Gun makers moving south...


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
Liberal lawmakers in the NE are literally running businesses away.

Ruger, Beretta and Remington are expanding by building new factories in North Carolina, Tennessee and Alabama respectively.

Another firm, PTR, a maker of assault rifles is moving their operation and 50 employees to South Carolina.

For PTR, tax credits, cash grants and other incentives helped make the move to South Carolina worthwhile, Mr. Fiorini said. For one thing, PTR will not have to pay rent at the new facility near Myrtle Beach, S.C., while it still occupies the old factory in Bristol. Mr. Fiorini added that the incentive packages from Texas and South Dakota were also generous, but in the end he chose South Carolina in part because it was a shorter move.

“Were we all sort of pissed off about the legislation? Yes,” he said. “Were we pissed off enough to spend millions of dollars to move? No.”

Mr. Fiorini said his chief worry was that the new state law would ultimately make it impossible to legally make assault rifles in Connecticut, even if the legislation specifically restricted the sale, not the manufacture, of the guns.

For example, he said, the law permits assault rifles to be transported in Connecticut for the purposes of sale elsewhere. But what if they are being transported as part of the manufacturing process itself, like for painting or testing at the rifle range?

“It’s a conservative reading of the law,” Mr. Fiorini conceded. “State officials will tell you that my fears are overblown. But why do I need to do business in a place where I have fears, overblown or otherwise? We’d rather be in a place with no gray areas.”

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