Hanoi Jane

Here's the skinny on the Vietnam war..it was betrayal on many levels.

It was the betrayal of the Vietnamese people, who during world war II helped in the allied efforts against the Japanese.

It was a betrayal against the troops, who had to fight and die in what amounted to one of the worst war crimes in history.

It was a betrayal against humanity, because America was responsible for the deaths of millions.

There was absolutely no reason to attack Vietnam. None.

And Jane Fonda saw this..in fact..she should be proud that she pointed out what a disgusting thing this country was doing.

I find it absolutely reprehensible that conservatives keep braying on and on about this..yet not a peep about Lt. Calley..who massacred over 300 innocent and unarmed people..and who's men ganged raped children.

Disgusting...and you guys should be ashamed.

oh what friggin ever. :lol:

I think you need to take a condescension:chillpill: and drop the sanctimonious horsehockey, for someone who thinks cons love to see old people die with no medical care, or are wantonly callous scum and haters who sppt. slaughter etc. as you ascribe to in the drooling nonsense posted above, don't you dare try to come off as the reasonable or sane person in the asylum.....have you asked anyone here for instance what they thought of Calleys pardon btw?I don't recall a thread on that, if I missed it please direct me... ...

Conservatives barely remember Calley. You don't. He wasn't pardoned.

I have forgotten more than you remember or ever will apparently, AND enough to know he was pardoned after several years of house arrest, by Nixon, go check it out, I'll wait here for my apology. thx in advance.
oh what friggin ever. :lol:

I think you need to take a condescension:chillpill: and drop the sanctimonious horsehockey, for someone who thinks cons love to see old people die with no medical care, or are wantonly callous scum and haters who sppt. slaughter etc. as you ascribe to in the drooling nonsense posted above, don't you dare try to come off as the reasonable or sane person in the asylum.....have you asked anyone here for instance what they thought of Calleys pardon btw?I don't recall a thread on that, if I missed it please direct me... ...

Conservatives barely remember Calley. You don't. He wasn't pardoned.

I have forgotten more than you remember or ever will apparently, AND enough to know he was pardoned after several years of house arrest, by Nixon, go check it out, I'll wait here for my apology. thx in advance.
Now, wait just one tomato-picking minute! "Forgotten more than you remember or ever will"???? That's old-person speak! You ain't old. Cuz, if you are, then............

Oh......can't bear to say it. ;)
Nixon sensed which way the wind was blowing and within a few days, Calley was quietly transferred from the tough military prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, to house arrest in a comfortable apartment at Fort Benning, Georgia, where was able to drink alcohol and entertain his girlfriend.
He served three years there before being paroled in 1974 with a tacit presidential pardon.
Read more: Found: The monster of the My Lai massacre | Mail Online
Damn, thats actually not bad.:cool:


Damn, I would have created a beautiful half black/half white baby with her.:cool:

That's Halfrican American, you Racist Fuck!... :lol:

In the case of the President, it's Quarterfrican American. :thup:

Bernie Mac was Onehundredtenpercentfrican American. :tongue:


Nixon sensed which way the wind was blowing and within a few days, Calley was quietly transferred from the tough military prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, to house arrest in a comfortable apartment at Fort Benning, Georgia, where was able to drink alcohol and entertain his girlfriend.
He served three years there before being paroled in 1974 with a tacit presidential pardon.
Read more: Found: The monster of the My Lai massacre | Mail Online

Calley and those few of his men who participated (most of the platoon apparently did not) were and are a disgrace, to America, to the army, to the uniform, to their unit, and to themselves. Their actions that day, and their character, are NOT typical of the troops who served in Vietnam. That is NOT the standard of conduct we followed. As disgusting as their conduct is, though, it pales in comparison to that of the VC.

