Happy Death Of America Day

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Whatever happens after today won't be American.

Call it whatever you want, but not that.

Outright and obvious electoral fraud has been gaslighted, pro forma appeals to authority for redress of legitimate and documented grievances rejected, and civil disobedience has been criminalized to the point of terrorism, by those would-be overlords who seized power because they could, and got away with it, with the mantra of "By Any Mean Necessary". Liberty, black-letter law, and any pretense of political freedom be damned, and Devil take the hindmost.

Your postulant political pretenders have paid only lip service to legitimacy, pretending that having someone in the score booth dial up the points on the scoreboard is the same thing as having won the game on the field. All the rulebooks, referees, and officials, have been too weak, wobbling, and quisling to step in and do their jobs, to undo such slithering duplicity and obvious theft, of an election, and an entire nation, in plain sight.

They have, rather, joined hands with it, welcomed it, and done everything in their power to usher it in, at every level of the process, and at every turn in the road.

There are and must be irrevocable consequences to those acts and deeds.

There is therefore, and imminently, no more rule of law in this country, and no more social contract between governed and the current sham of a government. It is one thing to ask for, and receive a majority, or even a plurality, of consent of the governed, and proceed to rule.

It is another thing entirely to fill out the ballots of imaginary people, by the million, and manufacture imaginary consent on a nationwide scale, and then act as though that consent was ever given. It has not been any such thing.

You woke up this morning covered by the tattered shreds of liberty once secured by your forefathers.

You are about to be governed by a tyranny more monstrous than anything conceived of or delivered by any king of England ever was upon this land.

The only answer to such will not be stern letters, sharp protests, snowball fights on sentries, or panty raids on the Halls Of Fraud.
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He's Angwy
Don't blame him

Hang on patriots and normies ...its gonna get ugly .....shortly
Don't worry about the macro ....although I like the sound of a United States of Texas ...Word!...
local local local baby
The question is, how much more will Americans take and let this tyranny walk all over us?
I think we're about to find out in short order

I don't see them putting up much of a fight. In just one example, I am usually the only one not wearing a mask when I go to the store. They won't even fight a mask mandate. And it is a simple as not wearing one.
The question is, how much more will Americans take and let this tyranny walk all over us?
I think we're about to find out in short order

I don't see them putting up much of a fight. In just one example, I am usually the only one not wearing a mask when I go to the store. They won't even fight a mask mandate. And it is a simple as not wearing one.
They're not desperate yet ....."build back better /you'll own nothing and like it" soon
Whatever happens after today won't be American.

Call it whatever you want, but not that.

Outright and obvious electoral fraud has been gaslighted, pro forma appeals to authority for redress of legitimate and documented grievances rejected, and civil disobedience has been criminalized to the point of terrorism, by those would-be overlords who seized power because they could, and got away with it, with the mantra of "By Any Mean Necessary". Liberty, black-letter law, and any pretense of political freedom be damned, and Devil take the hindmost.

Your postulant political pretenders have paid only lip service to legitimacy, pretending that having someone in the score booth dial up the points on the scoreboard is the same thing as having won the game on the field. All the rulebooks, referees, and officials, have been too weak, wobbling, and quisling to step in and do their jobs, to undo such slithering duplicity and obvious theft, of an election, and an entire nation, in plain sight.

They have, rather, joined hands with it, welcomed it, and done everything in their power to usher it in, at every level of the process, and at every turn in the road.

There are and must be irrevocable consequences to those acts and deeds.

There is therefore, and imminently, no more rule of law in this country, and no more social contract between governed and the current sham of a government. It is one thing to ask for, and receive a majority, or even a plurality, of consent of the governed, and proceed to rule.

It is another thing entirely to fill out the ballots of imaginary people, by the million, and manufacture imaginary consent on a nationwide scale, and then act as though that consent was ever given. It has not been any such thing.

You woke up this morning covered by the tattered shreds of liberty once secured by your forefathers.

You are about to be governed by a tyranny more monstrous than anything conceived of or delivered by any king of England ever was upon this land.

The only answer to such will not be stern letters, sharp protests, snowball fights on sentries, or panty raids on the Halls Of Fraud.
Read it all
He's Angwy
Don't blame him

Hang on patriots and normies ...its gonna get ugly .....shortly
Don't worry about the macro ....although I like the sound of a United States of Texas ...Word!...
local local local baby
Another QAnut making baseless claims of fraud.
Whatever happens after today won't be American.

Call it whatever you want, but not that.

