Hamas' unprovoked crimes against southerners continue

Time for a little carpet bombing of the Gazan rocket-launch sites and their environs...

This way, Hamas can exercise their so-called right to strike at Israel, and Israel can help them to attain Paradise a little sooner than the Hamas folk had calculated...

The Israelis can sell tickets to the Carpet Bombing Extravaganza, rather like a fireworks show...

Complete with food and drink vendors, souvenir program booklets, and discount coupons for admission to the next day's show...

Today's theme: Scattered Hamas Body Parts for Fun and Profit...

Standing applause!

The IDF in November 2012 should never have retreated from the Gazan border when they were all set to invade and put a stop to the terrorism from Gaza once and for all. They would have given Hamas a lesson that they would not forget in a hurry.
Response Post 19

To the Zionist calling himself Kondor,

Hamas has the right to use violence all the time, they have that right under international law as a people living under Occupation. Armed resistance is lawful.

You keep showing your ignorance here.

And you must really deep down hate Israel a whole lot , to keep desiring Israel commit war crimes. It takes a whole lot of hate to desire others to commit war crimes like you do. I guess it's Satan in you coming out.
The blood lust so excites Zionist Hollie!

Time for a little carpet bombing of the Gazan rocket-launch sites and their environs...

This way, Hamas can exercise their so-called right to strike at Israel, and Israel can help them to attain Paradise a little sooner than the Hamas folk had calculated...

The Israelis can sell tickets to the Carpet Bombing Extravaganza, rather like a fireworks show...

Complete with food and drink vendors, souvenir program booklets, and discount coupons for admission to the next day's show...

Today's theme: Scattered Hamas Body Parts for Fun and Profit...

Standing applause!

To the Zionist calling himself Kondor,

Hamas has the right to use violence all the time, they have that right under international law as a people living under Occupation. Armed resistance is lawful.

You keep showing your ignorance here.

And you must really deep down hate Israel a whole lot , to keep desiring Israel commit war crimes. It takes a whole lot of hate to desire others to commit war crimes like you do. I guess it's Satan in you coming out.

What an idiotic thing to say. Hamas has NO RIGHT to use violence all the time. They are not under occupation.

Here, from your favorite site:

BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) – Seven years after Israel disengaged from the Gaza Strip, several things have changed both at the political and the economic level, Hamas official Mahmoud Zahhar said Friday.

Speaking to Ma’an, Zahhar asserted that “Gaza is free of occupation, and contiguity with the outside world is easier as visitors from all over the world visited the coastal enclave.”

Zahhar: Gaza more secure than West Bank | Maan News Agency
Response Post 19

To the Zionist calling himself Kondor,

Hamas has the right to use violence all the time, they have that right under international law as a people living under Occupation. Armed resistance is lawful.

You keep showing your ignorance here.

And you must really deep down hate Israel a whole lot , to keep desiring Israel commit war crimes. It takes a whole lot of hate to desire others to commit war crimes like you do. I guess it's Satan in you coming out.

Satanic Sherri promoting and applauding violence. Whatta Christian. But of course Israel has no right to defend herself. Not to worry you imp of Satan. Egypt says they will take out your terrorist Hamas heroes.
Zionist liar, I do not share in your lust for blood of the innocent.

I proved what is today Ashkelon rightfully belongs to the Palestinians.

Thus, they have the right to resist Occupation and return to their homes they were ethnically cleansed from.

And settler children are raised to kill and steal by Zionazi scum like terrorist teacher Ruthie Fogel.

Your lies are wasted on me.

Sorry, Mahmoud, but you are confusing your islamist fantasies with objective reality.

It is your islamist terrorist heroes in Gaza'istan who are indoctrinating children with the ideology of hate that is such a part of "Palestinian" Arab culture of self-destruction and failure. A new generation of islamist Death Cultists is being groomed to fill the role of former islamo-bots who will know only self-hate and servitude to a retrograde ideology.

Proving again that Mahmoud serves his islamist masters of lies and deceit.

The only squatters are the ethnic cleansing Zionist colonists.

They teach the Zionazi child to hate and kill.

The settler children kill their own classmates.

Would you want the land back after seeing a whole family of muslims squatting in the dirt and looking for some rocks to clean themselves with. It would be classed as a biohazard and would need to be irradiated to get rid of the filth.
Your article proves nothing.