Let me tell you about another massacre, one that didn't make the headlines, because things like it happened every day over there. We went into this little ville, where the VC had decided to make an example of the place, for not cooperating enough, apparently.. They hadn't been gone long; the place was still burning,and there were bodies everywhere, some still alive and screaming. They were beyond medical help; all our medic could do for them, was give them morphine. there was only one boy, who might have been old enough to fight; he had been skinned alive, mutilated, and staked out to bleed to death. They had beaten two old men, until every bone in their bodies was broken; then, they bayoneted them. Every female, from children four or five years old, to old women, had been mutilated, beaten, and violated in ways that are beyond description; some of the objects were still imbedded in their bodies. In the fire the Cong built to heat the sharpened pieces of bamboo they used in some of their handiwork, we found the bodies of several babies and toddlers. We found the village chief tied to a support to a hooch, dead, disemboweled. Another one of the old men told us before he died that they had made the chief watch the whole thing, before they killed him. If you think that's graphic, that's the sanitized version. I'm leaving out the worst of it. The "people" who did that, were the "heroes" Jane Fonda and the Left back home worshipped and idolized, while they hated us. Some men cried, others puked; none of us will ever forget it..

I never had any remorse for killing the Cong, after that, none at all. Don't you lecture me about "war crimes"-until you've seen something like that, you only think you know what "war crimes" are. Yeah, I've got blood on my hands-the blood of the depraved monsters who committed atrocities like that on a regular basis-and I refuse to be ashamed of it. The enemy I killed were armed; I didn't shoot non-combatants, and I didn't see anyone else do it either. I'm a killer, but I am not, I am damn well not, a murderer. Anyone here who wants to weep for "freedom fighters" like that, you go ahead; I'll save my tears for the innocents they butchered, terrorized, and tortured to death.
Nixon sensed which way the wind was blowing and within a few days, Calley was quietly transferred from the tough military prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, to house arrest in a comfortable apartment at Fort Benning, Georgia, where was able to drink alcohol and entertain his girlfriend.
He served three years there before being paroled in 1974 with a tacit presidential pardon.
Read more: Found: The monster of the My Lai massacre | Mail Online

Calley and those few of his men who participated (most of the platoon apparently did not) were and are a disgrace, to America, to the army, to the uniform, to their unit, and to themselves. Their actions that day, and their character, are NOT typical of the troops who served in Vietnam. That is NOT the standard of conduct we followed. As disgusting as their conduct is, though, it pales in comparison to that of the VC.

Let me tell you about another massacre, one that didn't make the headlines, because things like it happened every day over there. We went into this little ville, where the VC had decided to make an example of the place, for not cooperating enough, apparently.. They hadn't been gone long; the place was still burning,and there were bodies everywhere, some still alive and screaming. They were beyond medical help; all our medic could do for them, was give them morphine. there was only one boy, who might have been old enough to fight; he had been skinned alive, mutilated, and staked out to bleed to death. They had beaten two old men, until every bone in their bodies was broken; then, they bayoneted them. Every female, from children four or five years old, to old women, had been mutilated, beaten, and violated in ways that are beyond description; some of the objects were still imbedded in their bodies. In the fire the Cong built to heat the sharpened pieces of bamboo they used in some of their handiwork, we found the bodies of several babies and toddlers. We found the village chief tied to a support to a hooch, dead, disemboweled. Another one of the old men told us before he died that they had made the chief watch the whole thing, before they killed him. If you think that's graphic, that's the sanitized version. I'm leaving out the worst of it. The "people" who did that, were the "heroes" Jane Fonda and the Left back home worshipped and idolized, while they hated us. Some men cried, others puked; none of us will ever forget it..

I never had any remorse for killing the Cong, after that, none at all. Don't you lecture me about "war crimes"-until you've seen something like that, you only think you know what "war crimes" are. Yeah, I've got blood on my hands-the blood of the depraved monsters who committed atrocities like that on a regular basis-and I refuse to be ashamed of it. The enemy I killed were armed; I didn't shoot non-combatants, and I didn't see anyone else do it either. I'm a killer, but I am not, I am damn well not, a murderer. Anyone here who wants to weep for "freedom fighters" like that, you go ahead; I'll save my tears for the innocents they butchered, terrorized, and tortured to death.

