Have you noticed....

Then you should have no trouble calling her and asking her for some credible content and metrics that you can either link to or upload.

"Been well known" by whom? I didn't until this conversation give a moment's thought to Nevada schools. Why are you even "on about" NV schools? Your remark wasn't limited to NV schools; you made the broad assertion that "public schools suck," not that "NV public schools suck." I'm the one who introduced NV and I did so only because you mentioned your daughter's schooling.

More importantly than any of that, the original claim I made has nothing to do with NV schools. It doesn't have to do with any state's schools or school system. It has to do with parents behavior. I made that clear to you earlier and you still haven't actually written one word that directly addresses the actual thread topic. Why do you not just address the thread topic?

At this point, I really want to know. To whom do I report dissatisfaction resulting from a moderator's complete refusal to respond, even in your very first post in the thread, refusal to address the topic introduced in the thread's OP, which, BTW, you happened to quote in your first thread post? There must be someone to whom we members can report our grievances.

Do parents have an effect? Yes. Sometimes. But here's the deal. Teachers spend more waking time with kids than the parents do. Thus, to claim that it is all the parents fault is BS.
  • Who in the conversation between you and me has made that claim? Nobody.
  • What has such a claim to do with the thread topic? Nothing.
I've had it with your:
  1. Refusal to directly address the thread topic.
  2. Repeated posts to deflect attention from the thread topic.

Until you feel like you can and will respond directly to the thread topic as presented in the OP, I'd be happy to read that response. In the meantime, please tell me how to put you on ignore.

I specifically referred to this paragraph. Do you not remember writing it? One of the worst schools in Nevada was actually FOUNDED by Eugene Paslov, who was the Nevada Schools Superintendent. He was an incredibly nice man, but totally inept at running a school. This is a recurring issue when progressives are allowed to control education. The very fact that they modeled the USA's school system on the Prussian Model should raise concern for everyone. That system was specifically geared towards raising a compliant population to further the goals of the Kaiser.

"More importantly than any of that, the original claim I made has nothing to do with NV schools. It doesn't have to do with any state's schools or school system. It has to do with parents behavior. I made that clear to you earlier and you still haven't actually written one word that directly addresses the actual thread topic. Why do you not just address the thread topic?"

Just stop trying to be coyly equivocating. You know as well as I:
  • You've stripped from this conversation the original post to which you replied. You know as well as I do that at the start of the quoted thread of discussion above, I clarified for you that this thread was about the parental behavior noted in the OP.

    To in summary remind you, the thread question is this. Why do parents of private school kids seem more given to complaining about the quality private school in question only after the child has completed school, whereas parents (and others) complain about public schools before, during and after the child has graduated from public school?

  • You have failed to show the barest modicum of respect one might expect from a site moderator, regardless of how other members behave, by, at least with your first post, the one in which you clearly quoted the OP, responding directly to the thread topic.
    • Your first post in this thread that responded by quoting me/my OP -- You completely ignored the topic of the OP and wrote about schools even though the OP was about parents behavior.
    • My response to that post -- In my response to you, I specifically clarified that the intent and purpose of the OP/thread is to discuss the behavior of the parents as follows.

      Additionally, the questions I've asked in the OP have to do with the timing of parents' griping about the schools their kids attend; the temporal theme is found in all three paragraphs of the OP. How does one miss that? ....Yet people would become temerariously pissed at me were I to ridicule their reading comprehension skills....

      The central theme is that people "bitch and moan" about private schools after the kid graduates, whereas they do so about public schools before their kids attend, and presumably after their kids graduate. Some people likely deride public schools when they don't even have kids or haven't recently had any who were in a K-12 school.
  • I have asked you repeatedly to please respond directly to the thread topic. You still have not been polite enough to do so.

You specifically cite the parents, while exonerating the Nevada school system.
I don't really give a damn about the Nevada school system. I asked in my OP for people's thoughts about parental behavior, not about Nevada school systems. Go create a thread about Nevada school systems and I'll be more than happy to refrain from posting in it.

I made it very clear already that the original claim I made (in the OP) has nothing to do with NV schools. It doesn't have to do with any state's schools or school system. The only reason I mentioned NV ( you didn't mention NV schools initially) is because you show as being in NV and you wrote:

I'm paying for my girl to go to private school. Any sane person would.
The purpose for my mentioning and citing the ratings for some NV high schools was to illustrate why I challenged the legitimacy of your claim that "any sane person would" pay for their child to go to private school by showing that there are obviously good public high schools in NV. Thus sending one's child to one of good public high schools in NV cannot possibly indicate insanity and a parent who send their child to one cannot, as your remark implies, be simplistically inferred to be insane.

