmare... Get the shot and within days have a major cardiac event. Reports indicate the cadet was late for class and was jogging to get there on time.

This is what forced vaccination is doing to otherwise healthy service members. We had better be holding those force vaccinating our kids to account. I find it odd the choice of words use in some of the studies to "mitigate" causality..

The Link Between Myocarditis and COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines > News > Yale Medicine
Your article is 18 months old.
Which one?

I listed two.

The Yale Report was over a year old, but they insist on force vaccinating people who simply do not need it. In doing so, they are killing them... IS that what you're trying to run from? Willful Homicide of people who do not need this crap? LIKE OUR CHILDREN?
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For people like WINCO, here is a much more recent study..

Science Requires That the Vaccines Must Be Blamed if Healthy People “Die Suddenly” Afterwards

At issue is our Military readiness. How can we be ready if our troops all have heart conditions forced on them by the forced vaccination? Is Biden setting the US to fall to China's aggression? This goes to acts of treason and aiding and abetting our enemies. Not to mention the profiteering he is doing protecting Pfizer if they are indeed launching biological attacks to create more profit as noted in the latest Project VERITAS video of one of their CEO's.
The cause seems to include a three-amino-acid motif, RGD:

NIH, Bethesda, Md.
'....Mutant CAR and RGD rAd vectors target several DC and mononuclear subsets and induce both adaptive immunity and toxicity.'

Why some genomes are susceptible while others are not, remains unknown. The RGD motif occurs on the SARS2 viral spike at positions 403-5.
The vaccine has been killing people longer than that. Fail.
Can you please show/post those "Documented" deaths caused directly from the vaccine?

Are unvaccinated people dying from COVID.......Ask Diamond.

I already KNOW your answer.........
You'll say the Government/CDC is hiding those Deaths from us."
Thread summary:

Antivaxxers can't do math, logic or morality.

Since the beginning of time, young apparently healthy people have, on rare occasions, just dropped dead. In a population of many millions, where every death is reported, it will keep occasionally making the news.

Antivaxxers take every such death happening currently and use it to push their awful political agenda. That is, each time you think the antivaxxer ghouls can't get more disgusting, they prove you wrong.

Antivaxxers, if you're not peddling dishonest propaganda, show us the hard data that shows young males are now dropping dead more often. And remember, the plural of "anecdote" is not "data".

Oh, you know what majorly causes myocarditis, along with blood clots and strokes? COVID. A person is much safer from such things if vaccinated.
For people like WINCO, here is a much more recent study..

Science Requires That the Vaccines Must Be Blamed if Healthy People “Die Suddenly” Afterwards

At issue is our Military readiness. How can we be ready if our troops all have heart conditions forced on them by the forced vaccination? Is Biden setting the US to fall to China's aggression? This goes to acts of treason and aiding and abetting our enemies. Not to mention the profiteering he is doing protecting Pfizer if they are indeed launching biological attacks to create more profit as noted in the latest Project VERITAS video of one of their CEO's.
Ready for what ?
And another one...

Air Force Football Player Dies After Collapsing on Way to Class (

A healthy young adult, forced to get the vaccine, dies of sudden cardiac death.

Recent reports show a positive link to mRNA vaccines in males. They cause cardiac inflammation (myocardidts) and even small events can trigger a fatal dysrhythmia. While the one above is still pending investigation the surrounding available information is like a recurring nightmare... Get the shot and within days have a major cardiac event. Reports indicate the cadet was late for class and was jogging to get there on time.

This is what forced vaccination is doing to otherwise healthy service members. We had better be holding those force vaccinating our kids to account. I find it odd the choice of words use in some of the studies to "mitigate" causality..

The Link Between Myocarditis and COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines > News > Yale Medicine
Trump should be scared.

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