Have The Congressional Republicans Considered That,‭ ‬In trump’s reich,‭ ‬They Will Have No Role Whatsoever‭

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Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Have The Congressional Republicans Considered That,‭ ‬In trump’s reich,‭ ‬They Will Have No Role Whatsoever‭?

Shortly before the a$$hole trump took the stage at CPAC,‭ ‬the country’s largest conservative political conference,‭ ‬Sen.‭ ‬Bill Cassidy‭ (‬R-La.‭) ‬warned fellow Republicans that the party will continue to lose if it continues to‭ “‬idolize‭” ‬the former president.‭ ‬Cassidy was one of seven GOP senators who voted to convict the twice impeached,‭ ‬former president trump at his impeachment trial earlier this‭ ‬year‭ ‬for inciting the violent insurrection on January‭ ‬6th.

But,‭ ‬as expected,‭ ‬Cassidy’s warning only bought more anger form his state’s party leaders.

The CPAC conference reaffirmed the a$$hole trump as king of the GOP,‭ ‬and with the absolute terror his four-year push to become führer has established in Republican leaders at all levels,‭ ‬have any of these spineless Republican cowards considered what their own futures will bring them under his fascist dictatorship,‭ ‬which‭ ‬they’re doing their best to help him create‭?

There have been many euphemisms used by nations that attempted to hide the fact they were,‭ ‬and are ruled by vicious and greedy dictators.‭ ‬The list is too long to go into here.

However,‭ ‬one thing is certain,‭ ‬members of the old governments had an extremely poor survival rate.

There can be no doubt since the January‭ ‬6th attempted coup,‭ ‬that trump’s Nazis have no respect for the rule of law,‭ ‬or the United States Constitution.‭ ‬The trump Nazis‭’ ‬increasingly dangerous misinterpretations of the Constitution’s provisions has them feeling justified to go against the will of the majority at any cost.

So,‭ ‬for those Republican politicians willing to stand up and honor the oath they took when sworn into office,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬the‭ ‬few‭ ‬Republican Senators that also honored the oath the swore to as jurors in the a$$hole trump’s second impeachment trial,‭ ‬the trump Nazis‭’ ‬wannabe führer will be looking for‭ ‬YOU,‭ ‬after he becomes the dictator‭ ‬YOUR GOP put into the position to destroy the United States‭’ ‬republic.

At the following link is a brief history that well describes the future of the United States after the a$$hole trump is made führer.‭ ‬Opposition party members will be imprisoned,‭ ‬and likely executed,‭ ‬as will many congressional Republicans,‭ ‬loyal to the führer,‭ ‬or not.

And,‭ ‬the trump Nazis‭’ ‬thrill of installing their a$$hole cult leader as führer,‭ ‬don’t be surprised if your beloved führer‭ “‬temporarily‭” ‬suspends your cherished right to keep fire arms.‭ (‬But,‭ ‬be assured,‭ ‬this will only last for the duration of the‭ “‬emergency‭”‬.‭)

The short article at the link below will explain the future of the United States as the‭ ‬right-wing‭ “‬utopia‭” ‬trump‭’‬s Nazis are‭ ‬certain their führer has planned for them.‭


The short article at the link below will explain the future of the United States as the‭ ‬right-wing‭ “‬utopia‭” ‬trump‭’‬s Nazis are‭ ‬certain their führer has planned for them.‭.
I really thought Trump Derangement Syndrome would go away
after the Democrats got away with stealing the election. Bertram has proven me wrong.
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