Haley wins DC

But it is. You gotta deal with a situation as you find it, not as you think it should be.

No. I will vote Biden again
Trumpy claims he lost on purpose. Who needs any more proof of his brain damage?
  1. District of Columbia primary results
    From The Associated Press
    · Learn more
    District of Columbia
    19 District of Columbia delegates won by Nikki Haley
    The Associated Press has called this race · 19 District of Columbia delegates available · Updated yesterday at 9:50 PM EST

    100% reporting
You'd be a fool to pay $4,000 for a disgusting looking pair of boot
People spend money on the strangest things. I'm not here to judge when I'm the one making the profit.
A good friend of mine spent almost $2000 on a pair of tennis shoes. $2000 to her is like $20 to most people, though, and it makes her happy for a minute.
He has my vote until someone I think will do a better job joins the race.
And yes, you'd be a fool not to buy a $400 dollar item that you can flip for $4000.

I damn sure would have bought a pair, but they were sold out by the time I heard about them. They'll go for more than 4K down the road.

I damn sure would have bought a pair, but they were sold out by the time I heard about them. They'll go for more than 4K down the road.

Me, too. I would've bought multiples, to be honest.
One pair sold for $6000 on 2/19.
One idiot paid $400 for a picture of them.

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