Wow, that sounds like alot to process, that war sounds like it was a living hell.:(

Calley and those few of his men who participated (most of the platoon apparently did not) were and are a disgrace, to America, to the army, to the uniform, to their unit, and to themselves. Their actions that day, and their character, are NOT typical of the troops who served in Vietnam. That is NOT the standard of conduct we followed. As disgusting as their conduct is, though, it pales in comparison to that of the VC.

Let me tell you about another massacre, one that didn't make the headlines, because things like it happened every day over there. We went into this little ville, where the VC had decided to make an example of the place, for not cooperating enough, apparently.. They hadn't been gone long; the place was still burning,and there were bodies everywhere, some still alive and screaming. They were beyond medical help; all our medic could do for them, was give them morphine. there was only one boy, who might have been old enough to fight; he had been skinned alive, mutilated, and staked out to bleed to death. They had beaten two old men, until every bone in their bodies was broken; then, they bayoneted them. Every female, from children four or five years old, to old women, had been mutilated, beaten, and violated in ways that are beyond description; some of the objects were still imbedded in their bodies. In the fire the Cong built to heat the sharpened pieces of bamboo they used in some of their handiwork, we found the bodies of several babies and toddlers. We found the village chief tied to a support to a hooch, dead, disemboweled. Another one of the old men told us before he died that they had made the chief watch the whole thing, before they killed him. If you think that's graphic, that's the sanitized version. I'm leaving out the worst of it. The "people" who did that, were the "heroes" Jane Fonda and the Left back home worshipped and idolized, while they hated us. Some men cried, others puked; none of us will ever forget it..

I never had any remorse for killing the Cong, after that, none at all. Don't you lecture me about "war crimes"-until you've seen something like that, you only think you know what "war crimes" are. Yeah, I've got blood on my hands-the blood of the depraved monsters who committed atrocities like that on a regular basis-and I refuse to be ashamed of it. The enemy I killed were armed; I didn't shoot non-combatants, and I didn't see anyone else do it either. I'm a killer, but I am not, I am damn well not, a murderer. Anyone here who wants to weep for "freedom fighters" like that, you go ahead; I'll save my tears for the innocents they butchered, terrorized, and tortured to death.

Wow, that sounds like alot to process, that war sounds like it was a living hell.:(

That aspect of it certainly was, HG; if there's anything closer to hell on earth than that, I don't want to see it. You know, what's really strange, is that Vietnamese culture is not particularly violent at all; so many Vietnamese I've known (there and here) are such sweet gentle people; but they were in the middle of what's best described as a civil war, and that sort of thing brings out the very worst in any people, I suppose. All the same, there's nothing that can prepare someone from our culture for horrors like that; after a while, your mind just can't process it anymore, and you become numb to it; it becomes surreal, like a waking nightmare. Your world shrinks, until it's just you, the guys you're with, and the next few meters of dirt-those are your only links to anything remotely sane. Then one day, it's all over, and you're back in the world you came from, a place you don't understand anymore, not even sure who you are, anymore. Eventually, the flashbacks and the nightmares come for you, and THEN you have to process it all. That can take a while.....
Calley and those few of his men who participated (most of the platoon apparently did not) were and are a disgrace, to America, to the army, to the uniform, to their unit, and to themselves. Their actions that day, and their character, are NOT typical of the troops who served in Vietnam. That is NOT the standard of conduct we followed. As disgusting as their conduct is, though, it pales in comparison to that of the VC.