The MAJORITY of schools in Nevada are sub par. Are there some good public schools? Of course there are, but the MAJORITY are not. That is a fact. Even the schools that are "good" are only good for the top 10% of their students. If you are an average student you will get a bit of help, but not enough to blossom into a good student. If you are a poor student you will remain a poor student. That too is a fact. One of the kids in my daughters school moved to Carson City. Carson High is rated as a good school. The kid involved is a very motivated student and will succeed in whatever endeavor he chooses to engage in. I asked him his impression of CH and he basically reiterated what we had been told by the parents of other kids who attended that school.

The top 10% get loads of help, the average kids get a bit, and the poor students flounder. My point still stands, if you have the money you send your kid to a private school. Any sane person would, because the investment in money will generate far more benefit down the road for that particular kid. Now, if I had a child who wasn't smart or motivated, then it would not make sense to send them to a private school. They would get nothing out of it. And that too would be sane. But, those are the exceptions to the rule.

The problem that public schools have is they teach to the lowest common denominator. The teachers have no incentive (other than personal desire, which some have in spades) to ensure that their students do well. The teachers aren't rated by the students as they are in college and if they are a bad teacher the teachers union protects them. In my daughters school a few years ago there was a teacher who wasn't doing a good job. She was fired. It was that simple.

I am in the process of responding to your most recent comments about Nevada schools in a new thread that offers the opportunity for others to discuss similar ideas, and for you and I to discuss Nevada schools and the sagacity of sending a child to a private school vs. a public one.

I've had my fill of the off topic line of discussion -- Nevada schools, and public vs. private schools -- in this thread. This thread was created to discuss why it is that parents of private school attending kids seem not to complain about the quality of their children's private school education until after it's too late, that is, not until after the child has graduated.

That's because, in general, a private school gives you high quality education. If it doesn't they leave. That's the beauty of private vs public school. In a public school your kid is trapped. I notice you haven't provided examples of people complaining about the lack of education for their children in a private school. You make a claim but have ZERO supporting evidence for that claim. Why is that?

The only examples I have are personal anecdotes as goes the specific temporally constrained scenario my OP defines. I'm happy to share them, but they are just anecdotes.
You still haven't yet addressed the topic of the OP. Would you please respond directly to its theme?

when you look at the movers and shakers of this country the same school names keep popping up, over, and over, and over again

My very first post did. Every other post has been directed at parrying attacks from you, answering others questions and making other observations based on those responses. I hate to break it to ya but that is how conversations go.

  • Who in the conversation between you and me has made that claim? Nobody.
  • What has such a claim to do with the thread topic? Nothing.
I've had it with your:
  1. Refusal to directly address the thread topic.
  2. Repeated posts to deflect attention from the thread topic.

Until you feel like you can and will respond directly to the thread topic as presented in the OP, I'd be happy to read that response. In the meantime, please tell me how to put you on ignore.

I specifically referred to this paragraph. Do you not remember writing it? One of the worst schools in Nevada was actually FOUNDED by Eugene Paslov, who was the Nevada Schools Superintendent. He was an incredibly nice man, but totally inept at running a school. This is a recurring issue when progressives are allowed to control education. The very fact that they modeled the USA's school system on the Prussian Model should raise concern for everyone. That system was specifically geared towards raising a compliant population to further the goals of the Kaiser.

"More importantly than any of that, the original claim I made has nothing to do with NV schools. It doesn't have to do with any state's schools or school system. It has to do with parents behavior. I made that clear to you earlier and you still haven't actually written one word that directly addresses the actual thread topic. Why do you not just address the thread topic?"

Just stop trying to be coyly equivocating. You know as well as I:
  • You've stripped from this conversation the original post to which you replied. You know as well as I do that at the start of the quoted thread of discussion above, I clarified for you that this thread was about the parental behavior noted in the OP.

    To in summary remind you, the thread question is this. Why do parents of private school kids seem more given to complaining about the quality private school in question only after the child has completed school, whereas parents (and others) complain about public schools before, during and after the child has graduated from public school?

