Hang Up and Listen Podcast--Silly Rule Suggestions


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
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Deep State Plant.
First let me say that I'm not a huge fan of this type of podcast. I like where people talk about sports. Or talk about current events. Or talk about X... If they want to talk about the "larger picture" sometimes; that's great but primarily I want the podcast to be topical. This week, they did talk about the NFL weekend past (Cincy/Tennessee, KC/Buffalo, GB/SF, and LA/TB). But they also talked about a documentary about the first woman drafted by the NBA and about "7 Games" which is a book about board games.

I lost interest half way through the podcast but it was okay I guess.

Anyway, if you listen to the podcast--any podcast on Slate.com--they have a segment at the end where each panelist gives their recommendations and the last part of the segment is a shout-out to the listeners who are asked to contribute.
This week's shout-out segment was about silly rule changes. I'm writing this from memory so I may have missed some of the details.

1. The End of the Inning Scramble in MLB. To increase scoring and make games more exciting...when an inning ends on a pop fly to the outfield and there is a runner on base--on any base--the runner can tag-up and try to make it all the way to home plate. If he can make it all the way to home plate before each defensive player gets off the field, the team on offense gets a run. The modifications were that they have to get off the field on their side of the diamond meaning that if the right fielder catches a ball for the third out and his dug out is along 3rd base, he has to run all the way off the field on the 3rd base line before the runner can touch home plate.

2. Limiting the 3 point shots in NBA. I didn't get this one all the way but apparently one of the listeners wants to limit the number of 3 point shots--made 3 point shots--to 28 in a game. I wasn't sure if that was per team or total. If it is per team....that may have some good implications because if it is a close game, a coach may want to keep 3 or 4 of them "in the bank" to either put the opponent away or to catch up.

3. The third one (there was a fourth but I zoned out during it) was interesting. In an OT game in the NHL...every 60 seconds, add a puck. Keep the 5 on 5 (plus Goalie) but every 60 second add another puck to the ice (a max of 4). This would add some strategy to the game to were an offense can try 2 or 3 shots in succession or at the same time to try to score.

One of the better listener shout-outs.

The Podcast has a very good host--Josh Levine (sp?). His co-host has a grating voice that is just annoying as hell. I don't listen to this one often but did this week while preparing some dinner for a pot luck we're having tonight at the hospital.
First let me say that I'm not a huge fan of this type of podcast. I like where people talk about sports. Or talk about current events. Or talk about X... If they want to talk about the "larger picture" sometimes; that's great but primarily I want the podcast to be topical. This week, they did talk about the NFL weekend past (Cincy/Tennessee, KC/Buffalo, GB/SF, and LA/TB). But they also talked about a documentary about the first woman drafted by the NBA and about "7 Games" which is a book about board games.

I lost interest half way through the podcast but it was okay I guess.

Anyway, if you listen to the podcast--any podcast on Slate.com--they have a segment at the end where each panelist gives their recommendations and the last part of the segment is a shout-out to the listeners who are asked to contribute.
This week's shout-out segment was about silly rule changes. I'm writing this from memory so I may have missed some of the details.

1. The End of the Inning Scramble in MLB. To increase scoring and make games more exciting...when an inning ends on a pop fly to the outfield and there is a runner on base--on any base--the runner can tag-up and try to make it all the way to home plate. If he can make it all the way to home plate before each defensive player gets off the field, the team on offense gets a run. The modifications were that they have to get off the field on their side of the diamond meaning that if the right fielder catches a ball for the third out and his dug out is along 3rd base, he has to run all the way off the field on the 3rd base line before the runner can touch home plate.

2. Limiting the 3 point shots in NBA. I didn't get this one all the way but apparently one of the listeners wants to limit the number of 3 point shots--made 3 point shots--to 28 in a game. I wasn't sure if that was per team or total. If it is per team....that may have some good implications because if it is a close game, a coach may want to keep 3 or 4 of them "in the bank" to either put the opponent away or to catch up.

3. The third one (there was a fourth but I zoned out during it) was interesting. In an OT game in the NHL...every 60 seconds, add a puck. Keep the 5 on 5 (plus Goalie) but every 60 second add another puck to the ice (a max of 4). This would add some strategy to the game to were an offense can try 2 or 3 shots in succession or at the same time to try to score.

One of the better listener shout-outs.

The Podcast has a very good host--Josh Levine (sp?). His co-host has a grating voice that is just annoying as hell. I don't listen to this one often but did this week while preparing some dinner for a pot luck we're having tonight at the hospital.
The first one is crazy.
The second one is interesting especially since the entire league is moving in a shooter dominant direction
The third would have some serious safety concerns wouldnt it? It's tough enough to keep up with one puck flying around the ice but 3-4? Someone would take one to the face and get killed.
The first one is crazy.
The second one is interesting especially since the entire league is moving in a shooter dominant direction
The third would have some serious safety concerns wouldnt it? It's tough enough to keep up with one puck flying around the ice but 3-4? Someone would take one to the face and get killed.

I agree with the first one. Literally straight out of left field.

The Third one...just for an already abbreviated overtime....I don't see a big problem with it. If you're going to goose the overtime period and introduce some bizarre rule...why not this one? I think I left it out and it wasn't spelled out by the person who suggested it but I presume they meant to keep it "sudden death".

My crazy rule is that whatever trophy you win in Hockey, you can use on the ice. Like if you win the Stanley Cup, a replica can be used by the goalie to stop pucks...he places it right up against the post to his left or right.

The NBA rule on 3 pointers actually has some promise I think. The 3 point shot is not that hard to make for those who practice it, the distance from the basket makes it easy to launch, they count fouls in the NBA to where you have "fouls to give" so why not count 3 point buckets the same way--just make them worth 2 points when you pass the threshold? It would may compel some teams to actually run an offense
I agree with the first one. Literally straight out of left field.

The Third one...just for an already abbreviated overtime....I don't see a big problem with it. If you're going to goose the overtime period and introduce some bizarre rule...why not this one? I think I left it out and it wasn't spelled out by the person who suggested it but I presume they meant to keep it "sudden death".

My crazy rule is that whatever trophy you win in Hockey, you can use on the ice. Like if you win the Stanley Cup, a replica can be used by the goalie to stop pucks...he places it right up against the post to his left or right.

The NBA rule on 3 pointers actually has some promise I think. The 3 point shot is not that hard to make for those who practice it, the distance from the basket makes it easy to launch, they count fouls in the NBA to where you have "fouls to give" so why not count 3 point buckets the same way--just make them worth 2 points when you pass the threshold? It would may compel some teams to actually run an offense
Im not a big NHL guy so you could be 100% right. It just sounds crazy dangerous I guess, but hockey players are crazy anyway, right? The Stanley cup replica in the goal box is funny. If you win back to back can you have 2? I've always wondered why teams just didnt get one of these people from 600lb life and push them out there with the Zamboni and just cover up the entire goal.
Im not a big NHL guy so you could be 100% right. It just sounds crazy dangerous I guess, but hockey players are crazy anyway, right? The Stanley cup replica in the goal box is funny. If you win back to back can you have 2?
Grant Fuhr won five of them (Stanley Cups).... that would make it really hard to score I think.

He also won one of these bad boys... The Vein Tophy

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