Gun deaths now leading cause of death for children in America.

The thread is about children

not adults.

What do you not understand about people over the age of 18 not being children in the eyes of the law?
The 79,000 DEAD Americans includes many children. We understand Dems are being intentionally dishonest and spinning because they are lying lowlife scum. So we are confronting you with the whole story not a cherry picked slice of the story. Tissue?
The 79,000 DEAD Americans includes many children. We understand Dems are being intentionally dishonest and spinning because they are lying lowlife scum. So we are confronting you with the whole story not a cherry picked slice of the story. Tissue?
Start another thread then.

This thread is clearly about the deaths of children from gun violence.

And if a person wants to buy an illegal drug from a dealer then getting fentanyl laced drugs is the risk he willingly takes.
I never was in the USA and as far as it is in the will of god I will hopefully also never have to visit the USA.

And yet, never having been here, being completely ignorantly about our country and our culture and the underpinnings of our system of laws and government, you feel qualified to preach to us about how we should run our country.

You're German, right?

It seems that you Germans have a fondness for trying to impose your own unwelcome will on the people of other nations. Last time you made a serious effort at it was a long time ago, but history records that it did not end well for you.

I guess, even a few generations later, your kind will never learn.

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