Hamas funds movie trilogy on Schalit abduction

The only people I know destroying Churches and killing Christians in Palestine are Zionists.

I applaud the beautiful people of Gaza as they are an inspiration for the world and mankind of a people courageously enduring Occupation and a crippling Israeli Blockade.

Viva Palestina!

Would this be the same hamas that is currently destroying churches and murdering Christians in gaza. The same hamas that has stated that gaza is not under occupation and that there is no blockade. The same hamas that has the blood of thousands of innocents on its hands.
Christians were massacred in villages in the Galilee in 1948 by Zionists.

Archbishop Elias Chacon writes of it in his books Blood Brothers and We Belong To The Land.

"In Blood Brothers, Abuna mentions the massacre/mass grave in Gish very briefly. Abuna's motivation has been, and continues to be the search (and work) for peace. Yet there are those who dispute him because the truth is too hard to swallow. Abuna does not write a polemic and is not apologetic in his views. He simply and deeply wants peace. I am not a religious person at all, but I am from Gish. Members of my family in 1948 were instructed by jewish soldiers to collect the dead bodies from roof tops and narrow alleys and move them to the mass burial place in Gish. All of us kids [of Gish] knew where that spot was and we never played near it. Some people will accept the truth only when it fits their beliefs. But unless we learn from history and come to terms with certain atrocities (both palestinian and israeli), peace has no chance."

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Watch "Israelis Bomb Christian Aid Clinic in Gaza City" on YouTube
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The only people I know destroying Churches and killing Christians in Palestine are Zionists.

I applaud the beautiful people of Gaza as they are an inspiration for the world and mankind of a people courageously enduring Occupation and a crippling Israeli Blockade.

Viva Palestina!

Would this be the same hamas that is currently destroying churches and murdering Christians in gaza. The same hamas that has stated that gaza is not under occupation and that there is no blockade. The same hamas that has the blood of thousands of innocents on its hands.

This happens to be the Middle East forum; and apparently you are comatose when it comes to what is going on in the huge Middle East where Christians are being killed and churches destroyed. If you think that all these Christians are being killed in Gaza, perhaps you can tell us why Christians in Israel join the IDF.
Most nations in the world do not call Hamas a terrorist organization.

I call them a Resistance group and the group elected head of the government in Gaza and I call their members fellow human beings who I have more in common with then differences.
According to the losers in our state department.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

You wouldn't be saying that if they were supporters of Hamas and called them a legit government lol

What about everyone else that calls Hamas a terrorist organization (which they obviously are), are they losers too ?

Only up to a point, l'il sherrifool: They agree with you that all the Jews in all the world should be murdered. But UNlike you, they would go on to murder all the Christians, the Hindus, the Buddhists, the Communists.... They see all Christians as denying the oneness of GOD and worshipping a human in Jesus.

And if you, l'il sherriliar, were honest about it: your religion requires you to believe EVERY Muslim who doesn't become a Christian is doomed to Hell forever. EVERY LAST ONE.
The only people I know destroying Churches and killing Christians in Palestine are Zionists.

I applaud the beautiful people of Gaza as they are an inspiration for the world and mankind of a people courageously enduring Occupation and a crippling Israeli Blockade.

Viva Palestina!

Would this be the same hamas that is currently destroying churches and murdering Christians in gaza. The same hamas that has stated that gaza is not under occupation and that there is no blockade. The same hamas that has the blood of thousands of innocents on its hands.

Wow, you're such an idiot.




'Horrible': Christian churches across Egypt stormed, torched - CNN.com




Houses of Jesus burned down in Cairo.

You gonna blame the Zionists for that, too?
Wow, you are such a moron.

You do not even know the boundaries of Israel/Palestine.

I was addressing who was destroying Churches and killing Christians in Palestine.

That is Zionists as I proved.

The only people I know destroying Churches and killing Christians in Palestine are Zionists.

Would this be the same hamas that is currently destroying churches and murdering Christians in gaza. The same hamas that has stated that gaza is not under occupation and that there is no blockade. The same hamas that has the blood of thousands of innocents on its hands.

Wow, you're such an idiot.




'Horrible': Christian churches across Egypt stormed, torched - CNN.com
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Since when is Cairo in Palestine?

NOTHING is in a nation called 'Palestine' - because nobody has declared such a nation. The initial post on the topic implied that the ONLY place Christian houses of worship were attacked as such, was in that mythical 'location' - obviously a falsehood.

So do not blame others for the imprecision in your own use of the English language.
"You do not even know the boundaries of Israel/Palestine.

I was addressing who was destroying Churches and killing Christians in Palestine.

That is Zionists as I proved."

No, O whore of all HAMAS: it is *you* who do not even know that 'Israel' is one place and 'Palestine' another....... Your previous post was not at all clear, and the ONLY thing which your posts have proven is why you are known as the sherriliar, and how much you hate 'Zionists'.

That hatred of yours will send you to Hell right alongside those HAMAS 'heroes' of yours. Unless of course you repent of your insane evil .......
Who knows if the story in the OP is legitimate or not?

But if it is, it is an accomplishment for Hamas to have a movie being successfully made in Gaza , considering the illegal Blockade Israel imposes on Gaza.

I applaud Palestinians in Gaza for the inspiration they remain to the rest of humanity for their courageous struggle against Occupation in Palestine.

Well then, why don't you just go there and die with the animals??
She is the one who does not understand English, do you understand English?

Try to follow this, if your English skills and mind can handle it.

My post was in response to a false claim being made by Phoneall that Hamas was destroying Churches and killing Christians in Gaza.

My response was that the only ones destroying Churches and killing Christians in Palestine were Zionists.

And I proved my statement was true, presenting evidence of a Christian village where Christians were massacred by Zionists in 1948 and presenting evidence of a Church attacked in Bethlehem in 2002 by Israel and a priest murdered by Israel. I also presented a video of an attack on a Christian run medical clinic in Gaza by Israel.

I proved Zionists destroy Churches and kill Christians in Palestine.

Her response is to post photos of Churches allegedly destroyed by someone in Egypt, that proves nothing about attacks on Churches and killing of Christians in Palestine.

Since when is Cairo in Palestine?

perhaps you don't understand her post?

good to know you're still covering the board with terrorist supporting propaganda, though.
She is the one who does not understand English, do you understand English?

Try to follow this, if your English skills and mind can handle it.

My post was in response to a false claim being made by Phoneall that Hamas was destroying Churches and killing Christians in Gaza.

My response was that the only ones destroying Churches and killing Christians in Palestine were Zionists.

And I proved my statement was true, presenting evidence of a Christian village where Christians were massacred by Zionists in 1948 and presenting evidence of a Church attacked in Bethlehem in 2002 by Israel and a priest murdered by Israel. I also presented a video of an attack on a Christian run medical clinic in Gaza by Israel.

I proved Zionists destroy Churches and kill Christians in Palestine.

Her response is to post photos of Churches allegedly destroyed by someone in Egypt, that proves nothing about attacks on Churches and killing of Christians in Palestine.

Since when is Cairo in Palestine?

perhaps you don't understand her post?

good to know you're still covering the board with terrorist supporting propaganda, though.

Says the 3rd shift Satanic Sherri who speaks English as a second language. Does Hamas still resemble Jesus you Satanic imp of Satan or are you going to deny you said it?

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