Hatred is an entitled feeling & response that you have no right nor power to violate


Active Member
Oct 3, 2015
So, I am talking logical hatred & illogical hatred here. It is logical to feel hatred as a cause & effect upon something bad for you (by how you feel, see, value) happening. It is illogical to feel hatred when nothing happens or something bad for you penalizes you because you did something wrong.

If you want to include the illogical hatred into the logical hatred by not caring about whether whatever happens to you is a rightful penalization against you doing something wrong or not, it is still simple. Then, I am talking proper hatred & improper hatred. This is a matter of cause & effect with the right to the entitlement to feel & reflect upon something bad for you.

The victim should not have to go through such. If someone else violates the victim, then that someone else is hated instead. The hatred is proper if something bad for you happens; it is a cause & effect; you are entitled to how you feel & respond to it. The hatred is improper is nothing happens or something happens to penalize you doing something wrong. I am just handling the general notion aside from the appropriate degree or type of punishment. The hatred is either logical or illogical, proper or improper. In any case, the hatred is entitled when something bad happens to you; it is a right to a cause & effect.

I came across some ridiculous bullshitters claiming that they should be immune from hatred after doing something wrong. They claimed as if there are some equations or factors that can cancel out rightful hatred or take away the right to the entitlement of feeling & responding legitimately with hatred as a matter of direct reflection upon something.

There is no such convenient right nor power to evasion from the victim’s hatred. You feel what you feel. It's legitimate, natural, consequential, valid, entitled, logical. The only important thing is whether the hatred is rightful (against something wronged that you should not have to go through) or an illogical hatred when nothing happened.

The only important thing is the legitimacy. The hatred itself is entitled as a matter of you having no right or power to not make someone feel hatred upon something. If something happened to cause a response of hatred, it is logical. It is a simple cause & effect. The victim doesn’t care about you. The victim shouldn’t have to go through your whatever. As a simple cause & effect, the victim feels a logical rightful hatred. If nothing happened but you are feeling hatred on that nothing, it is illogical.

There is hardly a case for an illogical hatred. An example of illogical hatred is you feeling hatred or repulsion about facing a rightful consequence & a rightful hatred after you did something wrong. Nothing happened here that should make you feel hatred. You should meet your rightful hatred & rightful consequence when you did something wrong.

Hypocrisy, setting, situation or whatever is irrelevant. The victim is rightfully legitimately entitled to the hatred “anyway”. If the victim did or does such things to someone else? Then the new victim is rightfully legitimately entitled to the old victim as well. This is very easy & simple. There is no canceling out the hatred or anything. There is no equation that can somehow take away the entitlement of the hatred. The only thing important is whether the hatred is a rightful (legitimate) response or it isn’t. If you did something wrongful with your want, your problem, your greed against a victim, then the hatred is rightful, legitimate regardless of anything.

If the victim did or does such wrongful act as well, also rightfully hated by the new victim. There is no case where the hatred or the entitlement to hatred cancels out. The reality & the logic are not that convenient around hatred “rightfully entitled” properly & logically. The real world is a mess with feeling, response, rightful entitlements. They are still rightfully legitimately entitled to hatred when they are harmed “regardless of anything”. Logical natural legitimate response. They do not lose that entitlement & rightfulness regardless of anything.

Whether you do something anyway, because of whatever, or not has nothing to do with the victim rightfully legitimately responding & feeling hatred anyway. Such is a natural response entitled to feel. It is a right. It is a reflection. Just because you want to avoid such doesn’t mean the entitlement for the victim to feel legitimately is void; it is still valid. Your inconvenience has nothing to do with the victim. You have no right nor power to make the victim not feel the legitimate rightful response. You do something with your want that the victim should not have to be involved? The victim is harmed, bothered, involved in any way by you because of your want? You naturally get a hatred. It is a rightful legitimate response that is felt. That feeling is entitled. It is logical & valid. It doesn’t get cancel out regardless of whatever. There is no equation that can take away that entitlement. It is a response & feeling you have no right nor power to violate. It is logical, natural, legitimate. It’s a right, a simple reflection entitled.

Rightful or not, hatred is an entitled feeling & response that you have no right nor power to violate aside from some hatred being logical & proper anyway. I was just speaking for the right to feel hatred. As for the other rightful consequences like being sued, it’s a separate topic, but it should & would happen.
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I didn't read all that, but I did the title lol. Indeed, it is. Hate is a symbol of freedom, like it or not.
Actually, when your hate violates the right of another, you may not have that right.

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