Gunman critically wounds 7 in Tennessee church

Bill O'Reilly, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity on accused shooter's reading list : Church shooting : Knoxville News Sentinel

Police found right-wing political books, brass knuckles, empty shotgun shell boxes and a handgun in the Powell home of a man who said he attacked a church in order to kill liberals "who are ruining the country," court records show.

He would fit right in on this message board.
I'll bet the kid who shot up VA tech was a liberal. Which would explain why the press never mentioned his political affiliation....

even if he was (which he wasn't)

the people he shot weren't shot for being conservatives.

Bill O'Reilly, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity on accused shooter's reading list : Church shooting : Knoxville News Sentinel

Police found right-wing political books, brass knuckles, empty shotgun shell boxes and a handgun in the Powell home of a man who said he attacked a church in order to kill liberals "who are ruining the country," court records show.

He would fit right in on this message board.

oh see some of the comments regarding the gay kid who got kilt for asking a classmate to be his valentine.
point being

perhaps conservative philosophy lends itself to provide the excuses loony killers need.

whilst liberalism does not.

I don't think it's conservatism at all. There's a peculiar form of reactionary righgt wing politics - it's not limited to US politics but I think it's been highly popularised there, perhaps even made into an industry - that only the truly crazy get into. I think there are more unbalanced people in that area of politics than any other and they're represented by people like O'Reilly, Savage, Hannity, Coulter et al. The entertainers I've just listed may be doing it for show but the crazies suck it all down.

They're not real conservatives is my point.
so when was the last time a liberal wing nut went psycho and shot up a bunch of conservatives?

What difference does that make?

i mean if this incident is solely based on the dude being loony...shouldn't there be psycho liberal killer out there?

Totally irrelevant.

If you can't understand why that argument is specious, I can't explain it to you.

Look I dispise the right wing hate mongers as much as you do.

But to stifle them, based on this incident is a mistake, and a violation of free speech.

Are they calling for people to kill liberals?

If not, then they are not violating the law or abusing the first amendment.

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