Gun owners face much higher murder risk....NRA kills study

Very good thread!
And also, i think it's time to think about necessity of guns. As we can see, most angry gun owners, also understood that guns don't make your life safe, but i'm surprised that some people here, still don't wanna listen arguments...

I am curious where you come by your opinion......
I'm not sure.

Then how about you find out before you accuse the NRA of "blocking" this information from getting out?
I know the heavy hand of the NRA is involved in squelching the study. I'm not sure if the data is compiled and in publishable form

So only the government can compile and publish it?
Government conducted the study. Would you have raw data compiled by a politically motivated organization?

Considering the CDC is a federal executive agency, and we have a gun grabber as the executive, it would be politically motivated if it came from the CDC anyway.
Certainly those opposed to any study linking guns to unnecessary deaths would think that. Certainly the gun lobby would think that. And certainly those with deep pockets and interested in selling more and more guns would think that.

But that negates science. And science is a sticky wicket for those groups and other Conservative political agendas.
You don't need science.....just check the CDC and the FBI...gun mureder and gun accidents....are going down, not up....and more people are buying and carrying guns....

Get guns out of the hands of criminals...leave regular people alone...
Sorry to say that I walked into a murder suicide 3 years ago.. Dad shot his son in the head for revenge of his wife moving out and divorcing him . I was their neighbor of 18 years and watched the boy grow up.
The dad was not suppose to have a gun, but he slipped through the cracks. If he didn't have a gun, his son Andrew may have had a fighting chance.
The dad killed himself hours before I walked in, I could have been shot as well...You never think that could happen to you.
MMS Error

During the study period, 1860 homicides occurred in the three counties, 444 of them (23.9 percent) in the home of the victim. After excluding 24 cases for various reasons, we interviewed proxy respondents for 93 percent of the victims. Controls were identified for 99 percent of these, yielding 388 matched pairs. As compared with the controls, the victims more often lived alone or rented their residence. Also, case households more commonly contained an illicit-drug user, a person with prior arrests, or someone who had been hit or hurt in a fight in the home. After controlling for these characteristics, we found that keeping a gun in the home was strongly and independently associated with an increased risk of homicide (adjusted odds ratio, 2.7; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.6 to 4.4). Virtually all of this risk involved homicide by a family member or intimate acquaintance.
Full Text of Results...
The use of illicit drugs and a history of physical fights in the home are important risk factors for homicide in the home. Rather than confer protection, guns kept in the home are associated with an increase in the risk of homicide by a family member or intimate acquaintance.

I bet a person that owns a car is a lot more likely to get into an automobile accident than one who doesn't is all this says.
Sorry to say that I walked into a murder suicide 3 years ago.. Dad shot his son in the head for revenge of his wife moving out and divorcing him . I was their neighbor of 18 years and watched the boy grow up.
The dad was not suppose to have a gun, but he slipped through the cracks. If he didn't have a gun, his son Andrew may have had a fighting chance.
The dad killed himself hours before I walked in, I could have been shot as well...You never think that could happen to you.

I saw,a news story...a father abducted his son and to keep the mother from getting him back set his hotel bed on fire scarring the boy for life...almost killed him........people do horrible things with all sorts of objects......guns aren't the problem...evil humans are...and gun grabbers want to make sure good people are helpless in the face of human evil....
Sorry to say that I walked into a murder suicide 3 years ago.. Dad shot his son in the head for revenge of his wife moving out and divorcing him . I was their neighbor of 18 years and watched the boy grow up.
The dad was not suppose to have a gun, but he slipped through the cracks. If he didn't have a gun, his son Andrew may have had a fighting chance.
The dad killed himself hours before I walked in, I could have been shot as well...You never think that could happen to you.

I posted last week...a 100 year old man killed his wife with an axe and then killed himself with a knife...if he didn't slip through the cracks...or have that axe and knife?

What about the story today...a man beat an infant to death with his hands....because the boy peed on him while he was changing the diaper.....

Hands and feet and knives and clubs kill more people tha all long guns...should hands and feet and knives and clubs be banned?
Why do you good people fall for shit like this?

It's a lie and the OP is a known liar. Why do you insist on bumping a thread based on a complete and lie?

If you must post (I don't see why) simply say, "You're a lying sack of shit" and move on.