  • You have failed to show the barest modicum of respect one might expect from a site moderator, regardless of how other members behave, by, at least with your first post, the one in which you clearly quoted the OP, responding directly to the thread topic.
    • Your first post in this thread that responded by quoting me/my OP -- You completely ignored the topic of the OP and wrote about schools even though the OP was about parents behavior.
    • My response to that post -- In my response to you, I specifically clarified that the intent and purpose of the OP/thread is to discuss the behavior of the parents as follows.

      Additionally, the questions I've asked in the OP have to do with the timing of parents' griping about the schools their kids attend; the temporal theme is found in all three paragraphs of the OP. How does one miss that? ....Yet people would become temerariously pissed at me were I to ridicule their reading comprehension skills....

      The central theme is that people "bitch and moan" about private schools after the kid graduates, whereas they do so about public schools before their kids attend, and presumably after their kids graduate. Some people likely deride public schools when they don't even have kids or haven't recently had any who were in a K-12 school.
  • I have asked you repeatedly to please respond directly to the thread topic. You still have not been polite enough to do so.

You specifically cite the parents, while exonerating the Nevada school system.
I don't really give a damn about the Nevada school system. I asked in my OP for people's thoughts about parental behavior, not about Nevada school systems. Go create a thread about Nevada school systems and I'll be more than happy to refrain from posting in it.

I made it very clear already that the original claim I made (in the OP) has nothing to do with NV schools. It doesn't have to do with any state's schools or school system. The only reason I mentioned NV ( you didn't mention NV schools initially) is because you show as being in NV and you wrote:

I'm paying for my girl to go to private school. Any sane person would.
The purpose for my mentioning and citing the ratings for some NV high schools was to illustrate why I challenged the legitimacy of your claim that "any sane person would" pay for their child to go to private school by showing that there are obviously good public high schools in NV. Thus sending one's child to one of good public high schools in NV cannot possibly indicate insanity and a parent who send their child to one cannot, as your remark implies, be simplistically inferred to be insane.

The MAJORITY of schools in Nevada are sub par. Are there some good public schools? Of course there are, but the MAJORITY are not. That is a fact. Even the schools that are "good" are only good for the top 10% of their students. If you are an average student you will get a bit of help, but not enough to blossom into a good student. If you are a poor student you will remain a poor student. That too is a fact. One of the kids in my daughters school moved to Carson City. Carson High is rated as a good school. The kid involved is a very motivated student and will succeed in whatever endeavor he chooses to engage in. I asked him his impression of CH and he basically reiterated what we had been told by the parents of other kids who attended that school.

The top 10% get loads of help, the average kids get a bit, and the poor students flounder. My point still stands, if you have the money you send your kid to a private school. Any sane person would, because the investment in money will generate far more benefit down the road for that particular kid. Now, if I had a child who wasn't smart or motivated, then it would not make sense to send them to a private school. They would get nothing out of it. And that too would be sane. But, those are the exceptions to the rule.

The problem that public schools have is they teach to the lowest common denominator. The teachers have no incentive (other than personal desire, which some have in spades) to ensure that their students do well. The teachers aren't rated by the students as they are in college and if they are a bad teacher the teachers union protects them. In my daughters school a few years ago there was a teacher who wasn't doing a good job. She was fired. It was that simple.

I am in the process of responding to your most recent comments about Nevada schools in a new thread that offers the opportunity for others to discuss similar ideas, and for you and I to discuss Nevada schools and the sagacity of sending a child to a private school vs. a public one.

I've had my fill of the off topic line of discussion -- Nevada schools, and public vs. private schools -- in this thread. This thread was created to discuss why it is that parents of private school attending kids seem not to complain about the quality of their children's private school education until after it's too late, that is, not until after the child has graduated.

That's because, in general, a private school gives you high quality education. If it doesn't they leave. That's the beauty of private vs public school. In a public school your kid is trapped. I notice you haven't provided examples of people complaining about the lack of education for their children in a private school. You make a claim but have ZERO supporting evidence for that claim. Why is that?

The only examples I have are personal anecdotes as goes the specific temporally constrained scenario my OP defines. I'm happy to share them, but they are just anecdotes.

Excuse me? You castigate me for daring to use a news report that is based on factual data and have nothing to support your opinion? Get real.
Just stop trying to be coyly equivocating. You know as well as I:
  • You've stripped from this conversation the original post to which you replied. You know as well as I do that at the start of the quoted thread of discussion above, I clarified for you that this thread was about the parental behavior noted in the OP.

