Gunman Sent Package To NBC News..What Does This Mean?


Feb 15, 2007
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Northern Minnesota In A Cabin
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Sometime after he killed two people in a Virginia university dormitory but before he slaughtered 30 more in a classroom building Monday morning, Cho Seung-Hui mailed NBC News a large package, including photographs and videos, boasting that &#8220;when the time came, I did it. I had to.&#8221;


I mentioned earlier about copy cat killers....This is a monument to people who want to go out with a bang...

The way the killer did this....has soaked in to alota other nut cases out there now.

He created a beautiful new way for people to go out.....This was so planned's almost scary.

I watched interviews with the family of the victims.....This is so sad..just heart breaking to me..:(

Suicide..and frustration is taking on a new form...

It's these kinda people..that scare me more than guns.

Is this a one time thing....???

How do you protect yourself from those..that are this sick?...He planned it the point it will encourage others...It seems like nut cases now days wana out-do the last.

It's weird..that suicide many years back..One would take a life..and the extreme sad cases children..or spouse etc...

Now wants to take as many out with him as possible..(small percentage obviously)...but that small percentage is the most deadly of those who do take that route.

This is society...another lock on your door,stronger gun laws,even more police aint gona stop these tradegies.

I'm just bitching right now...I have no dam solution to this sick bastard..or who to blame...

Just imagine how the parents feel...We've all lost those we love...Pain..they are numb to what's happened...Years of sorrow for the family.

Maybe everybody should just bow there head...feel the loss.

The only debate an individual who killed alot of life...

Gun Control won't. Raising the price of guns and the ammunition will. How about paying 2000 for a box of bullets? Or no guns sold under 5K? That might cut some shit down and make it harder for people to get guns. Or pehaps it would just open up the black market. But it would still make it harder. You can't make people turn in their guns. But you sure as hell can hurt their wallet by buying one.

Is this a one time thing....???

How do you protect yourself from those..that are this sick?...He planned it the point it will encourage others...It seems like nut cases now days wana out-do the last.

It's weird..that suicide many years back..One would take a life..and the extreme sad cases children..or spouse etc...

Now wants to take as many out with him as possible..(small percentage obviously)...but that small percentage is the most deadly of those who do take that route.

This is society...another lock on your door,stronger gun laws,even more police aint gona stop these tradegies.

I'm just bitching right now...I have no dam solution to this sick bastard..or who to blame...

Just imagine how the parents feel...We've all lost those we love...Pain..they are numb to what's happened...Years of sorrow for the family.

Maybe everybody should just bow there head...feel the loss.

The only debate an individual who killed alot of life...

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