Guns, our culture, and politics

Looking at the latest gun-related tragedy from a non-ideological perspective, both sides of the gun issue have reasonable points to make, and neither appears to be addressing what may be the real problem.

The pro-gun side makes a very reasonable point, that law-abiding gun owners are not the same people who perpetrate these horrible crimes. As long as guns are available, and they always will be to some extent, a crazy person will be able to get their hands on one.

The pro-gun control side also make a reasonable point, that enforcing certain gun limits in a civilized society is not unconstitutional, because that society has to maintain some levels of control to avoid anarchy. People continue to die and little is changing.

So what are we supposed to do? And why does America have this problem - damaged people getting their hands on guns with the intent of going out in a murderous blaze of glory?

I submit the fundamental problem here is the same problem that is plaguing us in other areas as well: Our culture.

Look at our popular culture: Young people sitting near catatonic in front of the TV screens playing violent video games for hours and days on end; movies that show extreme violence and death with conscience-numbing ease, made even worse by incredible special effects; music that glorifies hatred and violence; a political environment polluted by anger and personal attacks; a popular culture that creates "celebrities" with no discernible talents or abilities; the isolating narcissism of the "selfie generation"; on and on. And perhaps worst of all is the way every one of these psychopaths knows they will finally become famous when they perpetrate their crime.

And then we wonder why this country continues to churn out insane murderers far more frequently than any other country.

Thoughts? What role, if any, is our culture contributing to this madness, and what can be done about it?

I totally agree.. we are swimming in cultural rot. Guns aren't the problem, the problem is that someone is that deranged that they would even consider doing something so horrific. People scoff at the notion of Ozzie and Harriett... and ok, that's a bit much. But look what passes for ok in this day and age... pretty much anything. We've lost almost any notion of common decency in lieu of being "open minded". In that quest we've been brow beaten that we must accept anything.

And here we are... staring into the abyss that has become our new norm...
The people who are making a point to tell us that we are experiencing the safest period in our history are also "hunkering down" and stocking up on ammo. That's an interesting paradox.
Looking at the latest gun-related tragedy from a non-ideological perspective, both sides of the gun issue have reasonable points to make, and neither appears to be addressing what may be the real problem.

The pro-gun side makes a very reasonable point, that law-abiding gun owners are not the same people who perpetrate these horrible crimes. As long as guns are available, and they always will be to some extent, a crazy person will be able to get their hands on one.

The pro-gun control side [I think you meant anti-gun-rights side?] also make a reasonable point, that enforcing certain gun limits in a civilized society is not unconstitutional,
Is there any evidence to show that these "certain gun limits" have had any effect at all on the number or severity of these mass murders? Or any other crimes?
because that society has to maintain some levels of control to avoid anarchy.
They certainly do. We have to have laws prohibiting murder, assault, threats etc., with equal penalties when knives are used, or guns, or automobiles, or bare hands etc. A murder is a murder. The tool used, obviously, is unimportant.

And we do have those laws.

And they are all we need "to avoid anarchy". Or for their real purpose, to avoid murders, assaults, etc.

But to certain insane people (like this Oregon mass murderer), laws obviously make no difference. Many of them are not afraid to die, and a number of them take their own lives.

The only way to keep guns out of their hands, is to ban all guns everywhere. But criminals would still get them, or make them (not difficult for a machinist or even a zip-gun artist).

And the net result would be far worse than the present situation, where people have some chance of defending themselves, and so many murderers (even the insane mass-murderers who want a big splash after they're dead or gone) would not bother trying if they knew their victims may be armed.

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