Hamas Denounces New Designation


Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2008
Ft Worth,TX
Someone on this forum will be upset to hear the latest news about his political party, Hamas.

CAIRO: An Egyptian court on Saturday (Jan 31) banned the armed wing of Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, declaring it a "terrorist" group. Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, denounced the ruling against the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades as "a dangerous political decision that serves the interests of the occupier", referring to Israel.

Since Egypt's military ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi in 2013, the authorities have accused Hamas of aiding militants who have waged a string of deadly attacks on security forces in the Sinai Peninsula.

Saturday's court verdict followed a complaint from a lawyer accusing the Hamas armed wing of direct involvement in "terrorist operations" in the Sinai, which borders Gaza, a court official said. The lawyer also accused the movement of using tunnels under the frontier between Egypt and Gaza to smuggle arms used in attacks against the police and army, the official said. Egypt's military says it has destroyed more than 1,600 tunnels since Morsi's ouster.

Egypt court rules Hamas armed wing terror group - Channel NewsAsia
I don't think military dictatorships are reliable judges of who is and who is not a terrorist. The Egyptian junta jails journalists as terrorists or terrorist sympathizers.
I don't think military dictatorships are reliable judges of who is and who is not a terrorist. The Egyptian junta jails journalists as terrorists or terrorist sympathizers.
Al-Sisi is a military dictatorship? Al-Sisi was elected democratically, in fact it is the Muslim Brotherhood (*Terrorist Organization) that STILL attempts to take over Egypt as the did before, and there is nothing wrong with putting journalists in jail - they are to obey the law as much as everyone else..
Unless you think everyone opposing your prophet is an infidel has to be killed, hmm that's interesting - you do try to convince us that only (radical) Muslims are above the law..you are one hell of a hypocrite, and a propagandist liar..we already agreed you're dumb so..best not asking your opinion as well, thank you for your time.
Al-Sisi was "elected" after the democratically elected Government was overthrown via a military coup. The Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) was outlawed and its members (who won 48% of the vote in Egypt's only free elections ever) was outlawed and its members could not vote. Al-Sisi was not democratically elected, he is simply another military dictator.
GAZA (Reuters) - A source close to Hamas' armed wing signaled on Saturday the group would no longer accept Cairo as a broker between it and Israel, after an Egyptian court banned the Islamist group's armed wing and listed it as a terrorist organization.

Source close to Hamas says no longer accepts Egypt as Israel mediator - Yahoo News

That's just a shocker when Egypt just called them out.

Egypt's mediation sucked anyway. They always sided with Israel.

They were supposed to mediate the ceasefire from last August and they still have their thumb up their ass.
GAZA (Reuters) - A source close to Hamas' armed wing signaled on Saturday the group would no longer accept Cairo as a broker between it and Israel, after an Egyptian court banned the Islamist group's armed wing and listed it as a terrorist organization.

Source close to Hamas says no longer accepts Egypt as Israel mediator - Yahoo News

That's just a shocker when Egypt just called them out.

Egypt's mediation sucked anyway. They always sided with Israel.

They were supposed to mediate the ceasefire from last August and they still have their thumb up their ass.
I heard they know how to blow up tunnels very well....................
GAZA (Reuters) - A source close to Hamas' armed wing signaled on Saturday the group would no longer accept Cairo as a broker between it and Israel, after an Egyptian court banned the Islamist group's armed wing and listed it as a terrorist organization.

Source close to Hamas says no longer accepts Egypt as Israel mediator - Yahoo News

That's just a shocker when Egypt just called them out.

Egypt's mediation sucked anyway. They always sided with Israel.

They were supposed to mediate the ceasefire from last August and they still have their thumb up their ass.
I heard they know how to blow up tunnels very well....................
Everybody who sides with Israel blows things up.

Birds of a feather...
GAZA (Reuters) - A source close to Hamas' armed wing signaled on Saturday the group would no longer accept Cairo as a broker between it and Israel, after an Egyptian court banned the Islamist group's armed wing and listed it as a terrorist organization.

