Has Biden brought calm to the Whitehouse & country

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Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
As others write things for Biden to say, presented as though he's saying it, I'm wondering if the left truly believe some opinions that Biden has brought needed leadership to this country?

From the angle of conservatives, who think in practical terms, such as to apply critical thought and setting aside feelings due misinformation, I think it's fair to conclude that......

A. Mainstream media pulled off a 24/7 assault on Trump, making stuff up as they go. You know, like stealing elections, Russian & Ukraine scandals, COVID is his fault, same with how States run States. He causes riots & unrest, he's racist too, grab a pussy & all that..................All while the left proved to do worse than the accusations every time.

B. Xiden was appointed and mainstream media discovered crickets. They're Xiden passivists & complimentary, assuming they even mention Xiden, which they usually don't at all. Trump would fill up the entire page, daily.


PROGS remain tricked & led where they want you to go. The comfort the left may feel comes way a pacifier.

2. The pacifier is brought to you by mainstream media and Demonicrats, as they carry out the tasks for the left elite and global ventures.

3. As for PROGS, Democrats & such they're unhappy unless they've obtained what they're trained to desire, even free of reality. Their spoils are just like spoiled young children, where they only shut-up if you give them a lollipop.
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As others write things for Biden to say, presented as though he's saying it, I'm wondering if the left truly believe some opinions that Biden has brought needed leadership to this country?

From the angle of conservatives, who think in practical terms, such as to apply critical thought and setting aside feelings due misinformation, I think it's fair to conclude that......

A. Mainstream media pulled off a 24/7 assault on Trump, making stuff up as they go. You know, like stealing elections, Russian & Ukraine scandals, COVID is his fault, same with how States run States. He causes riots & unrest, he's racist too, grab a pussy & all that..................All while the left proved to do worse than the accusations every time.

B. Xiden was appointed and mainstream media discovered crickets. They're Xiden passivists & complimentary, assuming they even mention Xiden, which they usually don't at all. Trump would fill up the entire page, daily.


PROGS remain tricked & led where they want you to go. The comfort the left may feel comes way a pacifier.

2. The pacifier is brought to you by mainstream media and Demonicrats, as they carry out the tasks for the left elite and global ventures.

3. As for PROGS, Democrats & such they're unhappy unless they've obtained what they're trained to desire, even free of reality. Their spoils are just like spoiled young children, where they only shut-up if you give them a lollipop.
What's the problem? Oysters only?
The Putin controlled Trumpist Right will never allow calm anywhere.

But you of the Reich promote peace, edtheliar?

From the angle of conservatives, who think in practical terms, such as to apply critical thought and setting aside feelings due misinformation
What a load of pure BULLSHIT!

Oh good. Then you can prove that in context of the OP...........Go!
Brainwashed CON$ervoFascists like YOU are incapable of critical thought and are ruled only by their feelings of HATE!

I asked for some proof in context & WOWZA! you got me a good one.

Calm? Yes, it's been a nice contrast and a general relief. You bet. For a majority of the country, anyway.

Trumpsters, who have been turned into straight up drama queens by their media, are too consumed with paranoia, this "war" they're in, rage and conspiracy theories to calm down, though. That's a real shame.

It's all just terminology, isn't it Herr Mac?

Calm? Yes, it's been a nice contrast and a general relief. You bet. For a majority of the country, anyway.

Trumpsters, who have been turned into straight up drama queens by their media, are too consumed with paranoia, this "war" they're in, rage and conspiracy theories to calm down, though. That's a real shame.

I don't follow media, why is PROG-projection so strong? I only know if PROGS say it see my signature. Fuck I haven't even watched Tucker in months. He often tells you what you need to know Vs how racist conservatives must be, stuff like that.
As others write things for Biden to say, presented as though he's saying it, I'm wondering if the left truly believe some opinions that Biden has brought needed leadership to this country?

From the angle of conservatives, who think in practical terms, such as to apply critical thought and setting aside feelings due misinformation, I think it's fair to conclude that......

A. Mainstream media pulled off a 24/7 assault on Trump, making stuff up as they go. You know, like stealing elections, Russian & Ukraine scandals, COVID is his fault, same with how States run States. He causes riots & unrest, he's racist too, grab a pussy & all that..................All while the left proved to do worse than the accusations every time.

B. Xiden was appointed and mainstream media discovered crickets. They're Xiden passivists & complimentary, assuming they even mention Xiden, which they usually don't at all. Trump would fill up the entire page, daily.


PROGS remain tricked & led where they want you to go. The comfort the left may feel comes way a pacifier.

2. The pacifier is brought to you by mainstream media and Demonicrats, as they carry out the tasks for the left elite and global ventures.

3. As for PROGS, Democrats & such they're unhappy unless they've obtained what they're trained to desire, even free of reality. Their spoils are just like spoiled young children, where they only shut-up if you give them a lollipop.

The only calm he's produced is in the MSM who, reluctant to report on his failing cognizance and the collapse of "Hero of the People" Cuomo, have nothing to talk about.
What a load of pure BULLSHIT!

So you think it's "bullshit" that Xi's man Quid Pro has brought calm to the country?

The Putin controlled Trumpist Right will never allow calm anywhere.
You can steal the WH, but you can't evict Trump from your head. HaHaHa. He's gone dummy. BTW, calm doesn't ensue just because you sit down in front of Mario Kart in your basement. The world still exists, you myopic moron.
He has restored the natural order of things. Pseudo-Cons obstruct while the Dems fight among themselves. The Rabid right spreads lies like the lame OP because it's all about owning the "Libs".
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