    To in summary remind you, the thread question is this. Why do parents of private school kids seem more given to complaining about the quality private school in question only after the child has completed school, whereas parents (and others) complain about public schools before, during and after the child has graduated from public school?

  • You have failed to show the barest modicum of respect one might expect from a site moderator, regardless of how other members behave, by, at least with your first post, the one in which you clearly quoted the OP, responding directly to the thread topic.
  • I have asked you repeatedly to please respond directly to the thread topic. You still have not been polite enough to do so.

I don't really give a damn about the Nevada school system. I asked in my OP for people's thoughts about parental behavior, not about Nevada school systems. Go create a thread about Nevada school systems and I'll be more than happy to refrain from posting in it.

I made it very clear already that the original claim I made (in the OP) has nothing to do with NV schools. It doesn't have to do with any state's schools or school system. The only reason I mentioned NV ( you didn't mention NV schools initially) is because you show as being in NV and you wrote:

The purpose for my mentioning and citing the ratings for some NV high schools was to illustrate why I challenged the legitimacy of your claim that "any sane person would" pay for their child to go to private school by showing that there are obviously good public high schools in NV. Thus sending one's child to one of good public high schools in NV cannot possibly indicate insanity and a parent who send their child to one cannot, as your remark implies, be simplistically inferred to be insane.

The MAJORITY of schools in Nevada are sub par. Are there some good public schools? Of course there are, but the MAJORITY are not. That is a fact. Even the schools that are "good" are only good for the top 10% of their students. If you are an average student you will get a bit of help, but not enough to blossom into a good student. If you are a poor student you will remain a poor student. That too is a fact. One of the kids in my daughters school moved to Carson City. Carson High is rated as a good school. The kid involved is a very motivated student and will succeed in whatever endeavor he chooses to engage in. I asked him his impression of CH and he basically reiterated what we had been told by the parents of other kids who attended that school.

The top 10% get loads of help, the average kids get a bit, and the poor students flounder. My point still stands, if you have the money you send your kid to a private school. Any sane person would, because the investment in money will generate far more benefit down the road for that particular kid. Now, if I had a child who wasn't smart or motivated, then it would not make sense to send them to a private school. They would get nothing out of it. And that too would be sane. But, those are the exceptions to the rule.

The problem that public schools have is they teach to the lowest common denominator. The teachers have no incentive (other than personal desire, which some have in spades) to ensure that their students do well. The teachers aren't rated by the students as they are in college and if they are a bad teacher the teachers union protects them. In my daughters school a few years ago there was a teacher who wasn't doing a good job. She was fired. It was that simple.

I am in the process of responding to your most recent comments about Nevada schools in a new thread that offers the opportunity for others to discuss similar ideas, and for you and I to discuss Nevada schools and the sagacity of sending a child to a private school vs. a public one.

I've had my fill of the off topic line of discussion -- Nevada schools, and public vs. private schools -- in this thread. This thread was created to discuss why it is that parents of private school attending kids seem not to complain about the quality of their children's private school education until after it's too late, that is, not until after the child has graduated.

That's because, in general, a private school gives you high quality education. If it doesn't they leave. That's the beauty of private vs public school. In a public school your kid is trapped. I notice you haven't provided examples of people complaining about the lack of education for their children in a private school. You make a claim but have ZERO supporting evidence for that claim. Why is that?

The only examples I have are personal anecdotes as goes the specific temporally constrained scenario my OP defines. I'm happy to share them, but they are just anecdotes.

Excuse me? You castigate me for daring to use a news report that is based on factual data and have nothing to support your opinion? Get real.

If you'd taken the time to read my OP, you'd see I have not claimed anything other than my own observations formed the basis for the remarks in the OP. Those are yet the remarks you've failed to directly address. You've talked about everything except what I mentioned in the OP.
Private Schools had better be superior to public schools. If not, why would parents be spending thousands of dollars to send their kids there?

But many parents are not sending their kid to private school out of concern for their education. They are concerned about the type of students their children will interact with. Blacks, minorities, Muslims, Jews, Atheists, kids from poor families and the wrong side of the tracks

That is why kids get shipped off to private school
My son went to a private school from grade 2 to 7th grade. It was an excellent school and he received a scholarship for college. Most of the students did. There was only one class of each grade so all of the students were in the same group each year. Four students were going to NASA each year for workshops!

