Harry Reid; Democrats Cannot Win With Current Stances on Immigration and Nationalized Medicare


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Yeah, Harry Reid is trying to talk some sense into his party.

Sorry Harry, the Dems don't do the listening thing any more. They have their ideology, Marxism, and that is all they need now, American People be damned if the don't like it!

Harry Reid rips Dems over 'Medicare-for-all,' border policies: 'Of course' it will hurt us in 2020

“People want a fair immigration system. They don’t want an open-door invitation for everybody to come at once,” Reid said in the interview with Vice. When asked if supporting decriminalization could be bad for Democrats in 2020, Reid said, “Of course it is.”

Reid accused Democrats of not having their priorities in order going into the election...

“There are so many more important things to do. Decriminalizing border crossings is not something that should be at the top of the list,” he said, stating that “it should be way, way down at the bottom.”

Reid also argued that his party has it wrong when it comes to health care by pushing for drastic new systems like “Medicare-for-all” instead of retooling what voters already use.

“I think that we should focus on improving ObamaCare,” he said, echoing a point made by former Vice President Joe Biden. “We can do that – without bringing something that would be much harder to sell.”

As with the immigration policies espoused by many 2020 candidates, Reid said “of course” a platform of single-payer health care would be problematic for any nominee next year.

“How are you going to get it passed?” he wondered.​

Passing bills is for the Dem minions to carry out in the face of compliant invertebrate Republicans, Harry.

You clearly don't understand your own party Harry. The priorities are exactly where they want them.
You know it's bad when Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are voices of reason in your party.

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