Israel still occupies East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza.

To the Zionist calling himself Kondor,

Hamas has the right to use violence all the time, they have that right under international law as a people living under Occupation. Armed resistance is lawful.

You keep showing your ignorance here.

And you must really deep down hate Israel a whole lot , to keep desiring Israel commit war crimes. It takes a whole lot of hate to desire others to commit war crimes like you do. I guess it's Satan in you coming out.

What an idiotic thing to say. Hamas has NO RIGHT to use violence all the time. They are not under occupation.

Here, from your favorite site:

BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) – Seven years after Israel disengaged from the Gaza Strip, several things have changed both at the political and the economic level, Hamas official Mahmoud Zahhar said Friday.

Speaking to Ma’an, Zahhar asserted that “Gaza is free of occupation, and contiguity with the outside world is easier as visitors from all over the world visited the coastal enclave.”

Zahhar: Gaza more secure than West Bank | Maan News Agency
"Response Post 19 To the Zionist calling himself Kondor, Hamas has the right to use violence all the time, they have that right under international law as a people living under Occupation. Armed resistance is lawful..."
No problem. It just gives the IDf an endless supply of target-practice subjects.

"...You keep showing your ignorance here..."
I made no judgmental legal pronouncement one way or another concerning international law. You're 'projecting' again, or hallucinating again...

"...And you must really deep down hate Israel a whole lot , to keep desiring Israel commit war crimes. It takes a whole lot of hate to desire others to commit war crimes like you do..."
Wake me up when the trial starts in the ICC. Until then, that's just background noise.

"...I guess it's Satan in you coming out."
Stop projecting, evil spirit... it's asinine.
Zionist liar, I do not share in your lust for blood of the innocent.

I proved what is today Ashkelon rightfully belongs to the Palestinians.

Thus, they have the right to resist Occupation and return to their homes they were ethnically cleansed from.

And settler children are raised to kill and steal by Zionazi scum like terrorist teacher Ruthie Fogel.

Your lies are wasted on me.

Sorry, Mahmoud, but you are confusing your islamist fantasies with objective reality.

It is your islamist terrorist heroes in Gaza'istan who are indoctrinating children with the ideology of hate that is such a part of "Palestinian" Arab culture of self-destruction and failure. A new generation of islamist Death Cultists is being groomed to fill the role of former islamo-bots who will know only self-hate and servitude to a retrograde ideology.

Proving again that Mahmoud serves his islamist masters of lies and deceit.

The only squatters are the ethnic cleansing Zionist colonists.

They teach the Zionazi child to hate and kill.

The settler children kill their own classmates.

You proved nothing. And speaking of liars, the readers are still waiting for you to explain your bald faced lie where you denied judging Sharon and condemning him to hell. Liar.
Even fucking Hamas says there is no occupation. How much more proof do you need. :lol:

Your article proves nothing.

Israel still occupies East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza.

To the Zionist calling himself Kondor,

Hamas has the right to use violence all the time, they have that right under international law as a people living under Occupation. Armed resistance is lawful.

You keep showing your ignorance here.

And you must really deep down hate Israel a whole lot , to keep desiring Israel commit war crimes. It takes a whole lot of hate to desire others to commit war crimes like you do. I guess it's Satan in you coming out.

What an idiotic thing to say. Hamas has NO RIGHT to use violence all the time. They are not under occupation.

Here, from your favorite site:

BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) – Seven years after Israel disengaged from the Gaza Strip, several things have changed both at the political and the economic level, Hamas official Mahmoud Zahhar said Friday.

Speaking to Ma’an, Zahhar asserted that “Gaza is free of occupation, and contiguity with the outside world is easier as visitors from all over the world visited the coastal enclave.”

Zahhar: Gaza more secure than West Bank | Maan News Agency
Blood lust, Mahmoud? Have you forgotten you just endorsed violence on the part of your islamist terrorist heroes?

Quite clearly Mahmoud, the Hamas terrorists need no prompting from you to use violence in furtherance of their fascist ideology. They will indoctrinate children with that glorification of self-destruction in acts of mass murder.

It's little wonder that "Palestinian" Arabs exist only with the benefit of their UN funded welfare fraud. They are incapable of building a functioning society.

The blood lust so excites Zionist Hollie!

