Zone1 Have you noticed that when the media reports about Roma?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
It's mostly about them "rebelling against opressive traditions" so if you support them otherwise they are criminals or something like that if you don't support them. But that there are countries where Roma are simply murdered in cold blood on the street, nobody ever reports that. In Ukraine, for example, Roma's heads were cut off, and even in countries like Hungary, there were snipers shooting Roma, or Bulgaria, where hundreds of thousands of people protest "against Roma", of course they sometimes become violent when they meet Roma. This is never reported.


Here Roma are pickpockets and a few are normal "but rebel against oppressive traditions"

This girl group exists to distance themselves from oppressive Roma men and traditions

This is about oppressive traditions where Roma sell women and buy
I am in California. I have never seen any report about Roma.

Roma makes the best pasta sauce. You can get them at Walmart.

It's mostly about them "rebelling against opressive traditions" so if you support them otherwise they are criminals or something like that if you don't support them. But that there are countries where Roma are simply murdered in cold blood on the street, nobody ever reports that. In Ukraine, for example, Roma's heads were cut off, and even in countries like Hungary, there were snipers shooting Roma, or Bulgaria, where hundreds of thousands of people protest "against Roma", of course they sometimes become violent when they meet Roma. This is never reported.


Here Roma are pickpockets and a few are normal "but rebel against oppressive traditions"

This girl group exists to distance themselves from oppressive Roma men and traditions

This is about oppressive traditions where Roma sell women and buy

You have to understand, that here in the US, we think of all you Europeans as being related to each other.
We just wish you would all get along.
Originally posted by Yarddog
You have to understand, that here in the US, we think of all you Europeans as being related to each other.
We just wish you would all get along.

Are gypsies Europeans or just residents of Europe?

Listen to what the lead vocalist of the most famous gipsy musical group in history has to say:

"When I'm watching TV and they show images of people going about their business on the streets of New Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta, etc... I always think to myself:

That's where we came from."


Nicolas Reyes, lead vocalist of the Gipsy Kings
I had to look up Roma, to see what it even meant, when you first mentioned it in a post.

Most Americans simply don't know who they are....nor would they care....just another group of people added to our melting pot.... Imo
Are gypsies Europeans or just residents of Europe?

Listen to what the lead vocalist of the most famous gipsy musical group in history has to say:

"When I'm watching TV and they show images of people going about their business on the streets of New Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta, etc... I always think to myself:

That's where we came from."


Nicolas Reyes, lead vocalist of the Gipsy Kings

They came from there but that was 1000 AD when they left india for europe. They are since 32 generations in Europe. People born in Europe even if they are of asian, african descent call themselfes Europeans or Americans even if their parents are from somewhere else BUT gypsies have very distant ancestors in a time where history was not even recorded probably when they came to Europe.
Originally posted by Mortimer
They came from there but that was 1000 AD when they left india for europe. They are since 32 generations in Europe. People born in Europe even if they are of asian, african descent call themselfes Europeans or Americans even if their parents are from somewhere else BUT gypsies have very distant ancestors in a time where history was not even recorded probably when they came to Europe.

Of course you are an european people by now, Morti. I never doubted it for a minute despite my rethorical question to Yarddog.

I just found it interesting that Nicolas reflected about the ancient origins of his people and decided to share it with you all. : )

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