Have Democrats waged a war on whiteness…why not just make it official?

People. You have admitted it many times.
Like all good real core Americans with standards and expectations…It’s not the “people” we’re afraid of, it’s what those people do to America that we’re afraid of.
You need to find the courage to start paying attention to what’s happening right beneath your nose…more importantly you need to find your nuts and say something about it.
Democrats have brought back racial segregation and Separate but Equal.

Continuing their racist legacy.


Why do Americans tolerate this? It's illegal.

"The mayor's office has insisted they did not use taxpayer money for the event. However, the party did use city resources, because it was held at the city-owned Parkman House."

They don't realize that "using city resources" is using taxpayer money.

How do you think a Whites Only Dinner would float???
On the wall…a portrait of the old white guy who actually built quality communities in America…I wonder if they talk about all they’ve destroyed?
:Soft" are seeing different races succeeding in America and being so triggered that you sissies need to cry on a message board.
Everyone that takes a step forward is only war on silly insecure white racists....

It's not about succeeding based upon merits. It's about segregation based upon race - the DNA one was born with and one has no control over.

You're okay with "Separate But Equal," eh? Well your avatar makes you the epitome of hypocrisy.

They hire people solely for their dark skin, they celebrate ‘fewer whites’ or ‘greater diversity’ every chance they get…..they talk relentlessly of white supremacy and systemic racism, they insist on a change in demography by way of passive invasion…They throw ‘no white people allowed’ parties…..But but but….Republicans are divisive….right?

White males still run the nation, the corporate sector, academia, sports, entertainment, etc. and control most of the wealth, both public and private.

Both political parties are still dominated by White males, although one better represents the diversity of Americans than does the other..

I recognize that expanding the talent pool in all fields of endeavor serves the nation well, and do not feel threatened by democracy.
They hire people solely for their dark skin, they celebrate ‘fewer whites’ or ‘greater diversity’ every chance they get…..they talk relentlessly of white supremacy and systemic racism, they insist on a change in demography by way of passive invasion…They throw ‘no white people allowed’ parties…..But but but….Republicans are divisive….right?

Below is the degenerate filth they promote. ****

The FBI has left many questioning the agency’s priorities with the adoption of the LGBTQIA+ acronym over the previously used LGBT+. The change, brought to public attention by former agent and whistleblower Kyle Seraphin, directs FBI employees to alter their language practices to be more inclusive of different gender identities and sexual orientations.
They hire people solely for their dark skin, they celebrate ‘fewer whites’ or ‘greater diversity’ every chance they get…..they talk relentlessly of white supremacy and systemic racism, they insist on a change in demography by way of passive invasion…They throw ‘no white people allowed’ parties…..But but but….Republicans are divisive….right?

Yes, more or less. Reps have no hope to turn it around either. Only hope is secession.

But reps are too stupid and will never secede. Reps think they will save America by lowering taxes for the rich, banning abortion in all 50 states and making it harder for blacks to vote.

That is all the reps got!

cracka slaves.jpg
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They hire people solely for their dark skin, they celebrate ‘fewer whites’ or ‘greater diversity’ every chance they get…..they talk relentlessly of white supremacy and systemic racism, they insist on a change in demography by way of passive invasion…They throw ‘no white people allowed’ parties…..But but but….Republicans are divisive….right?

Right and wrong.

When they say whiteness or white supremacy they mean capitalism. The words they use are code.

Which they define as private property

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