Time for a little carpet bombing of the Gazan rocket-launch sites and their environs...

This way, Hamas can exercise their so-called right to strike at Israel, and Israel can help them to attain Paradise a little sooner than the Hamas folk had calculated...

The Israelis can sell tickets to the Carpet Bombing Extravaganza, rather like a fireworks show...

Complete with food and drink vendors, souvenir program booklets, and discount coupons for admission to the next day's show...

Today's theme: Scattered Hamas Body Parts for Fun and Profit...

Standing applause!

Well the Hamas thugs in Gaza may not be around much longer. Reports indicate that the Egyptian army is going to make a major push to wipe them out for their activities in the Sinai.

I'll bet Israeli commanders are smiling about that.
Not only were the Palestinian people unlawfully forced from their lands, making the people in Gaza firing the rockets Palestinian refugees with the right to return to Ashkelon, the area was also within the boundaries of the Arab State in the UN Partition Plan.

It really does not good trying to give someone as bigoted as you a history lesson. :evil:
The IDF in November 2012 should never have retreated from the Gazan border when they were all set to invade and put a stop to the terrorism from Gaza once and for all. They would have given Hamas a lesson that they would not forget in a hurry.

Even fucking Hamas says there is no occupation. How much more proof do you need. :lol:

Your article proves nothing.

Israel still occupies East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza.

What an idiotic thing to say. Hamas has NO RIGHT to use violence all the time. They are not under occupation.

Here, from your favorite site:

BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) – Seven years after Israel disengaged from the Gaza Strip, several things have changed both at the political and the economic level, Hamas official Mahmoud Zahhar said Friday.

Speaking to Ma’an, Zahhar asserted that “Gaza is free of occupation, and contiguity with the outside world is easier as visitors from all over the world visited the coastal enclave.”

Zahhar: Gaza more secure than West Bank | Maan News Agency

I'll respond on behalf of Mahmoud :

But.... but..... but.... but... but..... but......
Response Post 19

To the Zionist calling himself Kondor,

Hamas has the right to use violence all the time, they have that right under international law as a people living under Occupation. Armed resistance is lawful.

You keep showing your ignorance here.

And you must really deep down hate Israel a whole lot , to keep desiring Israel commit war crimes. It takes a whole lot of hate to desire others to commit war crimes like you do. I guess it's Satan in you coming out.

Armed resistance is lawful when its target is soldiers, you stupid Shahida. Not when its target are 3 year olds.
Hamas Says Gaza Not “Occupied”

Fri Jan 6, 2012, 05:21 PM

The UN’s continued labeling of the Gaza Strip as “occupied” was directly contradicted today by a top leader of Hamas, the vehemently anti-Israel Palestinian terror group that controls the territory.

Noting the Hamas statement reflects the reality since Israel's full withdrawal in 2005, the Geneva-based monitoring group UN Watch called on the UN to encourage Palestinians to take responsibility for areas they control, and to cease referring to Gaza, in reports and through officials and spokespeople, as “occupied territory.”

“The UN's traditional practice of absolving Palestinians of responsibility hasn't helped them one iota," said Hillel Neuer, UN Watch executive director. "On the contrary, Palestinian citizens are the main losers when those that directly govern and police them are never seriously held accountable for their actions."

"Now that the Palestinians running Gaza publicly regognize that it's not occupied -- which has been the reality since Israel's disengagement removed every solider, civilian and setttlement in 2005 -- the UN's refusal to do the same will only hinder Palestinians from developing a healthy culture of self-rule," said Neuer.

Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahhar confirmed there was no Israeli occupation of the territory in comments reported today by the Bethlehem-based Ma’an News Agency...

Hamas Says Gaza Not “Occupied” - Democratic Underground
Response Post 19

To the Zionist calling himself Kondor,

Hamas has the right to use violence all the time, they have that right under international law as a people living under Occupation. Armed resistance is lawful.

You keep showing your ignorance here.

And you must really deep down hate Israel a whole lot , to keep desiring Israel commit war crimes. It takes a whole lot of hate to desire others to commit war crimes like you do. I guess it's Satan in you coming out.

Those are the kinds of posts which makes me want to abandon my custom of not neg-repping people.

But you have no reputation at all here to begin with, so I cannot even do that.

You really suck:lol::lol::lol:

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