Gun Grabbers in Oregon give up fight for now to take away rifles


What they need to understand.... people who have their emotions pumped to get poll numbers up do not vote on that issue...... People who actually stand for Civil Rights without emotion, will remember what they tried to do and vote against those politicians who caved to petty emotional tactics......

remember in November, any vote for a democrat is a vote to end the 2nd Amendment....

And the other ones too...

What they need to understand.... people who have their emotions pumped to get poll numbers up do not vote on that issue...... People who actually stand for Civil Rights without emotion, will remember what they tried to do and vote against those politicians who caved to petty emotional tactics......

remember in November, any vote for a democrat is a vote to end the 2nd Amendment....

And the other ones too...

The DNC chairman said that the socialist woman in NY is the future of the Democrat party. Finally, they are being honest about the direction they want to take the country. An armed populace is just one of the things standing in their way. Freedom of speech is another hurdle they must overcome. So glad that the majority still understand that a Constitutional Republic is best for all people. Voting Dem means the end of that and eventually moving to the extreme left, which is Oligarchy. There is nothing else at the end of the road if we turn that way.
Why don't the libs just ask the criminals and the gang members to give up their guns and leave the law abiding citizens out of it. . Problem solved.

You mean they haven't already given up their illegal weapons? Hard to believe considering all the gun-free zones and warnings from the left. How is their plan to disarm the public going to work if those damn criminals aren't going to cooperate?
You mean they haven't already given up their illegal weapons? Hard to believe considering all the gun-free zones and warnings from the left. How is their plan to disarm the public going to work if those damn criminals aren't going to cooperate?


For now, but reading the article, it seems these pains in the ass are not going away, just being delayed.

So they will try again next year, spend the money, the battles in court, and if it makes it to the ballot and passed, then it gets challenged in the court system all the way up to the Supreme Court where we will have home team advantage.

It's one thing about the assault guns, but another to say the law would hold burglary victims responsible if their stolen gun was used in a crime or to kill somebody. These people are so anti-American it's downright disgusting. What's next? If somebody steals your car and runs over somebody, you are responsible because your car was stolen?
Its only a matter of time before the ban. Liberal filth from California now infests Oregon and Washington, both states are gun ban targets.
Bloomberg butted his nose into Washington State, he spent millions of dollars running anti gun ads full of lies. Now if you want to trade or sell a gun you have to pay a licensed gun dealer to process the transaction. This was a direct attack on gun shows which are popular in Oregon and Washington. Even though there have been no issues with private gun sales prior, they lied and made it sound like NK was buying guns from private owners. F you Bloomberg.

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