The elementary school was Lutheran and then he went to a Catholic high school.

And for those who cry foul when they are single parent homes, my marriage was dissolved when he was 11. He turned out fine.

Yes, he didn't have any drugs in the school, students had to take tests to enter the school for entry and there was a strict dress and behavior code. I never regretted my choice.

Charter schools are all over the place. Some are private, with Fortune 500 companies funding them while others are off shoots of the public schools. Everyone would like to have a safe school, including dress codes, competent students and a strict behavior code. I just ask, since this is proving to be the great model, why don't we make public schools similar to these successful private schools?

There could be three levels of schools. Level one for disadvantaged students who struggle (academically behind grade level) also offering vocational schools to acquire a trade; those who are on grade level and are challenged in their classes requiring logic skills, and level three for the academically excelling students who could be taught faster, introducing Foreign Language, classes on morals a great deal of writing and literature and college preparation. But all of the schools would require dress codes, strict behavior codes and monthly checks for drugs in the campus from canines.
The MAJORITY of schools in Nevada are sub par. Are there some good public schools? Of course there are, but the MAJORITY are not. That is a fact. Even the schools that are "good" are only good for the top 10% of their students. If you are an average student you will get a bit of help, but not enough to blossom into a good student. If you are a poor student you will remain a poor student. That too is a fact. One of the kids in my daughters school moved to Carson City. Carson High is rated as a good school. The kid involved is a very motivated student and will succeed in whatever endeavor he chooses to engage in. I asked him his impression of CH and he basically reiterated what we had been told by the parents of other kids who attended that school.

The top 10% get loads of help, the average kids get a bit, and the poor students flounder. My point still stands, if you have the money you send your kid to a private school. Any sane person would, because the investment in money will generate far more benefit down the road for that particular kid. Now, if I had a child who wasn't smart or motivated, then it would not make sense to send them to a private school. They would get nothing out of it. And that too would be sane. But, those are the exceptions to the rule.

The problem that public schools have is they teach to the lowest common denominator. The teachers have no incentive (other than personal desire, which some have in spades) to ensure that their students do well. The teachers aren't rated by the students as they are in college and if they are a bad teacher the teachers union protects them. In my daughters school a few years ago there was a teacher who wasn't doing a good job. She was fired. It was that simple.

I am in the process of responding to your most recent comments about Nevada schools in a new thread that offers the opportunity for others to discuss similar ideas, and for you and I to discuss Nevada schools and the sagacity of sending a child to a private school vs. a public one.

I've had my fill of the off topic line of discussion -- Nevada schools, and public vs. private schools -- in this thread. This thread was created to discuss why it is that parents of private school attending kids seem not to complain about the quality of their children's private school education until after it's too late, that is, not until after the child has graduated.

That's because, in general, a private school gives you high quality education. If it doesn't they leave. That's the beauty of private vs public school. In a public school your kid is trapped. I notice you haven't provided examples of people complaining about the lack of education for their children in a private school. You make a claim but have ZERO supporting evidence for that claim. Why is that?

The only examples I have are personal anecdotes as goes the specific temporally constrained scenario my OP defines. I'm happy to share them, but they are just anecdotes.

Excuse me? You castigate me for daring to use a news report that is based on factual data and have nothing to support your opinion? Get real.

If you'd taken the time to read my OP, you'd see I have not claimed anything other than my own observations formed the basis for the remarks in the OP. Those are yet the remarks you've failed to directly address. You've talked about everything except what I mentioned in the OP.

You are incorrect. I addressed them in the very first post I made. I have yet to hear ANYBODY complain about how bad their kids experience was in a private school. You claim they are everywhere yet have presented not a single iota of evidence to back it up.
I am in the process of responding to your most recent comments about Nevada schools in a new thread that offers the opportunity for others to discuss similar ideas, and for you and I to discuss Nevada schools and the sagacity of sending a child to a private school vs. a public one.

I've had my fill of the off topic line of discussion -- Nevada schools, and public vs. private schools -- in this thread. This thread was created to discuss why it is that parents of private school attending kids seem not to complain about the quality of their children's private school education until after it's too late, that is, not until after the child has graduated.

That's because, in general, a private school gives you high quality education. If it doesn't they leave. That's the beauty of private vs public school. In a public school your kid is trapped. I notice you haven't provided examples of people complaining about the lack of education for their children in a private school. You make a claim but have ZERO supporting evidence for that claim. Why is that?