Let me tell you about another massacre, one that didn't make the headlines, because things like it happened every day over there. We went into this little ville, where the VC had decided to make an example of the place, for not cooperating enough, apparently.. They hadn't been gone long; the place was still burning,and there were bodies everywhere, some still alive and screaming. They were beyond medical help; all our medic could do for them, was give them morphine. there was only one boy, who might have been old enough to fight; he had been skinned alive, mutilated, and staked out to bleed to death. They had beaten two old men, until every bone in their bodies was broken; then, they bayoneted them. Every female, from children four or five years old, to old women, had been mutilated, beaten, and violated in ways that are beyond description; some of the objects were still imbedded in their bodies. In the fire the Cong built to heat the sharpened pieces of bamboo they used in some of their handiwork, we found the bodies of several babies and toddlers. We found the village chief tied to a support to a hooch, dead, disemboweled. Another one of the old men told us before he died that they had made the chief watch the whole thing, before they killed him. If you think that's graphic, that's the sanitized version. I'm leaving out the worst of it. The "people" who did that, were the "heroes" Jane Fonda and the Left back home worshipped and idolized, while they hated us. Some men cried, others puked; none of us will ever forget it..

I never had any remorse for killing the Cong, after that, none at all. Don't you lecture me about "war crimes"-until you've seen something like that, you only think you know what "war crimes" are. Yeah, I've got blood on my hands-the blood of the depraved monsters who committed atrocities like that on a regular basis-and I refuse to be ashamed of it. The enemy I killed were armed; I didn't shoot non-combatants, and I didn't see anyone else do it either. I'm a killer, but I am not, I am damn well not, a murderer. Anyone here who wants to weep for "freedom fighters" like that, you go ahead; I'll save my tears for the innocents they butchered, terrorized, and tortured to death.

Wow, that sounds like alot to process, that war sounds like it was a living hell.:(

That aspect of it certainly was, HG; if there's anything closer to hell on earth than that, I don't want to see it. You know, what's really strange, is that Vietnamese culture is not particularly violent at all; so many Vietnamese I've known (there and here) are such sweet gentle people; but they were in the middle of what's best described as a civil war, and that sort of thing brings out the very worst in any people, I suppose. All the same, there's nothing that can prepare someone from our culture for horrors like that; after a while, your mind just can't process it anymore, and you become numb to it; it becomes surreal, like a waking nightmare. Your world shrinks, until it's just you, the guys you're with, and the next few meters of dirt-those are your only links to anything remotely sane. Then one day, it's all over, and you're back in the world you came from, a place you don't understand anymore, not even sure who you are, anymore. Eventually, the flashbacks and the nightmares come for you, and THEN you have to process it all. That can take a while.....

I know alot of the veterans coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan are dealing with the same thing, a girl I deployed with to Kuwait ended up doing a tour in Afghanistan, she was a medic but was working with the Army over there and she saw alot of disturbing things, treating both the Afghans and our forces, I read a bunch of her blogs on Myspace while it was over there and she just didn't sound right, she sounded like a completely different girl than the one I knew. She was sent home from Afghanistan for a physce eval and ended up leaving the service altogether, I hope everything went ok for her.
Sometimes I wish the rep thingy was NON removable. Id love for TM and everyone else to see all the red thingies cuz Id be giving her a shitload for saying Nam was a pretend war. That, I wont forget. Ever.
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Sometimes I wish the rep thingy was NON removable. Id love for TM and everyone else to see all the red thingies cuz Id be giving her a shitload for saying VM was a pretend war. That, I wont forget. Ever.
Meh, TM is harmless like a shuttlecock. She is conic in shape, lots of drag, and mostly just air. We bat her around for a while. If she happens to collide with something, she does no damage as there is little substance to her. And sometimes, she goes in a direction that none of us could ever predict.

I can shrug off most stuff. Might even get a tad peeved now and then. But a scant few things make me batshit pissed. What she said is one of them. I wont forget it. And I dont hold grudges but for her....Ill hold it forever.
Some 20 something actress chums arround with some people we are at pretend war with and to some that is worse than our own military people lying and hoodwinking the American people.

58K Americans died in that pretend war (not to mention over a million Vietnamese)!
Nope, Joe Alphabet;

Never been to the "Wall" but my best friend's name is up there; we were drafted on the same day.

Sunni, he doesn't mean the wall of loyal Islamist that have killed Americans, that you jerk off to. He means the Vietnam Veteran Wall.

You never been in Vietnam and your supposed best friend never died in it either! Don't disgrace the Veterans by lying about something you never did and people you don't know!

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