"She was put in charge of the border and we saw the worst invasion of illegals in our history!!!" reads the Trump post on July 21st on Instagram. Similar posts and thousands of pollical ads and claims from the Trump campaign and Trump himself have convinced millions of people that Harris was responsible for the mass migration we have seen over the past 2 years.
However, Harris was never put in charge of the border or made "border czar," immigration experts said. President Joe Biden tasked Harris with leading the administration's diplomatic efforts addressing the "root causes" of migration in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. Biden dispatched Harris on a diplomatic mission to work with Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. The goal was to help those countries strengthen their economies and security situations so their citizens could build "successful lives at home rather than abroad." Since she was never tasks with the responsibility of boarder security, she never visited the southern boarder until she announced her run for the presidency.
However, Harris was never put in charge of the border or made "border czar," immigration experts said. President Joe Biden tasked Harris with leading the administration's diplomatic efforts addressing the "root causes" of migration in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. Biden dispatched Harris on a diplomatic mission to work with Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. The goal was to help those countries strengthen their economies and security situations so their citizens could build "successful lives at home rather than abroad." Since she was never tasks with the responsibility of boarder security, she never visited the southern boarder until she announced her run for the presidency.

Get the facts: Is Kamala Harris the 'border czar'?
A lot of political ads are already airing ahead of the election in November. News 8's Ad Watch series fact-checks them.

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