Posting on and bumping the thread only gives credence to a lie.

dimocraps are lying scum. It's what they do, it's who they are

Of course people who own guns are more likely to die by the use of firearms in much the same way that people who have swimming pools are much more likely to drown at home. It's common sense, and you obviously possess very little of it, or you'd realize that deadly weapons like guns can't refuse to kill their owners.
The ignorance and stupidity of most rightwing 'gun rights' extremists is truly amazing.

None of the data concerning suicide rates and the like with regard to having a gun in the home can be use as 'justification' or 'evidence' in support of firearm regulatory measures; nor do the data in any way 'undermine' or 'jeopardize' the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment.
So were the guns lawfully owned? Did the gun owners have criminal records?

Or are these people just piece of shit scumbags?

As usual your so called polls are lacking much relevant info.

So were the guns lawfully owned? Did the gun owners have criminal records?

then you wonder what the hell is up

did you catch this

the dude who was with walter scott

Pierre Fulton career criminal had under his belt

2 counts of armed robbery

4 cases of Unlawful Possession of a Pistol

Possession of a Stolen Pistol

plus numerous drug charges

making your point
Then how about you find out before you accuse the NRA of "blocking" this information from getting out?
I know the heavy hand of the NRA is involved in squelching the study. I'm not sure if the data is compiled and in publishable form

So only the government can compile and publish it?
Government conducted the study. Would you have raw data compiled by a politically motivated organization?

Considering the CDC is a federal executive agency, and we have a gun grabber as the executive, it would be politically motivated if it came from the CDC anyway.
Certainly those opposed to any study linking guns to unnecessary deaths would think that. Certainly the gun lobby would think that. And certainly those with deep pockets and interested in selling more and more guns would think that.

But that negates science. And science is a sticky wicket for those groups and other Conservative political agendas.

This isn't science you are talking about, its statistics, and those can easily be made to lie to suit an agenda. Running to "science" in this case is comical, and belies your own agenda, i.e. gun grabbing.
Very good thread!
And also, i think it's time to think about necessity of guns. As we can see, most angry gun owners, also understood that guns don't make your life safe, but i'm surprised that some people here, still don't wanna listen arguments...

I've had to use one to defend myself and my wife.
So yes in certain cases they do make you safer.

What are you talking about....more people now own and actually carry guns for protection......and the gun murder rate is going down, not up......and the gun accident rate and the accidental gun death rate are going down, not up....and those aren't facts from the NRA, those are stats and facts from the FBI and the CDC......

So you obviously are new to this debate....and for 1.6 million Americans a year, on average, who use guns to stop or prevent violent criminal attack and save lives....yeah, they would say that gun made them safer.......vs.....8-9,000 gun murders a year........which number is larger.....?

Pretty sure you answered the wrong post.

How many of those guns that killed someone were LEGAL guns?
How many of those guns that killed someone were ILLEGAL guns, a felon in possession of a handgun is illegal.
Does any part of those stats distinguish between the two?

How many of those guns that killed someone were LEGAL guns?
How many of those guns that killed someone were ILLEGAL guns, a felon in possession of a handgun is illegal.
Does any part of those stats distinguish between the two?

that data is not accurate, I saw a breakdown of the people who assembled it, I don't remember where....and of course they don't link where they got it from.....they lie about the numbers....and for example teens 12-17......look for the majority of those to be gang members killed by other gang is deceptions like that make it impossible to take gun grabbers seriously....

The FBI table 8 shows the gun murder rate in 2009 at about 9,000 and the rate in 2013 at 8, again...they fudge or lie about the numbers..

and they don't show that accidental gun deaths...about 6-700 each year........which they don't show in the accidental shooting number....

Never, ever trust anti gunners......
What everyone has known for decades, having a gun in your home does not make you safer

Gun owners face much higher murder risks researchers said. Then the NRA silenced them.

The most common reason that people have a gun is because they have it for home protection,” he says. “Unfortunately, the data indicates that having a gun is associated with both an increased risk of homicide, but even more importantly, an increased risk of suicide. We know that, for example, if there’s a gun in the home, the risk of suicide among adolescents and young adults increases tenfold.”
Back in 1993, Rivara and his colleagues released this information in a series of articles that appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine, one of the most highly respected medical journals in the world. The NRA quickly went after the research — as well as Rivara and his colleagues.
Rivara says 10 pro-gun senators worked to get the ear of Arlen Specter, then a senator from Pennsylvania and chairman of the Health and Human Services Committee.
“[Specter] approached the Centers for Disease and Control and discussed the idea that this research was biased,” says Rivara. Congress “ended up cutting the CDC budget by the exact amount of money that was used to fund the gun research. They had first threatened to cut all of the funding for injury research at the CDC. They didn’t do that, but they ended up cutting it by the exact amount that was spent on gun research.”.