Outright and obvious electoral fraud has been gaslighted, pro forma appeals to authority for redress of legitimate and documented grievances rejected, and civil disobedience has been criminalized to the point of terrorism, by those would-be overlords who seized power because they could, and got away with it, with the mantra of "By Any Mean Necessary". Liberty, black-letter law, and any pretense of political freedom be damned, and Devil take the hindmost.

Your postulant political pretenders have paid only lip service to legitimacy, pretending that having someone in the score booth dial up the points on the scoreboard is the same thing as having won the game on the field. All the rulebooks, referees, and officials, have been too weak, wobbling, and quisling to step in and do their jobs, to undo such slithering duplicity and obvious theft, of an election, and an entire nation, in plain sight.

They have, rather, joined hands with it, welcomed it, and done everything in their power to usher it in, at every level of the process, and at every turn in the road.

There are and must be irrevocable consequences to those acts and deeds.

There is therefore, and imminently, no more rule of law in this country, and no more social contract between governed and the current sham of a government. It is one thing to ask for, and receive a majority, or even a plurality, of consent of the governed, and proceed to rule.

It is another thing entirely to fill out the ballots of imaginary people, by the million, and manufacture imaginary consent on a nationwide scale, and then act as though that consent was ever given. It has not been any such thing.

You woke up this morning covered by the tattered shreds of liberty once secured by your forefathers.

You are about to be governed by a tyranny more monstrous than anything conceived of or delivered by any king of England ever was upon this land.

The only answer to such will not be stern letters, sharp protests, snowball fights on sentries, or panty raids on the Halls Of Fraud.
Read it all
He's Angwy
Don't blame him

Hang on patriots and normies ...its gonna get ugly .....shortly
Don't worry about the macro ....although I like the sound of a United States of Texas ...Word!...
local local local baby
Another QAnut making baseless claims of fraud.
What are you talking about ?
I was never a q follower ....said it long before moronic leftists like you even knew what an anon was

Pfft go somewhere else and be a useful idiot...

Found on Twitter. Perfect analogy.

After a nationwide crackdown on free speech, we are now listening to a career politician ramble on about freedom & unity in a ceremony of masked people surrounded by razor wire & 1000s of soldiers. I can’t think of a more fitting image of this country's future.

However...with that said...I saw a vid of Bidens transport before he began to walk the street to the WH. A buttload of NG turned their backs as his car approached. A BUTTLOAD of them. Y'all know what that means, right? NOT happy and a show of disgust.
Found on Twitter. Perfect analogy.

After a nationwide crackdown on free speech, we are now listening to a career politician ramble on about freedom & unity in a ceremony of masked people surrounded by razor wire & 1000s of soldiers. I can’t think of a more fitting image of this country's future.

However...with that said...I saw a vid of Bidens transport before he began to walk the street to the WH. A buttload of NG turned their backs as his car approached. A BUTTLOAD of them. Y'all know what that means, right? NOT happy and a show of disgust.
Nypd does it to leftwing commie mayors
Its meant as an insult and extremely disrespectful
The question is, how much more will Americans take and let this tyranny walk all over us?
I think we're about to find out in short order

I don't see them putting up much of a fight. In just one example, I am usually the only one not wearing a mask when I go to the store. They won't even fight a mask mandate. And it is a simple as not wearing one.
They're not desperate yet ....."build back better /you'll own nothing and like it" soon

I think this says it all and where we are at now:

“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution”
Aldous Huxley
Whatever happens after today won't be American.

Call it whatever you want, but not that.

Outright and obvious electoral fraud has been gaslighted, pro forma appeals to authority for redress of legitimate and documented grievances rejected, and civil disobedience has been criminalized to the point of terrorism, by those would-be overlords who seized power because they could, and got away with it, with the mantra of "By Any Mean Necessary". Liberty, black-letter law, and any pretense of political freedom be damned, and Devil take the hindmost.

Your postulant political pretenders have paid only lip service to legitimacy, pretending that having someone in the score booth dial up the points on the scoreboard is the same thing as having won the game on the field. All the rulebooks, referees, and officials, have been too weak, wobbling, and quisling to step in and do their jobs, to undo such slithering duplicity and obvious theft, of an election, and an entire nation, in plain sight.

They have, rather, joined hands with it, welcomed it, and done everything in their power to usher it in, at every level of the process, and at every turn in the road.

There are and must be irrevocable consequences to those acts and deeds.

There is therefore, and imminently, no more rule of law in this country, and no more social contract between governed and the current sham of a government. It is one thing to ask for, and receive a majority, or even a plurality, of consent of the governed, and proceed to rule.