The only examples I have are personal anecdotes as goes the specific temporally constrained scenario my OP defines. I'm happy to share them, but they are just anecdotes.

Excuse me? You castigate me for daring to use a news report that is based on factual data and have nothing to support your opinion? Get real.

If you'd taken the time to read my OP, you'd see I have not claimed anything other than my own observations formed the basis for the remarks in the OP. Those are yet the remarks you've failed to directly address. You've talked about everything except what I mentioned in the OP.

You are incorrect. I addressed them in the very first post I made. I have yet to hear ANYBODY complain about how bad their kids experience was in a private school. You claim they are everywhere yet have presented not a single iota of evidence to back it up.

The statement just above is the first time you've said anything remotely like not having heard anyone complain about their kids "experience" was in private school.

I made no claim that people who complain about the quality of their kid's private school education "are everywhere." If you think I did, please point it out to me.
The physical set up at a school should be a pod of classrooms for each grade, every self contained classroom should have a viewing room where the principal, parents or system reviewer could monitor the class, teacher and behavior of students. Each pod would have their own Work room where printers, computers and additional prep materials would be kept.
That's because, in general, a private school gives you high quality education. If it doesn't they leave. That's the beauty of private vs public school. In a public school your kid is trapped. I notice you haven't provided examples of people complaining about the lack of education for their children in a private school. You make a claim but have ZERO supporting evidence for that claim. Why is that?

The only examples I have are personal anecdotes as goes the specific temporally constrained scenario my OP defines. I'm happy to share them, but they are just anecdotes.

Excuse me? You castigate me for daring to use a news report that is based on factual data and have nothing to support your opinion? Get real.

If you'd taken the time to read my OP, you'd see I have not claimed anything other than my own observations formed the basis for the remarks in the OP. Those are yet the remarks you've failed to directly address. You've talked about everything except what I mentioned in the OP.

You are incorrect. I addressed them in the very first post I made. I have yet to hear ANYBODY complain about how bad their kids experience was in a private school. You claim they are everywhere yet have presented not a single iota of evidence to back it up.

The statement just above is the first time you've said anything remotely like not having heard anyone complain about their kids "experience" was in private school.

I made no claim that "they are everywhere." If you think I did, please point it out to me.

Did you not write this? Or are you merely a cut and paster who has no creativity of your own?

"On the other hand, one, I at least, rarely, if ever, sees folks griping about private schools, at least not while their kids are in the private school in question."

This implies that they are abundant, but only when their kids are out of school. I understand English. Do you?

But many parents are not sending their kid to private school out of concern for their education. They are concerned about the type of students their children will interact with. Blacks, minorities, Muslims, Jews, Atheists, kids from poor families and the wrong side of the tracks

That is why kids get shipped off to private school



Once again you can't support your claim.

Once again, you FAIL to offer any opinion of your own
I don't think he is a teacher at all.
The only examples I have are personal anecdotes as goes the specific temporally constrained scenario my OP defines. I'm happy to share them, but they are just anecdotes.

Excuse me? You castigate me for daring to use a news report that is based on factual data and have nothing to support your opinion? Get real.

If you'd taken the time to read my OP, you'd see I have not claimed anything other than my own observations formed the basis for the remarks in the OP. Those are yet the remarks you've failed to directly address. You've talked about everything except what I mentioned in the OP.

You are incorrect. I addressed them in the very first post I made. I have yet to hear ANYBODY complain about how bad their kids experience was in a private school. You claim they are everywhere yet have presented not a single iota of evidence to back it up.

The statement just above is the first time you've said anything remotely like not having heard anyone complain about their kids "experience" was in private school.

I made no claim that "they are everywhere." If you think I did, please point it out to me.

Did you not write this? Or are you merely a cut and paster who has no creativity of your own?

"On the other hand, one, I at least, rarely, if ever, sees folks griping about private schools, at least not while their kids are in the private school in question."

This implies that they are abundant, but only when their kids are out of school. I understand English. Do you?

You just go with that.....

Private Schools had better be superior to public schools. If not, why would parents be spending thousands of dollars to send their kids there?

