HA! German leftist Merkel: Refugees, Germany is temporary, please go home when war over! Yeah sure


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Merkel warns asylum seekers that German refuge is 'temporary'

Folks....liberalism is a total disaster. Germanys migrant crisis is getting out of control. The leftist leader Merkel welcomed them with an "open door" policy. It was a total disaster.

NOW what does she say??? She says Germany is just "temporary" and.....get this shit.....once the wars are over and ISIS is defeated, she expects them to respectfully acknowledge what Germany has done for them....and go home.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! This liberal bitch thinks all these Muslim men are going to LEAVE Germany and go back to what's left of Syria??? Leave all the government handouts and white women? Leave the good weather and infrastructure??

Sorry bitch. You wanted 1,000,000 Muslim immigrants....you got em...and more. And they aren't leaving.

I can see her press conference after President Rubio destroys ISIS.

"My message to all the wonderful peaceful refugees who came here....we embraced you and welcomed you...now...repay us that compassion and return to your homeland." (Meanwhile they are still flooding in and raping everyone)
they will be scattered across europe with no way to trace them. How to round them up and force them into syria?

They should have been kept close to home in the first place.

This whole refuge for syrians was a bad idea before it was even through of

Sadly more are still dying trying to reach europe
they will be scattered across europe with no way to trace them. How to round them up and force them into syria?

They should have been kept close to home in the first place.

This whole refuge for syrians was a bad idea before it was even through of

Sadly more are still dying trying to reach europe

Yep. It's irreversible. They aren't leaving. And their numbers will multiply. Liberals over there brought this upon themselves.

Thank God we have the Atlantic Ocean.
Muslims wont leave until they reach their....
Rape enz us some fine German bitches quota is reached....
That's quite a reversal for Merkel. I wonder what caused it? Maybe the anti-migrant sentiment in Germany is much stronger than their media has been leading people to believe?
I doubt any of the refugees will go home.

Why should they when German taxpayers are bankrolling their lives for them.

Good luck to Germany trying to remove them.
That's quite a reversal for Merkel. I wonder what caused it? Maybe the anti-migrant sentiment in Germany is much stronger than their media has been leading people to believe?

It is much stronger. The media doesn't want to show it because it's basically the failure of liberalism on display.

Germany will provide them welfare, housing, Western healthcare, a better climate, legitimate military and police protection, and millions of white women.

Syria will provide them.....heat, disease, crumbled infrastructure, devastated cities, no protection, no stable food and healthcare and a 10,000 year history of the same shit repeating.

And she thinks they're gonna voluntarily go back???

Fucking liberals. Just when you thought they couldn't get any dumber....they go and do something like this....
Actually a lot of refugees do go back home once the crisis is over and the country stabilizes.

So syria is going to be different than mexico?:lmao:

It actually is a bit different. There are lots of areas of Mexico that are nice. The military at least is somewhat competent. The Mexican Marines do good work. So....there is SOME hope there.

Not Syria or Iraq. It's a hell hole. Those refugees are staying in Germany for good.
Actually a lot of refugees do go back home once the crisis is over and the country stabilizes.

So syria is going to be different than mexico?:lmao:

It actually is a bit different. There are lots of areas of Mexico that are nice. The military at least is somewhat competent. The Mexican Marines do good work. So....there is SOME hope there.

Not Syria or Iraq. It's a hell hole. Those refugees are staying in Germany for good.

Which was kind of my point.
If mexicans are coming to stay you can damn well bet the syrians are as well.
She knows better.

She's just kicking the can down the road and creating a lovely sanctuary for herself right now.

Any time anyone bitches she'll simply claim they'll all be leaving.

This one's right up there with 'if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor' a lie meant to quell anger and get what you want done over the objections of the people whose interests she was supposedly elected to represent.

Duplicity at it's finest. Well done.
they will be scattered across europe with no way to trace them. How to round them up and force them into syria?

They should have been kept close to home in the first place.

This whole refuge for syrians was a bad idea before it was even through of

Sadly more are still dying trying to reach europe

Yep. It's irreversible. They aren't leaving. And their numbers will multiply. Liberals over there brought this upon themselves.

Thank God we have the Atlantic Ocean.

God? I'm pretty sure Jesus would have taken them in. They acted with good intentions. Don't blame them, blame the refugees behaving badly.
they will be scattered across europe with no way to trace them. How to round them up and force them into syria?

They should have been kept close to home in the first place.

This whole refuge for syrians was a bad idea before it was even through of

Sadly more are still dying trying to reach europe

Yep. It's irreversible. They aren't leaving. And their numbers will multiply. Liberals over there brought this upon themselves.

Thank God we have the Atlantic Ocean.

God? I'm pretty sure Jesus would have taken them in. They acted with good intentions. Don't blame them, blame the refugees behaving badly.

Except....we knew the bad behavior would happen BEFORE they were let in. That's why many Germans didn't want them in.

God also strikes down evil people ya know.
they will be scattered across europe with no way to trace them. How to round them up and force them into syria?

They should have been kept close to home in the first place.

This whole refuge for syrians was a bad idea before it was even through of

Sadly more are still dying trying to reach europe

Yep. It's irreversible. They aren't leaving. And their numbers will multiply. Liberals over there brought this upon themselves.

Thank God we have the Atlantic Ocean.

God? I'm pretty sure Jesus would have taken them in. They acted with good intentions. Don't blame them, blame the refugees behaving badly.

Except....we knew the bad behavior would happen BEFORE they were let in. That's why many Germans didn't want them in.

God also strikes down evil people ya know.

You can predict the future can you? If all the people are so bad why did the repubs want to get rid of Assad? Isn't he a good fit for them?

Do you doubt Jesus would have helped these people?

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