It is another thing entirely to fill out the ballots of imaginary people, by the million, and manufacture imaginary consent on a nationwide scale, and then act as though that consent was ever given. It has not been any such thing.

You woke up this morning covered by the tattered shreds of liberty once secured by your forefathers.

You are about to be governed by a tyranny more monstrous than anything conceived of or delivered by any king of England ever was upon this land.

The only answer to such will not be stern letters, sharp protests, snowball fights on sentries, or panty raids on the Halls Of Fraud.
Read it all
He's Angwy
Don't blame him

Hang on patriots and normies ...its gonna get ugly .....shortly
Don't worry about the macro ....although I like the sound of a United States of Texas ...Word!...
local local local baby
Another QAnut making baseless claims of fraud.
What are you talking about ?
I was never a q follower ....said it long before moronic leftists like you even knew what an anon was

Pfft go somewhere else and be a useful idiot...

All Trumpers are QAnuts.

Does this look like someone you know?
The question is, how much more will Americans take and let this tyranny walk all over us?
I think we're about to find out in short order

I don't see them putting up much of a fight. In just one example, I am usually the only one not wearing a mask when I go to the store. They won't even fight a mask mandate. And it is a simple as not wearing one.
They're not desperate yet ....."build back better /you'll own nothing and like it" soon

I think this says it all and where we are at now:

“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution”
Aldous Huxley
The bleak
Some say the death toll could be 50/60 million....ill see em in hell first before I stand in front of that ditch...im not alone
Whatever happens after today won't be American.

Call it whatever you want, but not that.

Outright and obvious electoral fraud has been gaslighted, pro forma appeals to authority for redress of legitimate and documented grievances rejected, and civil disobedience has been criminalized to the point of terrorism, by those would-be overlords who seized power because they could, and got away with it, with the mantra of "By Any Mean Necessary". Liberty, black-letter law, and any pretense of political freedom be damned, and Devil take the hindmost.

Your postulant political pretenders have paid only lip service to legitimacy, pretending that having someone in the score booth dial up the points on the scoreboard is the same thing as having won the game on the field. All the rulebooks, referees, and officials, have been too weak, wobbling, and quisling to step in and do their jobs, to undo such slithering duplicity and obvious theft, of an election, and an entire nation, in plain sight.

They have, rather, joined hands with it, welcomed it, and done everything in their power to usher it in, at every level of the process, and at every turn in the road.

There are and must be irrevocable consequences to those acts and deeds.

There is therefore, and imminently, no more rule of law in this country, and no more social contract between governed and the current sham of a government. It is one thing to ask for, and receive a majority, or even a plurality, of consent of the governed, and proceed to rule.

It is another thing entirely to fill out the ballots of imaginary people, by the million, and manufacture imaginary consent on a nationwide scale, and then act as though that consent was ever given. It has not been any such thing.

You woke up this morning covered by the tattered shreds of liberty once secured by your forefathers.

You are about to be governed by a tyranny more monstrous than anything conceived of or delivered by any king of England ever was upon this land.

The only answer to such will not be stern letters, sharp protests, snowball fights on sentries, or panty raids on the Halls Of Fraud.
Read it all
He's Angwy
Don't blame him

Hang on patriots and normies ...its gonna get ugly .....shortly
Don't worry about the macro ....although I like the sound of a United States of Texas ...Word!...
local local local baby
Another QAnut making baseless claims of fraud.
What are you talking about ?
I was never a q follower ....said it long before moronic leftists like you even knew what an anon was

Pfft go somewhere else and be a useful idiot...

All Trumpers are QAnuts.

Does this look like someone you know?View attachment 446267

He's a Bernie bro ,a vegan , and lives with his mom! He only wanted to bring positive energy to the panty raid ...I mean wayciss insuwwection!
Go away now useful idiot
Also from twitter:

Joe Biden’s Inauguration theme today was ‘American Unity’ He then proceeded to use his inauguration speech to call Trump supporters white supremacists, nativists, and domestic terrorists. Is that what “unity” looks like now?
The question is, how much more will Americans take and let this tyranny walk all over us?
I think we're about to find out in short order

I don't see them putting up much of a fight. In just one example, I am usually the only one not wearing a mask when I go to the store. They won't even fight a mask mandate. And it is a simple as not wearing one.
They're not desperate yet ....."build back better /you'll own nothing and like it" soon

I think this says it all and where we are at now:

“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution”
Aldous Huxley
That was 90 years ago. I guess his timeline is a little off. No drugs like that anywhere or Trump would've been slipping it in our water supply.

But hey, flying cars will get here someday so my Huxley's prediction will come true in a century or two.

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