But many parents are not sending their kid to private school out of concern for their education. They are concerned about the type of students their children will interact with. Blacks, minorities, Muslims, Jews, Atheists, kids from poor families and the wrong side of the tracks

That is why kids get shipped off to private school

my Catholic school's classes back in the 80's were about 1/8 non-catholic, mostly Hindus and Buddhists. They wanted the discipline that came from Catholic Education, and were not concerned about the Religious teachings.

I remember the kids in my neighborhood who went to Catholic School. The parents would tell my parents that they wanted their children to receive a good Catholic School education. When we asked the kids why they went to Catholic School, the kids would tell us that their daddy doesn't like that so many negroes went to the public school

I knew several kids that went to a Catholic school, it was a rural area and they rode the same bus. Never heard or saw what you just claimed.
Private Schools had better be superior to public schools. If not, why would parents be spending thousands of dollars to send their kids there?

But many parents are not sending their kid to private school out of concern for their education. They are concerned about the type of students their children will interact with. Blacks, minorities, Muslims, Jews, Atheists, kids from poor families and the wrong side of the tracks

That is why kids get shipped off to private school

my Catholic school's classes back in the 80's were about 1/8 non-catholic, mostly Hindus and Buddhists. They wanted the discipline that came from Catholic Education, and were not concerned about the Religious teachings.

I remember the kids in my neighborhood who went to Catholic School. The parents would tell my parents that they wanted their children to receive a good Catholic School education. When we asked the kids why they went to Catholic School, the kids would tell us that their daddy doesn't like that so many negroes went to the public school

I knew several kids that went to a Catholic school, it was a rural area and they rode the same bus. Never heard or saw what you just claimed.

That's because it's a complete fabrication.
Private Schools had better be superior to public schools. If not, why would parents be spending thousands of dollars to send their kids there?

But many parents are not sending their kid to private school out of concern for their education. They are concerned about the type of students their children will interact with. Blacks, minorities, Muslims, Jews, Atheists, kids from poor families and the wrong side of the tracks

That is why kids get shipped off to private school

my Catholic school's classes back in the 80's were about 1/8 non-catholic, mostly Hindus and Buddhists. They wanted the discipline that came from Catholic Education, and were not concerned about the Religious teachings.

I remember the kids in my neighborhood who went to Catholic School. The parents would tell my parents that they wanted their children to receive a good Catholic School education. When we asked the kids why they went to Catholic School, the kids would tell us that their daddy doesn't like that so many negroes went to the public school

That is called a lie. One thing i will give the catholics is they are very, very inclusive. I used to give talks on science to the various catholic schools around here and in over half of them the white kids are the minority.
The only examples I have are personal anecdotes as goes the specific temporally constrained scenario my OP defines. I'm happy to share them, but they are just anecdotes.

Excuse me? You castigate me for daring to use a news report that is based on factual data and have nothing to support your opinion? Get real.

If you'd taken the time to read my OP, you'd see I have not claimed anything other than my own observations formed the basis for the remarks in the OP. Those are yet the remarks you've failed to directly address. You've talked about everything except what I mentioned in the OP.

You are incorrect. I addressed them in the very first post I made. I have yet to hear ANYBODY complain about how bad their kids experience was in a private school. You claim they are everywhere yet have presented not a single iota of evidence to back it up.

The statement just above is the first time you've said anything remotely like not having heard anyone complain about their kids "experience" was in private school.

I made no claim that "they are everywhere." If you think I did, please point it out to me.

Did you not write this? Or are you merely a cut and paster who has no creativity of your own?

"On the other hand, one, I at least, rarely, if ever, sees folks griping about private schools, at least not while their kids are in the private school in question."

This implies that they are abundant, but only when their kids are out of school. I understand English. Do you?

You just go with that.....


That's the best you can come up with? You disappoint me. I thought you were an educated person, not some juvenile hack.
Excuse me? You castigate me for daring to use a news report that is based on factual data and have nothing to support your opinion? Get real.

If you'd taken the time to read my OP, you'd see I have not claimed anything other than my own observations formed the basis for the remarks in the OP. Those are yet the remarks you've failed to directly address. You've talked about everything except what I mentioned in the OP.

You are incorrect. I addressed them in the very first post I made. I have yet to hear ANYBODY complain about how bad their kids experience was in a private school. You claim they are everywhere yet have presented not a single iota of evidence to back it up.

The statement just above is the first time you've said anything remotely like not having heard anyone complain about their kids "experience" was in private school.

I made no claim that "they are everywhere." If you think I did, please point it out to me.

