Happy Shavuot to all Beit Israel!


Gold Member
Jun 10, 2015
This Shabat flows into the Shavuot celebrations:

Shavuot 2018 (a two-day holiday, celebrated from sunset on May 19 until nightfall on May 21)coincides with the date that G‑d gave the Torah to the Jewish people at Mount Sinai more than 3,300 years ago. It comes after 49 days of eager counting, as we prepared ourselves for this special day.

It is celebrated by lighting candles, staying up all night to learn Torah, hearing the reading of the Ten Commandments in synagogue, feasting on dairy foods and more. Continue reading . . .

I will sing a song for the Torah
More precious than gold pure and clear
Trustworthy is His name chose His people
To be for Him in His name a chosen nation
I will sing a song for the Torah...

Happy is the man who overpowers his inclination
Speaks straight truth does as in the Torah
I will sing a song for the Torah...

For the intellectually curious, don't shy away from synagogues and any place they usually study the Torah. this night You'll find the best opportunities to discuss spirituality and delve deep into Torah, Talmud and Zohar study to challenge Your mind. Find a group, people will be awake at night studying up until the last minutes before sun rise.
Learning on Shavuot Night - Tikun Leil Shavuot
Let’s take a walk for a moment. It’s Shavuot night; the festive meal has finished. Like so many other festival nights, you’d expect the events to play out in a familiar pattern. The guests head home, the older family members help clean up, but slowly, one by one, the family drifts off to sleep. But this night, something different happens. Rather than going to sleep, the members of the household stay up all night—and learn Torah.

The obvious question is, why? What is so special about this night that so many people forego a night’s sleep to stay up learning instead?

To understand this practice, we’re going to take a step back in time to the very first Shavuot—the day G‑d gave us the Torah at Mount Sinai...
Learning on Shavuot Night - Tikun Leil Shavuot - An Insomniac’s Preparation for the Torah


Let us all have a peaceful Shabbat :11_2_1043:

And happy Shavuot!


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