So a gangsta who owns a gun is more likely to get killed. Wow, what an insight, thanks for that big guy. No shit Dick Tracey.

How many of those guns that killed someone were LEGAL guns?
How many of those guns that killed someone were ILLEGAL guns, a felon in possession of a handgun is illegal.
Does any part of those stats distinguish between the two?

that data is not accurate, I saw a breakdown of the people who assembled it, I don't remember where....and of course they don't link where they got it from.....they lie about the numbers....and for example teens 12-17......look for the majority of those to be gang members killed by other gang is deceptions like that make it impossible to take gun grabbers seriously....

The FBI table 8 shows the gun murder rate in 2009 at about 9,000 and the rate in 2013 at 8, again...they fudge or lie about the numbers..

and they don't show that accidental gun deaths...about 6-700 each year........which they don't show in the accidental shooting number....

Never, ever trust anti gunners......

HAHA!! I don't trust a "anti-gunner" as far as I could throw their fat asses. I refer back to a 70s bumper sticker "They can have my gun when they pry it from my cold, dead hands".

So far, not one of these cowards has made a move for mine.........
What everyone has known for decades, having a gun in your home does not make you safer

Gun owners face much higher murder risks researchers said. Then the NRA silenced them.

The most common reason that people have a gun is because they have it for home protection,” he says. “Unfortunately, the data indicates that having a gun is associated with both an increased risk of homicide, but even more importantly, an increased risk of suicide. We know that, for example, if there’s a gun in the home, the risk of suicide among adolescents and young adults increases tenfold.”
Back in 1993, Rivara and his colleagues released this information in a series of articles that appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine, one of the most highly respected medical journals in the world. The NRA quickly went after the research — as well as Rivara and his colleagues.
Rivara says 10 pro-gun senators worked to get the ear of Arlen Specter, then a senator from Pennsylvania and chairman of the Health and Human Services Committee.
“[Specter] approached the Centers for Disease and Control and discussed the idea that this research was biased,” says Rivara. Congress “ended up cutting the CDC budget by the exact amount of money that was used to fund the gun research. They had first threatened to cut all of the funding for injury research at the CDC. They didn’t do that, but they ended up cutting it by the exact amount that was spent on gun research.”.

So what's your plan, big guy?

Keeping guns from criminals - liberals what is your plan US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

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Why do you good people fall for shit like this?

It's a lie and the OP is a known liar. Why do you insist on bumping a thread based on a complete and lie?

If you must post (I don't see why) simply say, "You're a lying sack of shit" and move on.

Posting on and bumping the thread only gives credence to a lie.

dimocraps are lying scum. It's what they do, it's who they are

Of course people who own guns are more likely to die by the use of firearms in much the same way that people who have swimming pools are much more likely to drown at home. It's common sense, and you obviously possess very little of it, or you'd realize that deadly weapons like guns can't refuse to kill their owners.

So you're saying we should outlaw swimming pools?

What a non-argument. A swimming pool is not going to on the other hand drown someone who breaks into your home or who accosts you on the street.

Actually most people using guns for defense never fire a shot. That is how leftists twist statistics. You only count the ones who get shot on both sides. You have to, when you count the people who defended themselves without a shot, your data is washed away in a tidal wave
Why do you good people fall for shit like this?

It's a lie and the OP is a known liar. Why do you insist on bumping a thread based on a complete and lie?

If you must post (I don't see why) simply say, "You're a lying sack of shit" and move on.

Posting on and bumping the thread only gives credence to a lie.

dimocraps are lying scum. It's what they do, it's who they are

Of course people who own guns are more likely to die by the use of firearms in much the same way that people who have swimming pools are much more likely to drown at home. It's common sense, and you obviously possess very little of it, or you'd realize that deadly weapons like guns can't refuse to kill their owners.

So you're saying we should outlaw swimming pools?

What a non-argument. A swimming pool is not going to on the other hand drown someone who breaks into your home or who accosts you on the street.

Actually most people using guns for defense never fire a shot. That is how leftists twist statistics. You only count the ones who get shot on both sides. You have to, when you count the people who defended themselves without a shot, your data is washed away in a tidal wave

No, I'm saying we should outlaw water.

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