Did you not write this? Or are you merely a cut and paster who has no creativity of your own?

"On the other hand, one, I at least, rarely, if ever, sees folks griping about private schools, at least not while their kids are in the private school in question."

This implies that they are abundant, but only when their kids are out of school. I understand English. Do you?

You just go with that.....


That's the best you can come up with? You disappoint me. I thought you were an educated person, not some juvenile hack.

You go with that if it makes you feel better....After your statement two posts back, I realize there's just no point in my even trying to be politely indulgent and condescending myself to talk to you. That statement was so "loud, strong and wrong" and just plain stupid that I'm done. I'm sorry. I have more self respect than that, and not enough time. I don't even care to argue with you over it. I can't put you on ignore, but as you bore me, I can ignore you.
If you'd taken the time to read my OP, you'd see I have not claimed anything other than my own observations formed the basis for the remarks in the OP. Those are yet the remarks you've failed to directly address. You've talked about everything except what I mentioned in the OP.

You are incorrect. I addressed them in the very first post I made. I have yet to hear ANYBODY complain about how bad their kids experience was in a private school. You claim they are everywhere yet have presented not a single iota of evidence to back it up.

The statement just above is the first time you've said anything remotely like not having heard anyone complain about their kids "experience" was in private school.

I made no claim that "they are everywhere." If you think I did, please point it out to me.

Did you not write this? Or are you merely a cut and paster who has no creativity of your own?

"On the other hand, one, I at least, rarely, if ever, sees folks griping about private schools, at least not while their kids are in the private school in question."

This implies that they are abundant, but only when their kids are out of school. I understand English. Do you?

You just go with that.....


That's the best you can come up with? You disappoint me. I thought you were an educated person, not some juvenile hack.

You go with that if it makes you feel better....After your statement two posts back, I realize there's just no point in my even trying to be politely indulgent and condescending myself to talk to you. That statement was so "loud, strong and wrong" and just plain stupid that I'm done. I'm sorry. I have more self respect than that, and not enough time. I don't even care to argue with you over it. I can't put you on ignore, but as you bore me, I can ignore you.

Nope. You can't ignore me. Yes, you are condescending.. progressives like you usually are. You are not polite. Your first interaction with me was an insult so you can disabuse yourself of that little bit of "indulgence" and yet again, you blather on but i wonder if you really understand what you're saying?
You are incorrect. I addressed them in the very first post I made. I have yet to hear ANYBODY complain about how bad their kids experience was in a private school. You claim they are everywhere yet have presented not a single iota of evidence to back it up.

The statement just above is the first time you've said anything remotely like not having heard anyone complain about their kids "experience" was in private school.

I made no claim that "they are everywhere." If you think I did, please point it out to me.

Did you not write this? Or are you merely a cut and paster who has no creativity of your own?

"On the other hand, one, I at least, rarely, if ever, sees folks griping about private schools, at least not while their kids are in the private school in question."

This implies that they are abundant, but only when their kids are out of school. I understand English. Do you?

You just go with that.....


That's the best you can come up with? You disappoint me. I thought you were an educated person, not some juvenile hack.

You go with that if it makes you feel better....After your statement two posts back, I realize there's just no point in my even trying to be politely indulgent and condescending myself to talk to you. That statement was so "loud, strong and wrong" and just plain stupid that I'm done. I'm sorry. I have more self respect than that, and not enough time. I don't even care to argue with you over it. I can't put you on ignore, but as you bore me, I can ignore you.

Nope. You can't ignore me. Yes, you are condescending.. progressives like you usually are. You are not polite. Your first interaction with me was an insult so you can disabuse yourself of that little bit of "indulgence" and yet again, you blather on but i wonder if you really understand what you're saying?

You two need to get back on topic.
You go with that if it makes you feel better....After your statement two posts back, I realize there's just no point in my even trying to be politely indulgent and condescending myself to talk to you. That statement was so "loud, strong and wrong" and just plain stupid that I'm done. I'm sorry. I have more self respect than that, and not enough time. I don't even care to argue with you over it. I can't put you on ignore, but as you bore me, I can ignore you.

You have amassed over a thousand posts in just a month's time, some of them involving walls of text so long, they must have taken an hour or more just to vomit forth. Your claiming you have little time rings as false as your statements about ignoring him.

If you wish to ignore somebody, just ignore them rather than indulging in these petulant little passive-aggressive announcements that only reveal you to have no self control.

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