Source close to Hamas says no longer accepts Egypt as Israel mediator - Yahoo News

That's just a shocker when Egypt just called them out.

Egypt's mediation sucked anyway. They always sided with Israel.

They were supposed to mediate the ceasefire from last August and they still have their thumb up their ass.
I heard they know how to blow up tunnels very well....................
Everybody who sides with Israel blows things up.

Birds of a feather...
How's the supply lines fairing now..............................

They got blown up..........................EGYPT just bitch slapped HAMAS.
Egypt is even a better mediator for the Palestinians now, and for Israel as well by the way.
The Egyptians are vowed to fight the radical Islamic organizations including the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt is among the only Muslim states the promote nationality (because of state geographic) over religious branches that breed chaos in the ME, the Muslim Brotherhood is the Palestinian's Hamas for the Egyptians.
And thanks to the military coup Morsi was put in jail for his crimes (in his time of dictatorship) and Sisi forced democratic elections where the Muslim Brotherhood (had 80% of the seats in Morsi's time) got only 1 seat;
Bye bye radicalism :lol:
They were not democratic elections in Egypt. The majority was not allowed to vote. Egypt is a military dictatorship beholden to the U.S.,(for military aid) just like it was under Mubarek. This is what Israel needs and wants. It will work for a while, but eventually there will be popular revolts as happened in the "Arab Spring".
They were not democratic elections in Egypt. The majority was not allowed to vote. Egypt is a military dictatorship beholden to the U.S.,(for military aid) just like it was under Mubarek. This is what Israel needs and wants. It will work for a while, but eventually there will be popular revolts as happened in the "Arab Spring".
The Majority was fully allowed to vote, Egypt is past the Morsi dictatorship - the one Obama supported (the Muslim Brotherhood) which is why the US - which picked the wrong side again - is officially ruined the affairs with Egypt, forget about Israel - Sisi is a liberal and modern peace seeking man and you can see the results in Egypt.
The fact its good for Israel is just a side-effect, I'm not willing to go and explain to you again why the Arab spring is just an indicator for the future because you are on the run for blaming Israel, which is why you're just a bullshit factory so better keep you uneducated, but just for the record - you are wrong, and you have zero understanding about the ME, plus you support a radical Islamic organizations which are the only reason the world is pulling itself backward with massive chaos all over the ME, and now in Europe as well, I'm done talking to you for good.. - ignored.
It is you that are in fantasy land. Morsi had been elected in the only free elections Egypt ever had. Even U.S. election observers, funded by my Government confirm this fact. I would tend to believe my fellow citizens rather than a rabid Israeli Zionist.

"US election observers have declared that it was impossible for Egypt to have a democratic election, as the country's former military strongman declared victory with more than 90 per cent of the vote.

Independent election monitors Democracy International which is funded by the US government, had 86 observers monitoring the latest presidential elections.

And voters overwhelming elected the country's former army chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, the very man who overthrew Egypt's first democratically elected president, Mohammed Morsi."

The World Today - Independent monitors say Egypt elections could not be legitimate 30 05 2014
Why do you post nonsense Danny. Do you think Americans don't have a free press? Do you think we don't know you are full of crap?

From USA Today:

"CAIRO — Nearly four years after ousting one dictator, Egyptians may be facing an even more oppressive regime.

President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, a former army chief, is bringing military-like precision to target dissent by tightening control of the media and issuing a decree that could further obstruct justice in the nation.

"A lot of people have been silenced, killed by Sisi," said Nagy Gabbala, 42, who lives in a crowded neighborhood in western Cairo. "He ties our wrists. There is no freedom."

Egypt faces a new harsher kind of repression
Guess what the world no longer cares as it knows that it is the Palestinians that don't want peace, and this move has just proven it. So who will they turn to when they start the next war with Israel and they are getting mown down like corn in a field

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